His hand slid up to cup her breast, cloaked in shadows. Fortunately, no one like Billie was keeping her company now.

"God, I want you," he muttered against her neck. "I'd fuck you right here if I could get away with it. You've been amazing tonight. Watch this next


Tony had returned Charlotte to the stake. Picking up another rose, he dipped it. This time he didn't use it like a flogger. He smashed it against Charlotte's ass using his hand, rubbing the coldness in and making her squeal. He picked up a bouquet of daisies, and struck her with them, one by one, after he treated them to the same nitrogen dip. They left more red marks on her, and Des whispered that flowers with thin petals felt like tiny bee stings.

Tony had one rose left. He turned Charlotte around, guiding her to lean back against the stake as he handed her the flower to hold. He coated his hands with alcohol, so he could put fire on his palms and run that flame over her breasts, her arms. Dousing them against her flesh, he retrieved and lit a fire wand. Dropping to his knees before her, he blew its heat between her legs with pursed lips. The flame was inches from her and didn't touch her tender regions, but the rippling effect was clear. She pressed harder against the stake when he exhorted her to stay perfectly still. As he blew that heat against her, over and over again, her cheeks began to redden, her nipples hardening even further. She had the rose clutched hard in both hands.

"Come, witch," Tony ordered, and Charlotte climaxed, her orgasm gushing onto her thighs in small, trickles. Tony never touched her between the legs, merely letting the manipulated fire create the magic. In the aftermath, she was so sensitive that when he pressed his mouth to her cunt, she cried out in erotic agony.

He took the rose from her hand, pressed it between her legs, and kissed it. "A gift from God is what you are, witch," the Inquisitor said. "I will be glad He made you mine for all my days."

She dropped to her knees, pressing her forehead to his boots, ending the skit the way it had begun.

As the curtain closed, there was a harrowing pause, the audience digesting the scene. Then the applause began, continuing and building into a strong response. Julie let out a thready sigh of relief. While the enthusiasm might be heavily salted by the BDSM community members in the audience, Julie predicted the rest had been swept up in the approbation.

Curtain calls began. The first set of performers, the priestesses and their chained sub, took the stage for a bow. As they stepped back and the next cast members entered from the opposite stage wings, Julie's body was matching the audience's fervent response, because Des was paying no attention to anything but her.

"I want you to stay after everyone goes home tonight," Des said against her ear, both hands kneading her breasts in those useful shadows, his pelvis firmly against her ass. "I have something I want to do to you, and I want to do it here, while all this energy is still pouring through the place."

After a performance, she was temporarily euphoric, followed by exhausted. Yet she wanted him with a throbbing fierceness that wouldn't be denied.


"It wasn't a request," her Dom said, nipping her ear and sliding his hand down between her legs behind the podium as the cheering built with each performer. Billie Dee-Lite was doing a sashay and pivot to wild cheers.

"Des..." She caught the edge of the podium, shocked when the tiny, intense orgasm rolled through her from the demand of his fingers. He carried her through it, even as those on stage motioned to the wings, calling his name, wanting him to come out and take a bow. Missive appeared at his side a mere heartbeat after he took his fingers away from Julie. It told her he'd stayed aware of their surroundings and protected her privacy. Though Missive pulled on him with a smile on her face, he held onto Julie an extra second, making sure she was okay on her feet.

"Go on," Julie said. "Take your bow. You deserve it."

Her breathy voice earned her a cocky grin and she snorted. "Not for that, you ass."

"Could have fooled me." He winked, but his eyes conveyed a lot more than casual humor as he slid away. His hands left behind burning needy sensation, not just where they'd touched, but all through her.

Julie heard the cheers swell to a roar comparable to that for Billie. Des had been their unexpected star tonight. Yes, Missive was part of that. But it was the young woman's utter trust in him that had made it all work, and that trust had to be earned.

Was there anything about Des that wasn't going to rock her world, take her by surprise?

Then they were yelling for her to come out, and for Madison to come up on stage. Julie did a quick check to make sure there was nothing inappropriately disheveled about her, though the madness of intermission had probably made a wreck of her hair and outfit. But to hell with it. She trotted out on wobbly legs to meet Madison and waved Harris out of the wings so he could take his well-deserved bow. Madison hugged her, squeezing the life out of her.

"I love you," the Naughty Bits owner said. "You did this."

"We all did it," Julie said. "To many more successes. Long live Wonder."

"Long live Wonder." Madison threw up her free hand and shouted it. The cry was immediately echoed by the performers, and Tony and Billie's booming voices carried it across the audience. In one of those magical, spontaneous moments that only the theater--and love--could provide, the audience answered in a roar.

"Long live Wonder!"

Julie was sure they'd just birthed the closing tradition for their new theater. She loved it.

As she took her bow, she caught Des's eye. The possessive heat, the knowledge that he'd just brought her to climax, was there, but it was mixed with something even more distracting. Maybe she was riding a performance high, but she'd always believed she saw things most clearly in moments like these.

He was genuinely happy for her success. In his countenance, she saw not only desire, but awareness of who she was down through every layer. He wanted everything there. She wanted all of him, just as badly.

The smile died from his face, as if he sensed how overwhelmed she was by those truths. His expression shifted, reflecting the powerful intent she'd felt from him when he'd pressed against her at the podium.

I have something I want to do to you, and I want to do it here, while all this energy is still pouring through the place.