"One of the best, yes. Evan is known to push the majority of subs into subspace. He's one of the most popular masters at Chains."

"Fucking fantabulous."

Rem smothered his smile. "They've discussed the scene in length so she's in good hands. Sure, you don't want to sit this one out? I'll be honest with you and explain everything if you want to go home."

"Hell, no. I'm watching every second. It's the only way I can be close to her."

The room reminded him of the one they'd played in at Blasphemy. Simple, functional, yet decorated with sensual colors and fabrics. There was a spanking bench, St Andrews cross, and a king size bed with various bondage equipment hooked to the posts. A large shaded window took up the right wall since it was themed for voyeurism. Leo ignored the comfortable chairs and sofas set up and propped his elbows up on the high counter so he could keep a sharp gaze on every detail of the scene.

As long as he didn't look at the bed.

It may kill him.

Master Evan approached her, and even Leo had to admit the guy was impressive looking. His blonde hair was caught at the nape of his neck, and even through the glass Leo caught the way his blue eyes pierced with a perceptiveness that pegged him as an experienced Dom. He was taller than Leo, his body more whip like and lean.

He watched Scarlett's face for her reaction to her new master of the evening, but she seemed calm, all her emotions tucked behind a smooth facade. If Evan did his job, that surface would shatter and break, allowing them both to glimpse the real stuff.

Master Evan studied her with hard eyes, taking it all in. "Please kneel."

"Yes, Sir." She sank to her knees, gaze lowered, knees apart. She still wore the skirt and bra. Her feet were bare.

"Very good. You may stand and remove your clothes, fold and hand to me."

Her hesitation was slight, but she rose and slipped out of her skirt, then unhooked her bra. As she stood before her new Dom, Leo had to fight not to close his eyes against the sudden need to go to her. Break up the session and take over. She was so fucking beautiful, naked and vulnerable and standing tall, with her shoulders back, pride glowing on her face as she owned her sexuality.

"You're very beautiful," Master Evan said, taking her clothes. "Please stand against the wall and face me. You will lift your arms high over your head and spread your feet wide."

"Yes, Sir."

She obeyed, and Master Evan pulled down the chains from the ceiling, buckling her into the cuffs and adjusting the fit. The room was small enough that Leo could spot every detail. Goose bumps peppered her arms. Her nipples were hard. Her belly quivered. But when she spread her legs wide, he didn't see her usual dampness, and her inner thighs were dry.

Master Evan cuffed her ankles, then stood back. "Perfect. I want you to breathe, Scarlett. Inhale deeply, hold for a moment, then slowly exhale."

"Yes, Sir."

She breathed, her heavy breasts lifting like a gift, and Master Evan began touching her. His fingers stroked and explored, rubbed and teased, urging her to let go into the sensations of her body while she breathed. He lowered his head to suck on her nipples, manipulating her the exact way Leo knew she loved. His dick pushed against his jeans, desperate for relief, and he sank into a terrible pit of lust and anguish, adoring her open submission the same time his soul wept that she was being touched by another.

Master Evan murmured something in her ear the same time his hand slid between her legs, his fingers slipping inside her.

Leo groaned. His breath strangled in his lungs.

Master Evan stepped back. A slight frown creased his brow, and he seemed to change up his game. He walked to the bureau and withdrew a feather, a flogger, and a brush with sharp spikes.

Sensation play.

"I want you to close your eyes, Scarlett. Keep them closed until I tell you open them."

"Yes, Sir."

He began to slowly bring her body into the full swing of the scene. Leo admired his flawless technique. The master knew exactly when to back off from the edge of pain and into pleasure, from the whip of the flogger, to the slow tease of the feather, and the rub of the prickly brush strapped to his hand. And the whole time he watched her body jerk and move under Master Evan's toys, her breath coming a bit faster, and the flush to her pale skin.

Caught between heaven and hell, Leo watched it all, and Master Evan once again slid his hand between her legs.

"Open your eyes," Master Evan commanded.

Leo's breath stopped as Scarlett stared back.

Tears shone in those inky depths, along with a deep sorrow that ripped through him. Her lips trembled. Her voice broke. "I'm sorry, Sir."

Master Evan dropped the flogger, his hands cupping her cheeks with concern. "Scarlett, why didn't you use your safe word if you were uncomfortable?"

She shook her head. "It's not that, Sir. Everything you did was fine. I liked it all. But you're not the man I want and I can't pretend."

Leo placed his palms on the glass. His world tilted, then righted itself in perfect harmony. His entire being stilled.

Scarlett didn't want any other Master but him. She had no idea he was here tonight, watching the scene. The raw honesty of her reaction to Master Evan told him what he needed to know.

He wasn't about to waste another minute.

Leo pulled away from the window and walked toward the room.


It was all wrong.

She stared up at Master Evan in sheer misery. He was sexually attractive, kind, and was able to coax her body to slight arousal, but inside, she remained untouched. She'd enjoyed their dialogue together and found him interesting and intelligent. He was the perfect package.

But he wasn't Leo.

Master Evan stroked her cheek. "Why don't I get you out of these bonds and we'll talk?"

"You may leave my submissive as is, Master Evan."

Scarlett jerked in the chains. Her mouth fell open as Leo strode into the room with his usual arrogance and power. Master Evan regarded him, glancing back and forth between them for a few moments, then stepped back, letting his hand drop from her cheek.

"Leonardo. I didn't realize you were here tonight. Or that this was your submissive."

"Let's just say I was waiting to make the perfect entrance." The man who held her heart swiveled his gaze to stare at her with command. "Scarlett, tell Master Evan who I am."

A smile of pure joy curved her lips. "He's my true master."

"Then you may be needing this." Master Evan handed Leo the flogger, and slid off the glove. The feather had already drifted to the ground.

"Thank you. I appreciate you warming up my sub."

"It was my pleasure. She's a beauty." Wit

h a nod of respect, Master Evan left the room.

Her heart thundered as Leo slowly walked toward her. "You were here the whole time?" she asked.

"I had to know." His face held regret but a new resolve she hadn't spotted before. "And now that I do, the rules are about to change."

A thrill shot through her. That dark, dirty voice poured over her body and between her thighs, leaving her wet and aching. "Yes, Sir."

"You belong to me. No more play with other doms."

His hands stroked her face, down her shoulders, over her breasts. She melted into him. "Yes, Sir."

"No more leaving before morning for either of us."

Her trailed kisses down her neck; sunk his teeth into her shoulder. His thumb flicked the hard nub of her nipple back and forth. His knee pressed between her legs, giving her just enough pressure on her clit to drive her mad. "Yes, Sir."

"You're all mine, Scarlett Rose. And I'm never going to let you forget it."

His fingers drove inside of her with merciless intensity. She cried out his name as her hips arched up for more, but he kept up his own rhythm as his mouth claimed hers, his tongue plunging between her lips to mirror his fingers. Ruthlessly, he twisted and rubbed her clit with his thumb, forcing her on her toes, trying to fight the bonds that held her to get closer. He laughed with satisfaction, playing her like a fine instrument, and then she was coming, jerking against him in abandon. He nibbled on her lip, soothing her swollen flesh, and then her drowsy gaze met his.

"What do you say to me?"

She shuddered at his demand and gave him the words they both needed.

"Thank you, Master."

He smiled and pressed his forehead against hers. "Very nice. Now, let's further your education since we have this room for the whole night."

Scarlett smiled back and knew this time; the gift of her heart would be well taken care of.

The End

Author's Note

I hope you enjoyed this newest installment of the Steele Brother Series. Please make sure you subscribe to my newsletter. I never overwhelm your inbox, and offer exclusive giveaways and new material to subscribers.


I'm thrilled to announce Reveal Me is part of a Special Cross-Over Release with Laura Kaye's Theirs to Take from her Blasphemy Series!