Lyda gripped her hair, pulled her head back. "I asked you a question."

"No, ma'am. Once." She wondered if she should say she didn't want to do it, that she hadn't enjoyed it, but maybe it would be different with Lyda. Just the whip's touch had set off an explosion of sensation she hadn't experienced during anal play before.

"All right." Lyda released her hair, removed the prodding touch of the whip. "Take your legs off the stool, wrap them over his knees. Brace your heels on the lip of the metal boots. Like you're riding him piggyback, only a little more spread out. Don't worry about his back or legs. He's strong as an ox, but I'll know when it's time for you to move off him."

There was a smooth curved lip to the front of the boots, wide enough to make the position tenable, maybe even designed for that or other restraint options. As she complied, Lyda tucked the flogger under her arm and cupped a strap under Gen's ass. Threading the ends between Gen's thighs and Noah's, Lyda wrapped it around him so when she buckled it, it cinched Gen's mound against the top of his buttocks. The seam between put friction on her clit, making her squirm the small amount the strap allowed.


Lyda stung her ass with her palm. "You'll be moving soon enough, dancing from the whip."

She put a set of cuffs on Gen then, so her arms were locked together over Noah's chest. Lyda slid her hand between his back and Gen's front. The nonverbal cue had Gen hollowing her back so the woman could caress Gen's breast. She gave her nipple a quick flick before she descended, following the line of Noah's lower back and hips, her knuckles gliding along Gen's skin. Her body yearned toward more of that touch. However, when Lyda shifted, followed that same track to his shoulders, Gen realized she was gauging the stress on his joints and muscles.

"I'll think you'll be good for as long as she'll be able to take it." Lyda disappeared from view with a deliberate tap-tap of her boots. Gen wondered if she'd made a mistake. The woman could single-handedly unload young trees from her truck, root ball and all.

"Breathe," Noah rumbled. "Accept the pain. Don't tense. It works better that way."

He let out an oath, and Gen jumped at the pop, realizing only after the fact it hadn't touched her. Whatever Lyda had used had licked up between Noah's spread legs and sent an admonishing sting to his testicles. The passage of air beneath her own spread legs, as well as his flinch, told her the target. It also reminded her how vulnerable her own genitals were to such a strike.

"I can gag you or give you one of those every time you talk out of turn, Noah. Which will it be?" Lyda's voice was scary pleasant.

"The lash, Mistress," he gritted out.

She tsked. "Exactly why it should be the gag. But I'm in a benevolent mood."

When he let out a fierce, whispered curse at the next one, Gen squeezed him. "Sshhh," she said. "Don't talk."

"As I said, subs do tend to try to protect one another, even as they crave the pain. I'll let you use the softer flogger on him later, Gen, but here's a taste of it."

When the blow from the flogger landed, Gen had tensed, she couldn't help it. Though it stung a bit, it wasn't bad. It was almost pleasurable, the stimulation of the wide straps licking at her buttocks, her back, falling away from between her shoulder blades like a stroke from Lyda's hand.

When Noah shifted, the teasing friction from the seam of his buttocks made Gen tighten her legs, bear down to get more of that sensation against her clit.

"I like that. Let me see that ass wiggle when I hit you. It makes my pussy cream. I might let my pets take turns lapping it up later."

God. Gen squirmed even more at that, dancing under the flogger, just as Lyda had predicted. Her buttocks and thighs started to heat up and tingle. She let out a little noise as Lyda let the flogger lick up between her legs once or twice, hitting Noah's buttocks a glancing blow. Then she paused.

"Now you get his punishment, Gen. Next time you try to step between us, you remember what you're taking on."

Her skin was already tenderized from the other flogger. Lyda had wanted a little-girl squeal. She got one, within three strikes. Gen yelped, fingers digging into Noah. He had his head down, his whole body rigid against hers, as if he were fighting an invisible foe, but she wondered if he was nevertheless hard, imagining taking the lash instead.

She had some of that going on as well. Even though this pain was more than she'd expected, her mind warred between wanting Lyda to stop and wanting more of it.

The next strike was with the gentler flogger, only Lyda brought it straight up between Gen's spread legs. The tips struck her pussy. She writhed at the sensation, tightening her thighs over his hips, feeling the grind of his ass beneath her upper thighs. Then came the more painful one, a sharper blow this time. Gen's head snapped back, then pressed forward, jaw wedged between Noah's shoulder and jaw as several blows fell in succession, bringing the pain to a level that took everything else away. Lyda then started to alternate between back, ass, pussy, thighs...

"Stop, stop..." She was gasping, everything vibrating. Lyda paused. Her fingers touched Gen's back. Gen shivered as her nails scraped her flesh.

"Nice red lines. They usually take about a day to go away. I have a shirt that's all mesh in the back. I might make you wear it tomorrow so Marguerite will see those marks. She'll want to touch them. We can't help ourselves. Do you want more, Gen?"

Gen moaned as Lyda leaned against her, cupping Gen's buttock, and then lower, to do the same to Noah's, obviously enjoying her ability to play with both of them.

"Yes." She couldn't believe she said it, because those last ones had really hurt. But in the aftermath, she had a craving to feel it again. "More."

"That sounded like a demand. Ask properly."

"Please. Mistress."

"Better." A quick stroke of her hair, then Lyda's knuckles grazed her buttock. "If you want me to stop, use your safeword, Gen. 'Stop' isn't it."