"Straighten up."

She did. He moved away again, and she heard the clank of metal scraped on metal. The opening and closing of a drawer. She desperately wanted to turn her head but knew that would gain her a punishment, and she was too excited to see what he'd do next.

When he came back, he held a spreader bar and two strips of black cloth. "It may get hard to keep your feet apart this whole time, so I shall give you some assistance." When she remained silent, he arched a brow in warning. "Did I hear a response?"

"Oh! Thank you, Sir."

He knelt in front of her and attached both ankles to the bar. Her legs were now spaced widely apart, her pussy on full display. "Ah, that's better. Now I can see those puffy, pink lips begging for me. Your needy little clit is hard already, little one. Do you ache?"

"Yes, Sir." Her words came on a breathy gasp.

"Very good. Let's get you a bit of help with your hands."

"Thank you, Sir."

He wrapped the soft cloth around her wrists, binding her arms so they lay against her lower back. He stepped back, studying her at his leisure, his finger tapping his lower lip in thought. "Beautiful. Almost done. We just need the blindfold."

Her eyes widened. "Blindfold, Sir?"

His voice hardened. "Is this a hard limit you didn't previously specify?"

"No, Sir."

"Good, then you have your safe word." He took the final cloth and covered her eyes, tying the knot behind her head. Darkness fell and surrounded her. Without her sight, her senses were more alert, ears pricked for sound, body bracing for the unknown.

"Are you ready?"

She swallowed. "Yes, Sir."

"Good. Just one simple thing." She stiffened, but already knew what was he was about to say. "Don't come."

She held back a tortured groan and swore she'd die before disobeying. "Yes, Sir."

"Very good, little one."

At first, Scarlett wondered if she was imagining the feather light touches over her body, skimming flesh as soft and faint as a butterfly's wing. The sensitive curve of her shoulder, the dip of her belly, the back of her knee, the hard tip of her nipple. It took a while for her mind to stop calculating the next touch, or sift through her churning thoughts, but as he kept bestowing touches on her starved skin, a quiet began to grow inside.

She softened, becoming fluid under his fingers, caught in the delicate web of sensation.

The air hissed. The thump of the flogger reached her ears right before the pain exploded on her ass. She jerked, moaning, then arched under the stinging heat as pain morphed into something more. He whispered in her ear, dirty things, beautiful things, kissed her nipples and licked them in apology. She arched for more of his wet, hot mouth, giving in.

The flogger blasted her again on her ass. Her thigh. Raining blows in quick succession that stopped almost as quickly as it started, leaving her a trembling mass of nerves and hurt and hot, throbbing need.

More whispers. Soft strokes over her belly, fingers diving into her pussy to rub and pluck and tease, urging her hips to rock against them in greed, arousal dripping from down her thighs, and then--

The flogger on her inner thigh.

She clenched and groaned, trying to close her legs, but his tongue was licking at her ear, biting her lobe, telling her she was perfect, and beautiful, and his good girl, and his fingers rubbed her skin, taking away the sting.

Until the flogger began again.

Caught in a world of heaven and hell, she began to beg, desperate to escape the flogger, desperate for more. The orgasm hovered, growing bigger, like a tsunami ready to break and shatter her into pieces.

The last lash ripped a scream from her lips. Her safe word hovered on her tongue, ready to be uttered.

Then he was licking her pussy and sucking her clit, his thumbs parting her swollen folds and fucked her with his hot tongue and dragged her back to the edge, where she hovered mercilessly, begging to fall.

"Sir? Please."

"Not yet." His fingers slipped around and played with the plug, twisting and moving it in and out in gentle motions. Sensation spilled through her, tightening the muscles in her belly and pelvis, adding to the ferociousness of her looming orgasm.

"Oh, God, please, please--" she begged brokenly, desperate, mad with need. He dragged his tongue over her throbbing clit and plunged three fingers deep into her pulsing channel. "Come."

She exploded. Tears streamed from her eyes as the brutal pleasure tore her apart, her body wildly bucking against him as he continued licking her, gripping under her thighs to tilt her up to his hungry mouth, keeping her from collapsing.

The fabric tugged around her bound hands, releasing them. Her world suddenly tilted, and she was lifted up in the air, then dropped onto a soft mattress on her back. His vicious growl raked across her ears, along with the sound of a zipper. Still shaking from her orgasm, her feet secure in the spreader bar, Scarlett waited, surrendering completely to everything and anything he wanted to do to her.

His thick cock pushed inside, and with one strong thrust, he was buried to the hilt. She gasped, unable to move, just allowed to take as he pounded in and out of her pussy with a violent need she embraced. She chanted his name and sunk into every sensation he forced upon her--the sting of the plug in her ass, the burning tightness of her pussy clenching around him, the ache in her thighs and arms, and the endless need choking her more...more...more...

He roared her name as he came, his fingers digging into her hips. She savored the slap of his thighs against hers and how his teeth sunk into her neck when he shuddered with his orgasm.

She lay on the bed, feeling like a broken ragdoll, well used. She felt him leave the bed and heard the rush of water in the bathroom. The spreader bar was released, and he rubbed both of her ankles, flexing her legs. With gentle motions, he flipped her over and urged her to kneel so he could slip the plug out. He disappeared again, and when he returned, the blindfold fell away from her eyes.

Scarlett blinked against the rush of light. Stared into his dark eyes. Then lifted her hand to stroke his rough cheek.

His voice was a low rasp, filled with aching tenderness. "Are you okay, little one?"

Tears stung her vision. She was empty and full at the same time. A tide of emotion rushed in, squeezing her insides

, and she choked on the need to tell him she was wrong to leave him, wrong to think she could forget him, wrong to believe this wasn't more than one beautiful night. She only knew she'd die if the coldness came back into those eyes.

"Please don't leave me."

He bent forward and touched his forehead to hers. "No, sweet Scarlett. I'm not going anywhere."

He pulled her in tight against his chest. His heart beat steadily in her ear. The scent of sex, sweat, and musk filled her nostrils. Contentment unfurled, blooming like a neglected flower suddenly given water and light, and she gave in with a long sigh, closing her eyes and cherishing this man and what he had given her.

Chapter Nine


Leo held her close, stroking her back as she relaxed so trustingly against him. How could she incite such violent lust one moment, and heartbreaking gentleness the next? His one goal to concentrate only on sex had already crumbled under her wide, pleading eyes and trembling lips.

She'd already gone halfway into subspace and he'd only scratched the surface of where he could take her. The way she opened up and allowed him to push her edges; the beautiful way she surrendered under the flick of the flogger and stroke of his fingers, shattering around him with such truthfulness, he was almost driven to his knees.

This is what he'd always craved. A woman who could offer all these things.

But was it the sex or him? The BDSM experience or him?


He pressed a kiss to the top of her head and pushed away his doubts. "Yes?"

"Where'd you get all that equipment from?"

He chuckled. "I had everything stored beforehand in the cabinets. Do you really think I'm an unprepared Dom?"

He felt her smile against his chest. "No. I guess I was expecting you to bring a bag like a doctor."

"I like keeping my submissives off balance."

Her nails curled into his shoulder. "Do you have many submissives?"

He'd never try to make her jealous. Honesty was everything to him, and another reason he loved BDSM. The communication between partners was key to the intimacy. "No, Scarlett. I've played with various partners throughout the years but haven't had a serious relationship in a while. I was traveling with the Navy for a number of years, and became kind of a wanderer, always looking for new places to settle. I haven't been tempted to change my lifestyle for a woman yet."