"Because I wanted to give you something." He spoke against her hair. "Something no one else could give you, to thank you for...everything. I didn't want to just fuck you like some kind of rabbit, this first time."

"I would have been totally fine with that. I was almost fine with it on the table in front of the whole family this afternoon. It was a close thing."

His lips pulled against her face in a smile. She closed her eyes, held him tighter. "But this was amazing. Do I need to thank Marcus too?"

"This was a Dom-to-Dom thing. The acceptable etiquette is to act like nothing happened, unless you and Thomas want to have some gushy sub-bonding over how wonderful your Masters are."

Julie chuckled, her muscles rippling along his cock, still within her. "First, Thomas would agree with me that neither of you needs any more ego stroking. Second, I think that's more a girly thing. Thomas will probably be better if we don't talk about it. We never really talked much about the New York thing, either. It just was, a very nice was that needed no embellishment or analysis."

"Good decision." Des let out a contented sigh and rolled, taking her with him so she was spread out over his body, her thigh over his, arm over his chest, face against his neck.

She ran her fingers lightly down his side, to the upper rise of his firm buttocks. "Did all these nicks and scars come from roofing? You're like a New York cab."

He gathered her to him. "Some of them. I was an adventurous kid, too."

She rested her hand on his chest, threading through his chest hair and moving up to trace his throat. He glanced down at her, cocking his head at her absorption. When she brought her hand up to his jaw, he met her with his hand palm to palm, fingers folding together. She loved him. So much.

"I love you, too," he said, and it didn't surprise her that he'd heard and answered what she'd said only in her heart. He touched her chin. "So you think a sliver of that no-sugar pie Elaine had us bring back to the house would be good right now?"

"You can't possibly be hungry. I should hate you."

"I bet I can talk you into some more of that homemade ice cream. I'll just spread a couple tablespoons on your pussy and have it that way, warming up everything I make cold."

"Well, if you put it that way, I could have a spoonful."

He grinned. "Then go get it, woman. Wait on me like a proper sub."

She snorted and tugged his chest hair. "If you think you found yourself a service sub, think again. I'm in this for the sex."

He turned his head and nuzzled her neck, adjusting to his hip to push her back. He pinned her wrist to the bed as he kissed her throat and bit her. When he raised his head, his eyes were intent and sharp.

"Get your pretty ass out of this bed and bring me what I told you to. Else you'll be very, very sorry."

Her pulse leaped at both tone and look, and she swallowed, a quiver running through her. Her lips parted, but before she could think of what to say his own quirked, his eyes gleaming.

"You've got some service sub to you, love. I can promise you that."

He put his mouth back on hers, silencing whatever indignant response she could have summoned, which she suspected wouldn't have been much, given all her brain cells had seized up at his command. When he finally lifted his head, though, she'd rallied.

> "I've got some news for you," she said. "Tit for tat. You can say you don't care much about being called Master, or giving orders about touching or not touching, because you have your rope do all that for you. But you have quite a bit of that kind of Master in you when you want to use it."

"Well, you bring out the desire for variety in me." He nipped her ear. "We'll have a while to explore all the different things we can be for one another. Things neither one of us may have anticipated."

"More than a while," she said, refusing to allow any fatalism to infiltrate this moment. "A lifetime." Sobering, she touched his face. "Say it for me. Please."

"A lifetime," he said, capturing the hand and pressing a kiss to her palm. When he lifted his head, she saw the hope for it in his own eyes, that hope reflected and feeding off hers. "A lifetime, and then some."

A delightful warmth spread through her. With a quick kiss and a provocative wriggle, she slipped out of bed, evading his grasp. Throwing a grin over her shoulder, she grabbed up a robe on the way to the door. "Our lifetime starts with a bowl of homemade vanilla ice cream and leftover pie. How can that not be a good sign?"


Lila's second play was a hit. Even though a couple sexually repressed critics panned it and another group tried to challenge their permitting, Madison had the continuing staunch support of the two county commissioners, one of whom was in the lifestyle himself. But ultimately, Wonder's success rested in the hands of word-to-mouth recommendations. Since those were overwhelmingly favorable, the naysayers couldn't pose a real threat.

Julie went to sleep exhausted in Des's arms but happy and content. Madison was already planning a couple more productions and an impressive schedule for next year. Julie had agreed to stay on as managing director and Madison was going to start paying Harris a modest salary from ticket sales.

"I'm taking you somewhere, love. Just keep dreaming."

She blinked, coming back to the surface and registering that it was between one and two in the morning. She was groggy but receptive to the kiss Des placed on her lips. No theater success was complete without being thoroughly ravished by one's Master, after all, and Des had seen to that with great detail, part of why she felt boneless and in a dreamy Elysian Fields as he bundled her up in a blanket and picked her up off his bed.