She could think of nothing better than being lost at sea with him.

Chapter Sixteen

"It's 9 1/2 Weeks, if they'd done it the right way. You know, where a BDSM relationship is exciting, thrilling and healthy, not a spiral into a self-destructive loss of identity. As she wrestles with who she is, we keep the mystery element to him... Oh God, I'm just babbling. Do you think the cast liked it? Do you think the first read-through went well the other night?"

"Lila, I loved it, they loved it. Billie's here today and has skimmed it. He said he'd clear his schedule to be the torch singer in the night club scene."

"No way." Lila hugged her script to her like it was her baby, which wasn't too far from the truth.

"It's going to be like Magic Mike XXL," Julie said, beaming at the writer. "They fucked up the first one and they did the second one right. This is fabulous. The BDSM club scene is going to be spectacular. Brace yourself. Harris is friends with the lead singer of Mercury Rising, a really popular rock club band here." Julie added that, since Lila was from Asheville and might not be familiar with the music scene in Charlotte. "He thinks they'd be interested in doing a cover of 'Hurts So Good' as a live music performance during that part. If they agree, it's going to pump up the awesomeness."

And bring in even more mainstream people to check out the theater, which had delighted Madison. It hadn't been bad news to Julie, either.

"Oh my God." Lila closed her eyes. "I know I'm being an idiot, but I still can't believe you're going to do my play. I figured when I first handed Madison the finished thing a few weeks back, that would be it. She'd hate it and I'd crawl under a rock forever."

"Typical artist." Julie gave her a droll look. "You get two more seconds to indulge your euphoria, then Harris is going to sit you down and hit you with the full reality of directing a play, which is five million details to accomplish in a six-week timeframe. Make sure you have a wig, because you will tear out your hair. Ulcers are possible. You'll love every moment of it, even as you're sure you've lost your mind."

"Sounds fabulous," Lila said with wholly idealistic enthusiasm, making Julie grin. She did love this business.

"One thing we don't have to worry about is extras for the club scenes. With the exception of one who's going on a research diving trip to Panama for three months, all of the Consent cast are totally on board for that."

"Terrific. I'm still so thrilled that Master Horn and his sub Cherry Blossom were such a good fit for the leads. When I saw their scene for Consent, I was thinking, oh my God, they would be so perfect as my leads, if they have enough acting experience."

"They handled the read-through well," Julie agreed. Gavin, or Master Horn, was a little stiff, but she and Harris would work on his acting skills, smooth those out. No one expected Oscar performances from community theater performers, but there were ways to help them be more natural in their roles.

"Harris, can you sit down with her and start getting the logistics put together?"

"You bet." As Harris escorted Lila to the front row where they had a table and chairs set up, he tossed an amused look over his shoulder at Julie, because Lila continued to gush.

Julie smiled back. It h

ad been a daring move to make their next offering a play by an unpublished and unknown aspiring playwright within the BDSM community, but it fit with Madison's mission, so it had been put on their limited spring schedule. The community response to Consent had suggested that risk was well-founded. Madison had already decided to offer an eight-performance run of Lila's show. She'd also, surprisingly, received a small handful of P&Rs--picture and resume--from area community theater players willing to give erotic performance a try. Julie had auditioned a couple of them already for secondary cast members in Lila's play, and they'd been awarded the parts. They'd participated in the read-through with great results.

Julie jumped as a hand closed around her elbow. Billie chuckled. "Why you so nervous, honey-chile?""

Julie made a face. "You know why. Marcus and Thomas are supposed to arrive today."

"That doesn't explain why you're nervous. You've said they're your best friends."

"I know, I know." Julie sighed. "I guess it's because they are my best friends, and I'm worried how they and Des will get along. I could say it doesn't matter, that I can love them all even if they don't get along, but we all know things like that do matter and can cause major heartburn."

"Well, I for one am hoping they get along, but not for the reasons you think. This queen has to hit the road and, if it turns into a fine, macho catfight, I'll miss quite a sight. Muscles flexing, maybe some shirts torn off." Billie affected a delighted shudder. "Promise you'll take video if that happens."

"If that happens, I'll have a few bigger concerns."

Billie went to an impressive full-lipped pout. "Just selfish. Always thinking of yourself." She winked and gave Julie a strong-armed hug. "It's going to be fine, honey-chile, you know it will. Glad I stopped in today and heard about your little play. Save me a spot to sing my torch song. If that hair band that Harris knows can't work it out, I can also shed the sequins and don leather and chains to do a rock piece. I do love me some John Cougar."

"You are a treasure. I wish you could be part of all our shows, but I can't tell you how much I appreciate what you've already done." Especially since amateur theater meant all-volunteer, and Billie received nothing but Julie's gratitude for his participation.

"I have to admit, it was far more fun than I expected. I did it initially as a favor for Logan, that gorgeous piece of sadly straight ass, but here forward, I'd do it for you. You call me if you need anything. If my tour schedule allows, I'll be here. This is going to be a good place, and a great idea. You didn't know so much about that when you first came, but you know it now. Our community needs good press, a way for people to understand what we're all about."

Billie touched her nose in a whimsical way. "Maybe when you're in between performances, I can call in some friends and we can offer a one-night show to raise funds for the theater. Or for a community charity. That's always fabulous press, doing something for charity, and it does good, so it's a win-win."

"I love that idea. I so wish you could have stayed to meet Marcus and Thomas, but they're never on time. I..."

She heard a drifting of voices coming from the front foyer and broke off mid-sentence. Her heart tripped up, that nervousness she couldn't contain, along with a surge of other feelings. Damn, she really had missed Marcus and Thomas. She'd told them to give her space because she leaned on them too much, and she'd been at a low point when she'd come to Charlotte. But that feeling had passed, and she was ready to explode with happiness at the chance to be around them again.

"Oh my God, they're here." She squeezed Billie's hands, catching his amused glance as she started to dash up the aisle. She sounded as giddy as Lila. "Oh." She stopped, looked back at him. "You should really sit down somewhere." She glanced at Lily and Harris, who had overheard the last part of the conversation, probably because her voice had gone up two octaves. "You too," she told Lila. "Marcus... It's hard to explain, but just trust me. You want to have a chair nearby."