"Nobody can compete with Billie."

"So you know him? Her."

"Yeah. Billie's a hell of an interesting Dom. Or Dominatrix. Depending on his or her mood."

"You have the same problem I do."

"Billie's told me never to consider pronouns a problem. She likes being flexible."

"That's the feeling I've gotten from him, too. And no dodging. I want a fabulous rigger."

He lifted a brow. "I think you've already got someone in mind."

"I'm looking at him." She poked him in the chest. "Billie had some footage of the sessions you've done at shibari conferences. He said you let him record it."

"Under the mandate that it was only for his private use. He wanted to learn about rope bondage."

"We privately viewed it together," she assured him. "We're not posting it on the Internet. Unless you turn me down. I'm not above blackmail."

"Julie..." He grimaced and she held up a hand.

"I get why you don't like to do it as a performance. But you're creative with it, you like to explore all the possibilities and, if the energy you conveyed to me one-on-one translates to an audience, I think they'd learn a lot from watching you. And be totally mesmerized while doing so."

"Or be put to sleep, because I get so into it with the sub I forget they exist." He put his bill cap back on, and she tapped the brim, dipping her head to look at him beneath its shade. It gave him a more mysterious look and emphasized the curve of his mouth, the glitter of his gaze under the bill's shadowing. All of which confirmed she was dead on right about this. The audience would be enthralled by her Dom-wizard.

"Madison wants people to see how beautiful the mutual give and take we all crave is, and put it in a BDSM context. Show the overlap, that people who are Doms and subs aren't freaks. That does a hundred times more good than beating people with lectures about alternate sexuality and tolerating diversity."

He pressed those fine lips together and leaned back on his palms, a look that stretched his T-shirt across his chest and made her want to trace the sun-warmed denim on his thigh. She was apparently having an I'm alive and I need to jump someone to confirm it moment.

"You know, all of us are freaks," he pointed out. "Vanilla or kink."

"Duh. Most people with any sense know that." She tapped the bill of his hat again and he caught her wrist, tugging her toward him. She resisted, but only to gain capitulation. "Will you do it? If you really don't feel comfortable with it, I'll lay off with a minimal amount of pouting, but I think you'd be brilliant."

He cocked his head. "Show me your best pout. Give me something to fantasize about with those soft lips of yours."

She shifted so she was leaning over him, and transformed her face into a sad, longing look, complete with full pursed mouth that she moistened with a sultry pucker.

"Damn." His brown eyes sparked. "You sure you don't perform?"

"I was a drama major, but I was a mediocre actress at best. I discovered I loved the production end more."

He'd released her wrist to slide his hand under her hair and caress the sensitive point at the base of her neck. She took advantage of her position to put her palm on his chest, fingertips sliding across the T-shirt. Des studied her.

"Okay. I'll do it. But not because you're exercising feminine wiles on me."

She straightened abruptly, eyes widening. "I was doing no such thing."

"Either I'm so irresistible you couldn't keep yourself from touching me, or you were trying to use feminine wiles. Which is it?"

She tucked her tongue in her cheek and examined her nails. "If you put it that way, it was totally feminine wiles."

"Liar. I told you I was irresistible."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Mr. Need to Get Over Yourself." She relented, though, slanting a glance at him and smiling. "Thanks, truly. So who will you get to do it with you?"

"Well, if you're not volunteering..."

"No way. First off, I'm Harris's troubleshooter that night. Second, I couldn't do stuff like that in front of people."