"Des." She put her hand on his arm to draw his full attention to her.

"Hmm?" He stroked a wisp of hair off her face, thumb caressing her bottom lip. His thick tail of hair was draped over his right shoulder and she combed her fingers through it, feeling the hard straightness of his collar bone beneath.

"If you wanted to do something, I think I'd like that."



His look could x-ray stone, but whatever he saw satisfied him, because he lifted her off of him to help her to her feet. "All right. Stay right here. I'll be back in a second."

She liked that he didn't question her decision. He'd convinced her that he genuinely wanted her own feelings to lead her wherever she wanted to go. As such, he was respecting her understanding of her own desires. Even as she was sure he'd pay close attention to any indication she was getting cold feet.

He could exert an unyielding will that melted her every reservation into full surrender. He also possessed a sensitivity to her needs that surpassed her own understanding of them at times. Maybe that was what Logan meant about an experienced Dom. If so, God bless them. And wow. What a freaking miracle of nature. Her freaking Dom-wizard. She chuckled inside, wondering if she'd ever share the nickname with him.

As he disappeared in the crowd, the thought was replaced with some anxiety. The enchantment that made her want him to bind her in his rope was strongest with his proximity. Yet, the main reason she wanted him to do it wasn't sexual, though the idea of it was certainly tempting. She wanted him to do it because it was a critical part of what made Des himself. She wanted to be part of that identity. She wanted to be what was caught in Spiderman's web.

She wasn't bothered by anyone. Those watching were as absorbed by the rigging as she'd been. Then Des was back, his rigger's duffle bag in hand. "Still sure?" he asked.

His thorough look said it wouldn't be what came out of her mouth that made up his mind. She slipped her hand into his free one.

"Yes. I'm glad you're not one of those Doms who's a stickler about not being touched unless the sub asks permission."

"You wouldn't find that arousing?"

She shook her head. "It would make me feel alone."

He kissed her forehead. "I like the feel of your body, your hands, your lips. As I said from the beginning, love, when I need you to keep your hands to yourself, I'll just tie you up. On that note..."

Still holding her hand, he drew her toward a set of empty hooks. As soon as he took her there, she noticed a lot of the riggers shifted to a better position to watch him. It made her proud on his behalf, that they admired his skill and technique and learned from it. It helped reduce her nervous flutter as that audience shift became less subtle. Body language, exchanged comments and a lot of speculative eyes were all directed toward them.

"Hey." Des took both her hands in his as she looked up at him. "It's just us, Julie. You and me. Remember? We can stop if you want. We don't have to do this."

"I know." As she was held by his gaze, she calmed. Things got quiet inside, because she saw and found the stillness inside him. He cupped her nape, drawing her forward as he bent to put his forehead against hers. Her fingers curled in his shirt at his waist, over the rope and chain holding the sporran, but her knuckles brushed the firm heat of him beneath.

Realizing with surprise what he'd initiated was contact between their third eye energy points, an effective and meditative way to establish intimacy, she breathed with him, and that stillness expanded around them. When he at last shifted his grip and found the hook of the dress at her nape, they might have been back in the theater again, just the two of them on stage.

As he took the dress off, he helped her step out of it. The dress's bodice took the place of a bra, so beneath the garment she wore only a gold lace thong, the garters and the stockings. His pause told her he hadn't expected that, and he held the dress at her breasts an additional moment.

"Still okay?" he asked.

"Yes." She studied the unexpected pensiveness in his gaze. "How about you?"

"Yeah." His knuckles slid along the bare curve of her full breast, the dress still partially concealing it. "Just not sure these bastards deserve to see something as gorgeous as your breasts."

Her cheeks warmed. "The only one looking at them is you. At least in my mind."

His gaze lifted to hers, his eyes flashing with hot approval. Then he set the dress aside. He detached the garters and touched her face, showing her his callused palm, a reminder that his work-hardened hands would snag the stockings if he tried to remove them himself.

"I'd leave them on you, because you look so damn sexy, but rope wouldn't be kind to them. Hold on, love. Step out of the shoes first."

In her lustful haze, she'd started to roll the stockings down without removing the shoes. Flushing a little, she stepped out of the heels, holding onto his shoulders. Taking off the stockings was a two-handed affair, but he held her at waist and hip with strong hands as she removed and tucked the filmy sheer fabric carefully into the shoes. When she set them down next to his bag, he caressed her buttocks bared by the thong. The front of his kilt brushed the backs of her thighs, he stood so close to her. As she straightened, he had his first coil of rope in hand.

He held the fall over her throat, the coil resting against her chest. At his pause, she noticed him glancing down at her shoes. She'd placed them toes out as she always did.

"It's so they can look at different scenery, since they've been looking at each other all night."

His lips quirked. He guided her head back against his shoulder, and began to run the coil of rope over her flesh. Neck, sternum, the rise of her breasts. She turned her face toward his throat, feeling his pulse against her nose and lips. His other hand stroked her body, knuckles sliding along her rib cage, the nip of her waist, the flare of her hip, and playing with the thong. He didn't seem in a particular hurry, and she lost breath and sense of time when he uncoiled the rope and wrapped it around her.