"Is she in a meeting? It's important, I really need to know."

Another pause. "Actually, she's at the vet now. Robert got sick. I doubt she'll be back, but maybe you can try her on her cell tonight?"

He tried to calm his racing heart. "Do you know what's wrong with him?"

"Some type of infection. Look, I'd give her some time and--"

"Which vet?"

"The Animal Menagerie Hospital. Umm, Slade, I don't think you should--"

He hung up. Stuffed the folders in his briefcase, grabbed his suit jacket, and headed out. He stopped at his secretary's desk to forward his calls, cancel some meetings, and whizzed past his boss's office, ignoring his pleas to pause for a chat.

Slade knew that dog meant the world to Kate. He also figured she was there alone, handling things in her life like she always did, with a poised control and fierce independence that never allowed her to show weakness. She wouldn't bother anyone else for support because she was the one who tried to take care of others.

Not today. Just once, he wanted to take care of her.

Slade refused to question his intentions as he got into his Jag and headed toward Verily.

"WILL HE BE OKAY?" Kate asked the question calmly, but her lower lip trembled. Something had been wrong with Robert, but she hated dragging him to the vet each time she suspected a problem. She'd learned to wait it out a bit, and many times it was a brief bladder problem or a minor skin infection she was able to cure by bathing him and slathering him with the special medicine the doctor had provided.

This morning, she'd had to express his bladder manually and knew he was in pain. Every time she went through the vet's doors, she wondered if she'd come back out. She was warned early that paraplegic dogs sometimes had many health issues along the way, but she swore to do everything possible to avoid them.

"This infection definitely spread out of control," Dr. Burke informed her. He stroked Robert's head with the kind affection from years of treatment and friendship. "I'm going to put him on strong antibiotics and wait on the results from the lab. Lots of water, and add a splash of cranberry juice for some acid. Keep an eye on him and give him some extra bathing time."

Relief loosened her chest. They'd gotten through some bad infections before, and usually Robert fought them off like a champ. His big brown eyes studied the doctor with serious intent, as if waiting for the final diagnosis.

Kate pressed a kiss to the top of his head, held up his chin, and looked him straight in the eye. "It's just a bad bladder infection, baby," she said. "Meds and baths. Not so bad. And more time with Mommy."

One lick. And as if he understood, he flopped his head back down on the table, totally chill that he knew it wasn't serious. Kate smiled and quickly analyzed the next two days. She'd stay home today, but tomorrow was the big expo in Manhattan. It had taken two years to get Kinnections into the lineup, so she had to go. Her mom could probably stay with Robert all day and then--

The door flung open. Slade walked in, his suit a bit rumpled, his gorgeous surfer hair mussed. "How is he?" he demanded, making his way across the small exam room and toward Robert.

Kate's mouth fell open. "W-w-what are you doing here?"

Dr. Burke frowned. "Excuse me, this is a private room for owners only."

"I'm a friend." His presence pumped up the room and took over. Kate let out another squeak, but he ignored her, bending down to look Robert in the face. "How ya doing, buddy?" The dog's tail thumped and his expression lit up. Shock billowed through Kate as Slade stroked him, glancing from her to the doctor with a worried light in his eyes. "Is he going to be okay?"

Dr. Burke cleared his throat. "Kate? Is this man a friend of yours?"

The question threw her off, but the word stumbled from her mouth without thought. "Yes."

"Sorry, doc. Slade Montgomery. Nice to meet you."

Slade shook his hand and Dr. Burke relaxed. "Likewise. As I was just telling Kate, Robert has a bladder infection. Antibiotics should work. He needs to be watched, bathed, drink lots of water. Manual expression of his bladder if he backs up. I'll call when the lab results come in."


"Kate, why don't you wait outside and I'll bring him out shortly."

Slade rubbed Robert's ear and followed her out. She eased into the waiting room where the Animal Planet network chirped merrily behind her on the small-screen TV and a golden Lab waited patiently with his owner.

She lowered her voice. "What's going on? Why are you here?"

Was that a glimmer of regret that flashed on his face or just the light? "I called to speak with you, and Ken told me you were at the vet. I thought you'd need help. I was worried."

The ridiculousness of the conversation hit her hard. He'd walked out the other morning after taking her virginity. And now he left work in the middle of the day to drive up to Verily because he was concerned about her dog? "Robert's fine, I've been taking care of him for years alone and don't need any help now."

"Who's been taking care of you, Kate?"

She stumbled back. Hurt sliced like a hundred paper cuts on her skin. No, she couldn't do this now. Not with him. "I take care of myself," she said stiffly. "You made it quite clear this is not a job you want anyway, so why are you here?"

"I don't know why I'm here. I'm a mess. I wanted to walk away, do the right thing by not screwing up your life. But the thought of you alone here, with Robert in trouble, I don't know." He blew out a breath. "I just thought I should come."

She stared up at him, shock keeping her immobile. The truth of his words slammed her full force. What kind of game was he playing? Yet, he seemed just as confused, as if he wasn't used to letting his heart lead. As if she meant something more to him than he wanted. The bees' n

est of emotion was a dangerous thing to touch, let alone explore, and Kate hated getting stung. Before she had time to make sense out of his impromptu speech, Dr. Burke came out with Robert in his arms.

"Here's our patient. I'll call you as soon as the results get back. Let me know if there's any trouble."

"Thanks, doctor."

She settled the bill and scooped up Robert, then headed toward her car. Slade stayed close behind, helping her with the door and settling him carefully in the back. "Are you taking the day off?" Slade asked.

Kate pushed her hair back and blinked in the sun. "Yeah, I'll stay home today. Tomorrow I have a big expo in the city, so my mom can stay with him--oh, crap."


She leaned against the car and nibbled on her lip. "Mom's at a sex conference."

One golden brow shot up. "Sex what?"

"Never mind, you so don't want me to go there. Shelly can only stop in for a few hours on a weekday. I better cancel the expo. Ken and Arilyn will have to cover."

"I'll do it."

She cocked her head. "Do what?"

The determined look on his face gave her a glimpse of what jurors saw when he wanted something. A force of nature. "I'll watch Robert. Since the expo is in Manhattan, you can drop him off at my home for the day and I'll take care of him."

Kate sputtered out a laugh. "What? Absolutely not. You've never taken care of a dog before. Besides, you work."

"I can do my work at home. I'm perfectly capable of watching Robert and giving him whatever he needs."

"No, I'll stay home."

"And miss out on this type of opportunity for Kinnections? Bad business if you ask me. As the owner, you need to be there."

She glared. Unfortunately, he was right. Everyone worked, and she had no one to watch Robert. And missing out on the expo would set Kinnections back. She'd already made her contacts and they expected her to show. Kate shifted her weight and looked for any possible outs.

There wasn't one.

Slade grinned. "Glad you see it my way. I'll expect you around seven in the morning?"

She must be nuts. "Fine. If you think you can handle it, I appreciate you helping me out."

His features softened. Slade reached out and ran a finger down the curve of her cheek, leaving a trail of fire. "Thanks for letting me," he murmured.