She smiled again, the gesture broadening at Marcus's opening line.

"She did remember how to dial a phone. I was beginning to think being beneath the Mason Dixon line had made you forget about technology all together."

Thomas had once said that Marcus had Lucifer's voice, a purring masculine timbre that could bring the deadest libido to life, male or female. She wasn't immune, but she'd been exposed to it enough not to become brain dead from its influence. She sniffed.

"Typical Northerner. Assuming anyone in the South is an ignorant hick."

"Hey, I married one of those hicks. I should know."

She laughed. "He'd punch you in the gut for that."

"Fortunately I have abs of steel."

"To match your head of solid rock. How are you guys?"

"Ah, how I've missed your lovely ego strokes." He chuckled, another weapon in h

is seduction arsenal he could wield with intent. Yet it was far more devastating when used as it was now, with such unconscious awareness. He picked up on her desire for a casual opening easily enough, giving her the highlights of a reassuringly normal day-to-day on their end of things. Gallery showings, temperamental artists, the latest happenings in the New York social scene, the parties Thomas hated to attend but were necessary to help promote his ever more popular work.

"He's still charmingly thrilled every time someone gushes over his art, which is why he does so well at the parties, despite hating the attention." Marcus didn't bother to conceal his tender fondness for his spouse. "He's like the kid watching the adult Christmas party, hiding in the shadows at the top of the stairs. He wants to listen to what people are saying about his pieces without having to be in the midst of the social scene."

"Well, he's a shy farm boy and always will be." Julie used the term with affection, since Marcus often called Thomas 'farm boy.'

"True. Every morning he marks the calendar with a big red X, one day closer to heading back to his little rustic corner of the world."

"I can't wait for that myself. When?"

"Not long. Linda will handle my gallery like she normally does, because I've promised Thomas we can stay in North Carolina several weeks. I can always take a quick flight back up for a day or so if I have to. He needs some uninterrupted time to work on new material. He does fine here, but his best stuff happens when he's surrounded by farm animals and his mother. Which might be an unnecessary distinction."

"Ooh, I'm going to tell Elaine you said that. She'll whack you with one of her wooden spoons."

"It's our form of familial affection. How long do I have to make idle conversation before you tell me what's up?"

"You can feel the vibes?"

"Like a New York symphony overture. Not that I don't enjoy our casual banter immensely, but you called for a reason. Tell me."

"I met someone. I think he's...different. I wasn't going to ever get involved with anyone again. You know that, I told you that."

"A decision I knew was misguided, but I held my tongue because I'm a good friend who waits for the right moment to say 'neener, neener, neener, I told you so.'"

"Something I really appreciate about you." She paused. "He's different, Marcus. Terrifying, brilliant, special. I'm scared, because I'm so gone over him, so fast."

"How is he different?" His voice had sharpened, reminding her Marcus had a very protective side when it came to those he considered his family.

"He's...well, he's a Dom. A rigger. He does rope. He's going to be performing in our opener. I hope you guys can come to at least one of the four shows."

"Hmm." Marcus didn't say anything for a second, making her wonder what he was thinking about Des. His next question told her he was mulling. "That's a short run, isn't it?"

"We're on a limited budget right now, and it's not really that kind of show. But if it does well with the audience and in reviews, the buzz should improve demand for longer running productions."

"Good marketing move. So he's a Dom and a rigger. Does he know what he's doing? Who do you have to vouch for him?"

"Logan. He almost didn't need the references. When I'm with him, I get a really safe feeling. But he's also cruel in the right ways, if that makes sense. Cruel might not be the best word. Ruthless?"

"That edge you crave without it cutting you to pieces. You've been down that road before, looking for it with the wrong guys. Not your fault," Marcus added, drawing out the sting. "The world's full of assholes and you have the biggest heart of any one I know, except Thomas."

She stayed silent a few beats. "Marcus, will you and Thomas meet him?"