"Sshh." His brow was creased, eyes concerned as he slid his arm beneath her shoulders. He kept her close to his chest, holding their upper body weight on his other braced arm. "It's all right, Gen. Don't do that to yourself. I'm right here. Ease back. I've got you."

He put her back on the towel, bringing his body down with her, so she was pinned beneath his chest. "Let me just do this." He put his hand on her thigh, a nonverbal cue to loosen her lock as he adjusted his hips, slid back a little, then back in, an easier angle.

"How do you know a woman's body like this?" Her heart and soul...

"I feel you, Gen. Everything about you is mapped right here." He held her gaze, telling her he meant her eyes. "Let me give you pleasure. Unless...do you want me to force you to accept it?"

As she stared up at him, he let his touch shift, slowly, deliberately, to her arms, down to her wrists. He moved them to her sides, held them locked to the sand. When she trembled he saw it, eyes darkening. His abdomen muscles contracted as his hips lifted, then sank back into wetness, her cunt slick and welcoming, now lubricated to take him deep, but instead of ramming in there like a hammer and nail, it was like the Creator bringing together two body parts, joint to ball socket. Something meant to fit together, move easily, capable of power, speed, flexibility. Control. Utter, blissful control. She'd

given it to him.

Her clit spasmed, her inner muscles clutching him. "Noah..."

"There's some of it in you, what you see in me," he said. She appreciated the catch in his voice, since she was unraveling. "It's different, but there. Lyda really brings it out in you. It makes me crazy hard, watching you two. Listening to her make you come the other night just about killed me."

She writhed against his hold, and his grip tightened, underscoring his strength. He could make her helpless, and that turned things in her lower body to molasses, but she also wanted to explore, to experiment. Lyda had offered her that opportunity, and she wanted to start now.

"Let go of me, Noah. I want to touch you."

Her voice was hoarse. As he cocked his head, not immediately complying, she saw the challenging light in his eyes. He wasn't an automatic pleaser. He understood when not being so accommodating could be a huge turn-on. The man was an endless puzzle.

"Now," she said softly. "Don't make me get rough with you."

The corner of his mouth twitched, and her eyes sparked in answer. He let go of her but curled his arm beneath her again to cradle her upper body against him, half off the sand as he slid in deeper, more firmly, making her gasp.

"You may have noticed I like it rough." His eyes were much closer now, his mouth. "Do your worst."

She kissed him, and his lips opened, welcoming her into heat and demand both. She lashed at his tongue, the surge of hot, needy lust translating into her sliding her hands up over his shoulders to rake his back again as he thrust into her, setting off a rhythm she matched with the movement of her hips. The towel was rough beneath her bare buttocks, her ankles crossed over the bend of his knees, pressed into the soft sand, their mattress beneath the terry cloth. His hand tangled in her hair to tip her head back and he bit her throat, suckling. She pulled loose and returned the favor, biting his shoulder when he plunged deeper.

"God..." She shoved at him, levered herself up. She couldn't hold against his physical strength, but when she made it clear she was going to insist, he gave way, letting her roll and reverse their positions so she straddled him. He stared up at her, eyes dark with desire. She felt powerful, beautiful, dangerous. Those bikini-clad girls couldn't give him this. Noah wanted the goddess inside a woman. He hungered for that power, wanted to worship it, be lost in that wave. A woman had to have known bittersweet pain and loss, to give him that. She had to understand what love and surrender, sacrifice and pain, were all about.

Testing herself and him, Gen slid a hand up his chest, trailing over his nipple. His expression and body went still, a powerful, combustible force, as he realized her destination. She closed her hand over his throat, the pulse hammering against her grip. When he tilted his chin up, accepting the hold, her body hummed in fierce, pleased response.

"Stay still," she whispered. "Don't move."

She rose and fell. Up, tightening all along his sizeable shaft, then down, enjoying every delicious inch of friction. Her pussy was so lubricated, she heard the sucking noise on each downward stroke impact. His breath rasped in his throat.


"Don't come," she said. "I want to see you fight it until I finish."

"Anything for you."

Her heart tore free a few mooring lines at that, rising higher in her chest, the thumping painful. "Don't..." she said. It wasn't an admonishment. He hadn't done anything wrong. She just couldn't do this, couldn't hold the reins if he broke her heart wide open.

He didn't disturb her hand on his throat, but he laid one hand over her wrist, coiled his strong fingers around it, his thumb rubbing her pulse, an erogenous zone that leaped at the caress. "Ride me however you want, Mistress."

She returned to that up and down movement, the pure pleasure of it. God, there was a lot of pleasure to fucking Noah. He moved with her, anticipated when she needed him to lift his hips to help her impale herself deeper. He was hard and thick, and he met her demand, the muscles of his face tightening, then all along his body. His eyes had that feral, desperate light that told her how close he was.

She pushed herself to hold out. It felt too damn good. She didn't want it to end, but more than that, she was feeding on his self-restraint, his obvious desire to please her on every level, even the deeper ones most men weren't even aware were there, let alone expended the effort to try to satisfy. She was around some of the rarities like Tyler and Brendan, but until now that had sometimes been as torturous as being stabbed daily with a dull knife. Why did Chloe and Marguerite have what had eluded her?

No, don't go there. This was about pleasure, a sun-filled day with an exciting man.

Fuck, it had caught her. She'd faltered, despite being so close to the knife-edge of release. Her body was quivering, fighting her.

"Gen." He cradled her face, drawing her attention back to him. Her hand had shifted from his throat, the heel pressed against his heart, fingers curved into a claw over his collarbone. "Stay right here. You aren't lost. I have you."

Noah pushed himself into a sitting position, adjusting her so her legs were curled around his hips and she was cinched in closer to him, his mouth near her breast, his head pressed into her neck. He had his arms banded around her, one hand curving over her buttock. He took over, working his cock into her from that more limited movement position, making the sensation overwhelming. He nuzzled her breast, her nipples pressed high against his chest.