As he put on the barely-nothing item and checked himself out in the mirror, he might have blushed, if he knew what modesty was anymore. He was bare-assed, and the cod piece revealed the creases between thigh and groin area, which would give anyone looking glimpses of his balls as he moved.

Closing the locker, he came back out to the floor and found Alex, who was the DM on shift. He didn't have to tell him what was needed. Alex gave him a polite but stiff nod and led him to the jail.

It was a tall rectangular cage, with enough height for a man to stand up in it, but not wide enough to sit down. Which meant a Mistress or Master could reach through the bars and do pretty much anything to a sub that was part of the scene. Electrical zapping, pinching. Sometimes a Mistress or Master might order a male sub to put his cock and balls out between the bars. Then they'd bind his waist and thighs flush against them with straps so he couldn't move, couldn't do anything to keep his hanging dick from being fondled, sucked or slapped by anyone passing by, if that was the Dominant's decision.

He wasn't sure if that was her intent. She hadn't seemed eager to let other Mistresses touch him ever since they'd gotten together, but maybe putting him in a public cage with that green light to the other Dommes was her way of proving he could pass the test.


Did she leave any instructions on...access?" he asked Alex.

"No," the man said shortly. "But you can safe word out if it gets to be too much. Tell me what it is."

"Fight Club."

"Got it. Get in." Alex opened the jail cell door. Marius looked at it, suddenly feeling uneasy. There was a weird energy here tonight. Alex's distant behavior toward him was to be expected, so it wasn't that. Maybe he was feeling antsy because he'd been under Regina's dominion for weeks, and he wasn't used to trusting or following direction from someone else.

He thought about waiting until Regina showed herself. He'd assumed this whole thing was part of the reapplication process, some kind of test run Regina had arranged with Tyler. However, if he felt uncomfortable, she'd be all right with him waiting on her to show herself. She had to be watching because, even with Alex's supervision, she wouldn't delegate his care to anyone, though it might serve her purposes to stay out of sight.

She might punish him for not following her direction immediately, but if she knew he had an honest concern, she wouldn't chastise him any more than their mutual pleasure demanded.

Hell, he was being a chickenshit. If he got in and things bothered him, he'd only need to safe word out to Alex. He stepped into the cage.

"Wrists," Alex said shortly. Marius put them through the bars to be cuffed to them, his fingers curling as Alex decreased his mobility within the already small space. Looking at his impassive countenance, Marius felt a twinge of conscience.

"I'm sorry I caused you problems, Alex. I know I didn't deserve to be here anymore. I want to change that."

Alex's eyes shifted to his and held. Marius saw a coldness there, more than he would have expected. "I'm paid to deal with shit like you caused," the DM said. "You want to really change things and deserve to be here? Think about how to fix what you did to the Mistresses you fucked with."

So, okay, he'd been lying, somewhat, about not thinking over the amends issue much. He had thought about the things he'd done. Most often in the early morning hours when Regina slept and it was just him, stuck with the darkness of his soul. He thought of Siren, who'd been on board when his train derailed with his personal shit. Alex's words brought all that to the forefront, in vivid color.

He swallowed pride. "Okay. Thanks, man."

Alex's gaze flickered at the laconic but sincere response. Rather than answering, he checked that the cuffs were secure. They were threaded over a bar so Marius could slide them up and down, but not pull his hands and wrists back into the cage. "I'll be watching. Any problems, just signal me."

As he began to step away, Alex glanced over his shoulder at Marius, that cold look returning. "Are you playing Regina?"

"No." Marius's lips tugged in a grim smile. "I couldn't even if I tried, and I did try at first. She's a big part of why I'm here tonight, trying to be better."

Alex pursed his mouth. "She's one tough bitch, in all the right ways. You have a long way to go to deserve her."

When the man moved away, Marius thought about how he would have reacted to such blunt words weeks ago. With sneering hostility. Now, he knew it to be simple truth. And sometimes, uncomfortably, he knew he needed to be doing more to fix his shit. But he was, and would. Regina had helped get him this far. He could make this relationship work.

The protocol on the jail cell cage was anyone could reach in and touch if they wanted to do so. Only the sub's genitals were off limits to any but the Dom-in-command, so to speak, unless they were purposefully put on display in the way Marius had recalled. He was kind of glad she hadn't required that. He wasn't sure he really wanted some other Mistress's hands getting his cock worked up, particularly if his Mistress wasn't standing where he could see her, giving her stamp of approval to it. Maybe not even then.

On a normal night, a sub in the cage got plenty of attention, some good-natured teasing from passing Doms and even some subs. Yet though the room had become more populated, more people using the different stations, he was starting to feel invisible. Except to the Mistress who now stood in the doorway to this public play room.

He vaguely remembered her as a one-time scene. She'd gotten frustrated halfway through and simply cut him loose.

When she met his gaze, it was automatic to paste on the mocking, charming grin. He caught himself a blink later, realizing it for the defensive mechanism it was. Regina had taught him that bullshit was no longer acceptable. He was too late to fix it, though, because the Mistress had pivoted and disappeared, though he'd caught a hostile look in her gaze before she did.

Well, fuck it, what did it matter if he gave them his usual charm and fuck-you attitude? He wasn't here for them. He was here for Regina. She knew him, knew how to handle him, bring out the best in him.

Did he know how to bring out the best in himself? The question was unexpected and unsettling. She'd asked him that in a couple different ways these past few weeks. He hadn't been sure of her meaning, but the jagged feeling in his gut now was starting to give him a clue. This whole set up was making him face the painful truth that, while he might be at his personal best with her, she was the why factor. He was still who he was on his own. Someone who didn't have the respect of a guy like Alex. He'd been a shit to too many people here, disrespected what this was all about, as well as the job Tyler had given him.

Marius shifted. There was a spanking scene going on at a nearby station, a male Dom and female sub. Usually he'd enjoy watching the reddening of a pretty ass just as much as the next guy. But everything around him was turning gray.

Gray. Fuck. He tried to push down the panic the realization brought. How could it be so close, just waiting to resurface, unless he really hadn't changed that much, if all the shit was still there, waiting to grab him by the throat?