He made an agreeable noise. The way he was moving his head, the force he was using, was obviously rubbing the base of the strap-on against Lyda. Rotating her hips, she drove herself deeper into his mouth until she had it in to the hilt. Slowly she pulled herself free, tightening her fingers in his hair to hold him still.

"Put more sauce on it." Her attention shifted. "Your turn, Gen. Get over here and drop to your knees. Noah will lube you up while you prove if you can suck me just as good as he can."

Noah took Gen's hand to ease her down to her knees, his normal courtesy, though the press of his hand, that light in his eyes, reminded her he was going to spank the shit out of her and fuck her. And it all turned her on.

He put more chocolate sauce on the dildo, then gestured, a nonverbal warning to move quickly before it dripped. The dildo jutted forward, shaped true to life and feeling that way as well as Lyda thrust it between Gen's lips. She tasted the chocolate, closed her mouth fully around the shaft. It was unbelievably erotic, the mix of messages. Those delicate lace red panties, the fragrant smell of Lyda's pussy and chocolate, the forceful thrust of a cock into her throat.

Noah's hands coursed over her buttocks, cupping and squeezing, a mute command for her to rise off her heels, balance herself against Lyda's bare thighs. He nudged the edge of the panties aside and inserted the tip of the lube into her, squirted. He followed it up with his fingers, a sure, decisive penetration that had Gen's pu

ssy dripping as she thought of how he was going to put himself inside her here. Lyda was going to allow it, order it, while fucking Gen face-to-face.

She'd had two-men fantasies before. She'd never considered the erotic possibilities of a male-female combination, but those ideas were spinning through her mind now.

Lyda drew the dildo from between her lips. Noah kept teasing Gen's rim, fingers still thrusting into her. His thumb slid down, pressed into her pussy and she moaned again, fingers flexing against Lyda's thighs.

"She's going to be a nice, tight fuck for you, Noah." Lyda probed the bra cups, catching Gen's nipples in a pinch between thumbs and forefingers. "There are clamps and a chain in that tote bag, but right now I want the pleasure. Is that tight enough to hurt?""

"Yes Mistress." Gen gasped as Lyda exerted upward pressure.

"On your feet."

Gen managed it with the rough tug. Lyda used that same nearly painful grip to pull her into the bedroom, position her at the foot board. Gen's buttocks rubbed against one another, letting her feel the slippery lube Noah had applied so generously. When Lyda let go of her, her nipples tingled. The Mistress moved away to stretch out on the bed in front of Gen. She held herself on her elbows, her hair cascading down to the pillows. The strapped-on phallus jutted upward, one of Lyda's knees bent and rocking idly as Gen stared at her, hungry. There was dampness on the crotch of her Mistress's panties.

"Brace your hands on the bed on either side of my right foot, Gen. Put your mouth on the top of it and keep it there. Ass up. Don't lower it."

She heard Noah behind her. He ran his palm along her buttock, toyed with the lavender bow. She trembled when he pulled it loose. His fingers played down the seam of her ass as the lacings parted.

"Legs apart."

She adjusted, and the barely there garment drifted down her thighs. Noah removed it with deceptively gentle hands. A moment later she jerked as he gave her a hard smack, making her ass cheek wobble and nerves sing.

That wasn't the only thing the force of his blow made wobble. She saw her Mistress's eyes rivet on her breasts, nipples jutting over the lace edge of her bra in her supplicant position.

His next swat was directly on her pussy. She made a soft cry, her lips working against Lyda's foot. Her gaze flicked up to see their Mistress studying her reaction as well as Noah's, outside of Gen's view.

"He's meaner than he looks, isn't he? Are you ever going to try to take advantage of him again when it's not by my direct order, Gen?"

She thought of him on the floor, his hands bound on the spreader bar, the way he'd looked at her. "Maybe," she admitted, panting. "He's hard to resist teasing."

"An honest answer. Sounds like you'll have the chance to punish her again, Noah."

"Good." His voice was full of male satisfaction. He smacked her again, and Gen felt her pussy throb. She wanted him to hit it, hit her ass again. She wanted it to sting, get lost in this. She was lifting her ass higher, sending that message, and he obliged. He kept going, began to do it faster, more consistently, until she was crying out, quivering at the pain. The more he did it, the more fervently she pressed her mouth to their Mistress's foot. When Lyda's foot shifted, her leg rocking so her hips rolled open wider, Gen put her mouth on the arch, then the sole.

"Oh..." It was starting to hurt a lot, the accumulation of the impacts, but just like when Lyda punished her, the more it hurt, the more she seemed to want. When he finally did stop, her fingers dug into the cover and she whimpered, as if she wanted him to keep going.

"Look at me, Gen."

She was sniffling, a little teary, a catharsis she was learning came with punishments. Lyda gave her a tender look, then crooked a finger at her. "Come here."

Noah's hands gripped her waist as he lifted Gen's trembling body over the footboard. She crawled forward, kept coming until she was straddling Lyda's hips. She didn't make a move to take that phallus inside her, though. That was her Mistress's call. Again, she earned that look of approval that made everything worth it. Lyda settled her hands on Gen's hips and then, showing her own finesse with a strap-on, she began to lower Gen onto it.

She'd been right. It was thicker than the last one. Lyda worked it into her slow, though, controlling her descent. When Gen was in to the hilt, Lyda laid her head back on the mattress, eyes half-lidded and mouth curved in a sensual way that made Gen want to taste her, touch her. But her Mistress was in the mood to be cruel.

"Lace your hands on the back of your head, Gen. You totally belong to us right now. We're the ones taking."

It made her feel even more vulnerable. Noah put his knee on the bed, shifted behind her. As he fitted the head of his cock to her opening, his thumbs parting her buttocks, she made an uncertain noise.

"Sshh," Lyda said, holding her gaze. "Do you want to please us?"