A smile touched her lips. "I can't say I blame them. A normal sub, a normal man, is a lot of work to train properly. Marius has walked deep into no-go territory and fortressed himself there with quicksand and mud bogs. Somebody's going to have a real workout to get to him."

She stretched in the chair, a relaxed move, twisting her hair into a knot on top of her head and then letting it fall again as she re-crossed her legs. "Stop imagining me mud wrestling with your wife," she added.

Tyler chuckled. "It was Lyda. You two are a better physical match."

"I could take her." Regina sniffed. "She may be Selene in Underworld, but I'm Black Xena."

"Thanks for giving me more fantasy material."

Regina laughed then, a throaty sound that could inspire plenty of fantasies alone. Tyler's real life desires only involved his wife. However, since Marguerite on occasion had sessions with young, muscular submissives in this very club--though always under his supervision or observation--sharing his fantasies with her about other Dommes and subs he had no intention of touching helped balance things. And added an additional spice to their already flavorful sexual intimacy.

"So if he's too much trouble for most Dommes, why would you want to go after him?" he asked.

"Hmm." Her expression darkened, her long fingernails unconsciously stroking the chair arm as if it were a man's. "Just a feeling I can't ignore. If I can get us both through that bog, I think he's the kind of sub who will be waiting with a towel and a bubble bath. One who has a hunger to serve a woman with everything he's got. If it's there, it's built up in him a long time, untapped. He's Sleeping Beauty caught in a nightmare until the right Domme zaps his ass awake."

"Now I've moved right into lesbian sex fantasies about Sleeping Beauty and her evil stepmother." Tyler enjoyed another cock-teasing dose of Regina's laughter, but then all humor dropped from his expression, leaving only his concern for her.

"What's to keep you from being sucked into the nightmare? I care about you, Regina. So do Marguerite and many people here. It worries me, the door I've opened for you."

"That door has been there for me to open for months. I'm a big girl, Tyler." Her gaze slid down her long form. She was large-boned, elegantly made and as feminine and intimidating as a warrior goddess, a Black Xena in truth. "Bigger than most. What you've done is set it up so I don't have to chase him. If I initiate, from that point onward, he has to work with me. Which gives me a foot in the door, if he truly wants to get back into The Zone."

She rose. "My choice. My decision. Your conscience can rest easy on that."

"If it was only my conscience I had to appease." Leaving the chair, he came around the desk to emphasize his final point. "Watch your ass, Mistress. And know I'm here to help with that. You don't reach out to me and I find out you needed to do so, I'll be a mountain of pissed-off myself. I'm not as easy to handle as a male sub."

She chuckled. "Don't let a male sub hear you say that. It's a vast misconception that their testosterone poisoning is less than that of an overprotective Dom."

"Don't I know it." Tyler snorted. "I work out at the same gym with Mac Nighthorse. Still can't believe the man has never taken steroids."

"Oh, no. That is 100%, Grade A, organic beefcake." She flashed a wicked smile. "Violet is well aware of my lust, so I'm not telling you anything Tinkerbell doesn't already know."

"Except that you called her Tinkerbell, which we all know gets her hackles up."

"She's so cute. I just want to stick her on my dash with my Daenerys Game of Thrones bobble-head." Sobering, Regina touched Tyler's arm. "Your concern is noted and appreciated, Tyler. I'm not only a big girl, but a smart woman, too. You know my background. I won't get in over my head. But if I did, you'd be the first I'd call. I promise. If you don't mind, email me his contact info. Phone, email address. That way, when I decide what I want to do, I'll have what I need at my fingertips."

When he agreed, she took her leave after a few more pleasantries. Tyler noted her step was smooth but bore a touch of urgency. She was already hatching a plan.

Sitting back down at the desk, he rubbed his temples. Yes, she was a smart woman. A fearless one, the kind of Mistress who would get in over her head if she thought the risk was worth the reward. He was married to one of those. And she would claim he had plenty of that reward-worth-the-risk mentality himself.

It was that way sometimes, for Master or Mistress.

It wouldn't stop him from worrying. Or from keeping as close an eye on the situation as his "network of spies" allowed.

Regina changed out her sheer blouse for a silk blue tunic over the latex leggings. Still a sexy outfit, but more street-appropriate. She wasn't sure if she'd beat Marius out of the building, but when she emerged, she saw his car was still there and it was empty. Good.

He drove a blue Honda Civic with a few minor dents in it, to be expected since it was an older model. One of the doors had been replaced, probably through junk yard parts, since it was a different kind of blue from the rest of the vehicle body. When she passed the car on the way to her own vehicle, she glanced inside, surprised to see the interior was pristine. From its aged appearance, she would have expected discarded fast food bags or soda cans, old crumbs and dirt on the carpets, receipt scraps. Though the upholstery was worn, duct tape neatly mended a couple rips.

He took care of his car, which meant he had a regard for his possessions, no matter the age or condition. Perhaps because he didn't have a lot of money to spend on repairs or getting new things. But she'd seen plenty of poor people with junk cars and rusted bikes in the yard, or trash and old furniture piled on the bowed and rotting floor boards of the front porch. He was an interesting mix of puzzle pieces. Would she want the finished picture, after she assembled it? Would there be vital pieces missing?

His employment at The Zone explained how he afforded the pricey membership

, since employees received a deep discount after their first full year. Before that, they could offer themselves as a sub or Dom loaner if a customer was interested, but otherwise they had no membership privileges.

She moved to her Mercedes, a few rows over but fortunately parked in a position that allowed a line of sight on his vehicle. While she had no intention of talking to him in the parking lot, she would take her current advantage to gather intel.

With time to kill, she reviewed what prep work she wanted to do before she decided to initiate. If the other Mistress was up to it, she'd talk to Siren about what had gone down, at a neutral place like a coffee shop. Though he'd given her quite a bit of info, she didn't expect Tyler would allow her to watch the tape.

That thought made her think of Marius in Tyler's office, the energy pouring off him explosive as a stick of dynamite. Fuck all of you.