He raised a disapproving brow. "Yeah, a biscuit or some unhealthy thing."

"You ate PB&J for lunch the first day I met you."

"With natural, no sugar added blackberry jelly. On homemade wheat bread chock full of nutrients. And this is breakfast, the most important meal of the day. If you were kind enough to have sex with me, I have time to make you breakfast."

"You're right, it was a sacrifice." She sighed. "Better make that French toast with powdered sugar."

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"Just keep it up, smart mouth."

She grinned and ducked behind the shower curtain.

As she washed herself with his pleasant peppermint soap, she discovered the faint aroma in his thick hair came from an inexpensive quart-sized bottle of Suave Deep Clean for men. She took an extra deep whiff, just to revisit the olfactory memory. As she thought of what he'd told her in bed, she knew she felt the same way. She didn't want to be away from him.

Be brave, take a risk. She raised her voice, realizing the benefit of a small, one-room apartment, where everything was in hearing range.

"Um, it's probably going to be a slow day for me. Would you like me to come see you at lunch? I know you usually take your lunch, but I could bring some for both of us, and we could hang out during your break, if you have one. Or not. I mean, you don't have to--" She stopped herself. Don't be pathetic, Julie.

She yelped as he reappeared, pulling back the curtain and snaking his arm around her to pull her soapy wet body against his bare chest. As he kissed her deep and thoroughly, his palms molded her curves at waist and hip, sliding around to her ass to take a firm grip. "I would love that," he said against her lips. Then he was pulling her out of the shower, dripping.


"Fuck it. I'm a selfish bastard and want this more than I want us to have breakfast first."

It took him less than a second to open his jeans and push them to his thighs. Lifting her against the wall outside the bathroom, he sheathed himself into her willing body. She gasped at the force and demand of it. His eyes were molten as he drove into her, his gaze fastened to her face all the way through to her orgasm.

"All mine," he muttered against her ear as he finished, with thrusts powerful enough to thud their bodies against the sheetrock. Never in her life had a man taken her with such savage need. I want to devour you, was what he'd said. Her thundering heart believed it. When he let her down, he was breathing hard and so was she. He touched her face, his eyes so close.

"Don't you fucking doubt me," he told her in a growl. "I don't care what I said earlier. I want your trust. I need it and I demand it, no matter how unreasonable that makes me."

She managed a nod. Whether or not she had any control over her dysfunctional doubts and insecurities was irrelevant. He was trusting her enough to show her his own raw needs, the irrational level of the soul every person possessed. He had her pinned, her pulse fluttering like captured prey, and his expression required instant, total submission and acquiescence. That alone could work her up again, while leaving her heart a confused, fluttery, fabulous mess.

He broke eye contact to nuzzle her neck, closing a hand over her breast to stroke and play. "Yeah, I'm going to leave you worked up," he said. "Before you leave my place, you're going to lie on my bed, put my pillow between your legs and masturbate to climax. When I come home tonight, the scent of your pussy will be on it and on my sheets, where your sweet body was writhing and gushing. I want you thinking every minute about what I'm going to do to you next."

"Okay," she breathed. He kissed her again, another branding. His gaze swept over her, her flushed, trembling body, her parted lips and feverish eyes. He looked satisfied with his examination.

"That's it. Get back in the shower, love. Meet me in the kitchen."

"I thought you said you had to work?"

"Not until this afternoon. They have a good crew working this morning. You need a ride back to the theater anyway."

"A home cooked breakfast and a ride home. This is a first class date." She summoned the will to tease him, to try to act more casual than she felt. Aroused and needy, her foundation shifted.

He touched her face, his eyes softening as if he picked up on all of that, but he stuck with humor, her comfort zone. "What can I say? I spoil my woman."

When she emerged from the shower, she found she'd been right about last night. He'd packed her a favorite pair of jeans and her ivory and gold Guggenheim T-shirt. Though he'd never seen her wear it, it was one of her tighter T-shirts, and the bra he'd packed had almost no padding, so the light-colored shirt would give him a nice view of the shape of her nipples. Men must have some kind of radar for that kind of thing, she thought.

While in the shower, she'd resolved to transition back to more lighthearted and casual behavior, to balance the earlier unsettling intensity. However, when she came out of the bathroom and approached the kitchen counter, carrying her brush and hair bands for her unruly mane, that resolve disappeared.

He was putting the finishing touches on two plates of food. While doing that, he was listening to All Things Considered, the NPR news show, on a radio that looked twenty years old and was plugged into an outlet by the stove.

It should be silly, to be captivated by the sight of a man making her breakfast, but it was seeing him do it in his home environment, a different picture of who he was, wrapped up with everything that had happened over the past few hours. It took away her ability to play it cool.

She circled behind the counter, slipping her arms around him from behind, brushing her lips over the sunburst between his shoulder blades. He made a pleased noise at her spontaneous affection and dropped the spatula and skillet in the sink so he could turn and put his arms around her, return the hug.

She noticed he'd pulled up the jeans but hadn't fastened the top button. He'd set a new injection site, the pump back on his belt. Reaching down, she buttoned the button for him, her wrists brushing evidence that he was interested in her attentions, despite the two of them already having pursued that...how many times in the past few hours? Hell, the past few minutes? It didn't seem to matter.