"You, captured. Here. Belonging to me, like a pet in truth. Enclosed, safe. Owned. You can sleep in peace, nothing to do, to think, no actions to take that I don't command. Not because you're helpless." Lyda lifted her head, pinned her with that intent gaze. "But because the one thing a strong submissive deserves and needs is a safe way to surrender all control."

"There is no such thing."

"Yes, there is." Lyda slid her leg over Gen's, pressing her knee against her pussy so Gen arched at the pressure. She swallowed a cry as Lyda rose on both knees and then slipped her hands under Gen's buttocks to lift her up to ride the column of her thigh.

"Hands open and above your head."

Gen complied, though it was hard to stop touching Lyda's hair. Her legs were shifting even more impatiently at the flexing pressure of Lyda's leg against her pussy.

"All nice and wet again. I want your lovely gush of come to mark my sheets, Gen. Noah will wash them tomorrow, though I'll bet our bad boy will smell them first, rub them against his body."

A needy noise broke free from Gen's throat as Lyda put her body fully between Gen's thighs, stretching out upon her to bring naked flesh to naked flesh, her breasts brushing Gen's, hips pressing her thighs wider.

"Have you wondered how two women have sex, Gen? It's not about dildos or strap-ons, though those can be plenty of fun. And no mouth between your thighs, though that's a pleasure I'll take from you again, when I wish. Tell me what you feel."

"Your legs...against my thighs. Your body, pressing mine down. Your breasts, your smell...your hair, falling against my face and shoulders. I love your hair. Everywhere you are against me...it's like I'm turning into flame."

"And there she is, a quiet, earnest poet when the world is still enough for her to whisper her sweet, tender thoughts."

The words had come without thought. Gen's moment of embarrassed regret for not suppressing them evaporated into wonder as Lyda smiled down at her, silver eyes luminescent. "Women tend to experience one another as a whole body, because it's not just about our pussies. I love feeling you squirm beneath me. Looking at your fingers, curling and uncurling, wanting to touch me. Next time I'm at Tea Leaves, watching you prepare tea or take a phone order, I'll stare at your hands and remember this moment. When you speak, I'll think of how your lips are parted now, wet like your cunt."

Her labia and clit slid against Gen's, an indescribable feeling of pleasure. Gen moaned again, her hips lifting. "It's like the metronome, only we set our own music this time. Move with me, Gen. I want you to sing for me. Lift your chin."

Gen did so, and another shuddering sigh broke from her lips as Lyda kissed her neck, nipped her breasts. Then she pressed her own against Gen's, an intriguing weight, the drag of the nipples inspiring Gen to return the favor. Lyda's hips worked against her, clit rubbing clit. Then bearing down, she slid her wet labia over Gen's with slick purpose. Gen wanted to raise her legs, lock them around Lyda.

"Keep them down. I like seeing you spread out all helpless like this. Mine to do whatever I want with. You're gorgeous."

Tangling her fingers in Gen's hair, she yanked, arching Gen's throat so she could take a harder bite out of it. Gen cried out, pure need. Lyda slid an arm beneath her shoulder blades, pulled her off the pillow enough she could keep her cunt rubbing against Gen's as she wrapped her mouth around a nipple. She gripped the curve, squeezing so she could suckle it more deeply. Gen's back bowed into an impossible crescent to help Lyda do as she wished. "Oh God..."

"You're so beautiful." Lyda lifted her upper body then, bracing her hands on either side of Gen's ribs, caging her as she began to work against her with greater purpose, her lips wet where she'd tasted Gen's flesh. Her breasts trembled with her rhythmic movement, upper body rolling in sinuous display. Gen had a flash of how she looked from behind, the heart-shaped ass pumping as if she was fucking Gen like a man. But she was, wasn't she? Lyda was drawing in every sensation through her eyes, through everywhere their bodies touched, as much as where their genitals made contact. Gen was pushing against her, no longer guided by anything but desire.

"Oh...God...I'm going to come..."

Lyda's eyes caught flame, her mouth tightening. "Come for me, Gen."

Gen clenched her hands into fists on the pillow, not able to leave them loose as the orgasm took her. Lyda's head dropped back just as Gen was coming down, and Gen felt the spasm through the Mistress's cunt as they found a climax together, hips bumping, breath sighing out in long moans, bed rocking with the force of their need.

At the height of their chorus of pleasured release, Lyda captured one of Gen's hands, guiding it down to her side, a nonverbal direction to have Gen grip her hips, press her fingers into Lyda's buttocks to add to the friction. And then, as the tide ebbed, Lyda let her stay that way a precious moment, so Gen could explore the beauty of those pale curves. God, Lyda had a wonderful ass. Gen slid her fingers over the taut flanks of a sensual female animal, tracing her upper thighs. Lyda had kept one hand tangled with hers, so Gen could also make tiny strokes of her knuckles.

Lyda kissed between Gen's breasts, to her navel and below. Gen sucked in a cry as her clit was suckled, her labia licked. Lyda pressed her palm against the sheets.

"A nice puddle there. That's my good girl."

She'd never though it erotic. Lyda made her feel like it was incredibly so. She shifted next to Gen, gathered her in her arms, spooning against Gen's back, her arm over her waist, the other tangled with her hand up near her head. "Noah," Lyda said in a conversational voice, "Is your cock hard?"

"Yes Mistress." His muffled voice was rough, sending a little ripple through Gen. In one night, these two had tripled her normal libido, with no signs of it decreasing.

"How hard?"

"Really fucking hard, Mistress."

"You wish I'd let you take care of that, don't you?"

The unspoken yes was like a primal shout, so Gen was impressed with his actual response. "Whatever my Mistress wants is what I wish."

"Remember that next time you steal a kiss without permission. Go to sleep, Noah. And if you have any wet dreams, you'll spend tomorrow watering stock with a dildo strapped up your ass."

"Yes Mistress." He sounded resigned, but still hugely aroused. Gen was beginning to realize the threats contributed to that. At least for Noah's form of submission.