"Ass. Moron. Man. "

Mac lifted a brow as Violet sat down in the chair he'd been holding for her. It had a clear view down into the observatory room and of the hundred-and-twenty-inch flat screen on the wall at the deck floor level. Currently it provided a close-up of Tyler, arms restrained out to his sides, legs manacled and spread, ankles secured to the bolts in the floor. The blindfold was still in place. Stacey had reluctantly finished with him, so his genitals were well oiled and well aroused. The audience was currently getting seriously worked up as the platform turned, displaying him from all angles in erotic slow motion.

Mac knew all his senses would be on high alert, not just his glands. Waiting for that one noise. The sound of a door opening, the feminine step that said she was there with him, the one that was keeping his cock at aching attention even more than the tactile ministrations had done. He knew Tyler was not a submissive but he also recognized the look he'd seen in Tyler's eyes when he'd passed him going down to the observatory.

Dom or sub, a man in love was a man willing to undergo anything to win the woman who'd stolen his heart.

The Masters and Mistresses were of course accorded the balcony seats. Their subs, if they had one, were seated at their knees or standing behind the chairs as Mac was now. He leaned down, a long arm on either side of his wife's chair and nuzzled her ear.

"What's the matter, sugar?"

She thrust the note up at him, shrugging him off irritably. "Stupid men. " Mac looked down at the note in Tyler's broad script.

Violet, Perry has instructions from me. Nobody is to enter that room until we're done. I'm asking you to trust what I know. Don't interfere. No matter what.

"He's anticipating this getting pretty rough. "

"You think?" She scoffed. "The woman tried to chew the balls off a sub not too long ago. The only reason she's allowed to be down there tonight is because she's with one of the owners and because of the crowds she draws. And because Brendan talked Tim out of filing a complaint against her. I know this is a good place. " She waved a hand.

"But we both know when she performs the bar tabs triple. So I guess we're just supposed to sit here while she neuters him, or just cuts his throat. " Her gaze shifted to the screen. "I'm tempted to let her do the neutering. His ability to think might return to his brain where it belongs. Jesus. "

Mac stayed in his position over her. He had a fantastic view of her breasts swelling high out of that corset. The glitter dust she'd sprinkled across their tops was making his tongue itch. But she needed something else right now other than his substantial erection pressed against the small of her back. The way she casually rubbed against it with the shifts of her body told him she was aware of it, making him ruefully bless and curse her ability to multitask, to torment him while fuming. She'd closed her eyes, was shaking her head.

"Sugar. " When he touched her face, he compelled her to open her eyes and look up at him. "Tyler's an intelligent guy and a tough Dom. He trained you. I think you should do what the note says. Trust him. "

"But his judgment is seriously impaired. "

"Because he's in love with her?" Mac's silver eyes crinkled. As she always did, Violet got a little lost watching that firm mouth lift in a smile. "Maybe they'll be lucky and find what we found. But we had some pretty edgy moments getting there together.

For people like us, for anyone, you have to earn the right to it. " He bent a little closer to her. "Just like I'd like to ask my Mistress how I can earn the right to put my mouth on those beautiful breasts of hers. I'd like to suck on her nipples until she comes just from that, as I know she can do. Repeatedly. "

She slanted a glance up at him, his attention spreading welcome heat over her skin.

"I'll give it some thought. For now you just stand behind my chair and keep that big cock of yours hard for me. Let me feel it against my back, ready to serve me when I call for it. "

"That's not going to be a problem, Mistress. "

She brushed her cheek against his palm. Taking a light bite on the silver bracelet he wore, her symbol of ownership, she tugged on it. "You may be on different sides of the D/s fence but you and Tyler both try charm for distraction. I think you're in for a long, hard night to remind you I won't be charmed. "

"Yes, Mistress," he said.

She kept his hand on her shoulder, rubbing her face against it like a cat, seemingly placid now. But Mac wasn't fooled. Watching her gaze shift back to the man bound in the observatory, he had a feeling what they were about to witness was going to be a problem. He ran a light finger along her neck, a transgression he hoped she wouldn't command him to withdraw, for he knew his touch would help calm her.

Tyler, you better know what the fuck you're doing.

Chapter Seventeen

Marguerite stepped into the dark shadows of the observatory, nodded to Tony. He moved past her and the door snicked shut, leaving her and Tyler alone.

Whenever she'd stepped into this room before, she'd had a sense of who the submissive was, a glimmer of something she'd seen in his soul. Something she would use to get all the way in, open him up and use that to balance them both.

She wasn't sure if she'd found that glimmer in Tyler, a key. She wasn't even sure if that's what she intended to do tonight. She was still waiting for her inner compulsion to speak to her as it always did, telling her where she wanted to go tonight.

In the meantime, she let herself look. The video screen didn't do him justice but then she'd known he'd be more potent to her senses like this. The observatory wasn't an overly large room, the shadows covering all the equipment stocked on the walls, the few storage areas. All the focus was on the dais under the spotlight. She didn't look up, wasn't even aware of her audience any longer. The room was silent, as she'd requested, no music. And the audio output was not turned on. Their play was visually public only.

She'd had younger, more handsome men in here. But as her eyes coursed over the rugged lines of bone and muscle, the scars, that fascinating expanse of silky hair layered on his chest and forearms, she knew those bodies had never attracted her the way this one did. Nor the shadows that lay beneath their surfaces. He'd barely even cracked a window for her there, though he'd had no compunction about kicking in the door to her psyche and demanding she offer her soul to him, every black corner.

"I was beginning to think you'd changed your mind. " His voice was as tactile as the touch of his fingers running down her back, raising nerve endings to high alert, but it was also velvet. Like the comfort of a known voice coming out of the dark when walking alone in a graveyard.