The image expanded the ball of lust in her stomach. "You're so demented."

"Which is why you love me. Come over as early as you can manage tomorrow and we'll get you gorgeous. I haven't played dress up with another girl since Alice died." Madison's voice softened as she recalled her sister, the former proprietress of Naughty Bits.

"I'll probably look like Cinderella coming straight from the ashbin, since I'm going to clean out that last classroom so we can start storing things there for Lila's show. You'll have your work cut out for you."

"Isn't a managing director supposed to delegate, direct, represent and stay pristine and professional?"

"Yes, that's what a Broadway theater manager does. The manager of a community theater being built from scratch with a volunteer staff is a whole different ball of wax. I seem to recall the owner down here more than once these past few weeks getting herself covered in paint and sawdust."

"It's more fun that way, isn't it? When it succeeds, it will mean all the more."

"From your mouth to God's ear." And Julie meant it. Succeeding was a matter of professional pride, but with a good friend involved, she wanted to see this theater thrive as much for Madison as for her own sense of satisfaction. "See you soon."

She'd escaped the theater and arrived at Madison's all of ninety minutes before they had to leave for the party, but Madison was a miracle worker. She put Julie into a hot, soaking shower, to relax her muscles and do a "paradigm shift", as Madison called it. Sitting her down at the vanity afterward, Madison dried her long hair with a soft towel and did her makeup, chatting with her as if they had all the time in the world. Madison wore a thin robe and had already done her hair and makeup, assuring Julie that all she had left to do was slip on her dress and shoes.

After she did a light blow-dry of Julie's hair and had the curling iron plugged in, Madison showed Julie the outfit and accessories she'd found for her.

"You are the best of personal shoppers," Julie said fervently.

"You made it easy. You chose perfectly for your body type. I can't wait for Des to see you." Madison winked. "It's fun to knock them off balance."

Ninety-two minutes later, they were ready to go. At the sight of both women, Logan put a hand over his heart and staggered, a gratifying response, and then he whisked them into the car and they were on their way.

The dance hall rented for the party had been an old 1920s theater, restored to keep that look for event bookings. Whoever tonight's host was in the BDSM community had deep pockets. Though the party was invitation-only, a nominal cover charge was all that was required from each participant.

Madison had loaned Julie a pair of teetering heels with provocative ankle straps studded with silver eyelets. Fortunately, she knew how to walk in them. The skill had come from her short stint on stage and teaching plenty of other actresses to do it, plus one actor who had to do a transvestite hooker scene.

As they crossed the parking lot and ascended the short set of steps to the entrance, Logan was drawing a lot of attention, and not merely because the man looked devastating.

With her and Madison displayed on his arms, Julie thought the three of them looked like a Bond film. Madison's short red satin dress clung to her slim frame. She wore a black pearl choker and a pair of matching wrap bracelets. Julie had noticed they had a discreet pair of hooks she suspected could be latched to one another if her Master wanted her hands bound behind her back, or at her nape, since the same hook was at the back latch of the choker. Her red high heels had ribbon ties that went up her long legs to just below the knee.

"You look stunning," Julie told her. "You both do."

Logan wore a black suit with a crisp white shirt that made the most of his powerful upper body. A red silk tie coordinated him with his wife's outfit. Julie could imagine Madison untying it at his command before her Master took it from her and used it to blindfold her.

Logan was taking them to the door, but Julie put a hand on his arm and drew the couple's attention to her.

"If you two don't mind, I'd like to wait for Des out here," she said, pointing to a column that flanked the entrance. "By myself."

Logan glanced toward the door. It was monitored by two classy-looking, Secret Service style bouncers, definitely security muscle.

"I'll be fine," Julie further assured him. "You said the party was by invitation, so everyone's been vetted. I won't be getting any rude overtures. And I live in New York, remember? I ride the subway and deal with cabbies." She shot him an impish look. "I want my first impression of this shindig to be with him."

She also wanted him to see she'd waited for him, another of those subtle cues, right?

Logan pulled out his phone and looked at the screen. "He'll be here in about ten minutes."

"So good. See? It all works out." Julie kept her tone casual, though the news sent a little frisson of nerves through her. Both in anticipation of his arrival and from the psychological impact of his continuing direct communication with Logan. Dom to Dom, man to man, watching over the women. Terribly sexist, yes, but she didn't deny in the current circumstances it had a not-unpleasant effect.

Logan pursed his lips and slid his arm around Madison, hand intimately molded over her hip. "We don't mind staying with you until he gets here."

"I know you don't. I just...I'd really like him to see me, and me to see him, on my own. If that's okay."

She hoped they'd understand without her having to embarrass herself with more explanation. She liked dramatic entrances and exits, portentous meetings with the setting framed the right way. For this, she wanted only two people on the stage, so she could drink in everything about him without embarrassment. All this prep made her feel like Cinderella at the ball in truth.

At Madison's weighted look, Logan relented. "All right. Just promise you'll stay here, where the guys at the door can see you. It's a nice place, but not the nicest area. Sometimes you New York types think you're the only one with violent crime."

"Hey, our muggers can kick your muggers' asses. But since either one could kick my ass, this is where my ass will be staying." She scooched up to the pillar and gave said booty a little shake, eliciting a chuckle from her companions.