She'd had Jeremy grease him up further, so even with her saliva, it was a smooth glide.

She put her pubic bone against the base once she had it started down the passageway and let go. Gripping either side of his buttocks, she used her carefully balanced forward weight to push it slowly inward, her hips brushing the inside of his quivering thighs.

She made a mental note to thank Master T for his thorough work, though he'd already sent her a dozen long-stemmed pink roses for the gift of Brendan these many weeks.

Brendan moaned his pleasure.

Running her nails down his cheeks, she watched the red marks rise up on his flesh, then slid one finger in the crevice and caressed the stretched rim of him around the plug. When he gasped, she saw his testicles tighten between his spread legs.

"Are you hard for me, Brendan?"

"As steel, my lady. "

She liked the improvisational title. "But you won't come. "

"Never without your permission, Mistress. "

She reached down, cupped his balls, found the rigid line of his cock up against his belly with one straightened finger. Rubbing her fingertip idly over the pulsing vein in its center, she watched his ass clench in reaction, his tiny jerks as he involuntarily tried to thrust into her touch.

"My apologies, Mistress. "

"You don't displease me, Brendan. I want you to hold nothing back but your seed.

When I put the iron to your flesh, you will not make a sound or movement. Do you understand?"

"I. . . I understand. I can do that. "

"I know you can. " Tiberius would have been sure to train him that screams could command greater degrees of pain. She would use the lesson to show him how euphoric the internalizing of intense sensation could be.

She savored the feel of him in her hand another moment. The hard length, its heat, the pulsing want it conveyed. She wondered how Tyler would feel, his size and thickness, how his heat would taste in her mouth.

She stopped a moment. That was an unusual thought. She'd certainly tasted a sub's cock before, usually when he was strapped and turned upside down on a wheel so he could stare at her pussy while she enjoyed taunting his erect member at her eye level.

But that wasn't what she imagined with Tyler. In her mind, she moved down his body to her knees, taking him in her mouth while his hand came to rest on her head, tightening in her hair, driving her down on him.

Good Goddess. . . She straightened abruptly, stepped back, paced away to collect her thoughts. Did another circle of the room. Deep breaths again. Accept. Analyze later.

"Are you all right, Mistress?" It was Jeremy who spoke in a low murmur, but she could tell from the flick of his lashes that Brendan had heard.

"Nothing that Brendan can't fix for me," she said softly. A pleased flush rose in her captive's cheeks. She moved back to him, slowly. Heel, toe, heel, toe.

Tyler watched her from above, his brow furrowed. He'd picked up on her agitation as well, a mere ripple in the normal pond of tranquility surrounding her, though she seemed to refocus herself now. She was stunning tonight. The white bodysuit fit her like skin. A ripple of reaction had gone through the crowd when she stepped from the shadows for she'd decorated herself with diamonds. A choker at her throat, teardrop clip-ons at her ears and an ankle bracelet on the left boot. His lips curved as he imagined asking her what man had given her those. Imagined her tart reply that she didn't need a man to give her diamonds.

"This skin. . . " She was passing her fingers over every bump of Brendan's spine now. "Is mine. As is the muscle and sinew, every dark corner inside you, any disease or infection, every thing. I accept all of it. It is my skin I'm touching. " Hypnotic. Her voice filled the air as some enterprising staff person bumped up the sound system so it reached every corner of The Zone.

"She's like a priestess, isn't she?"

Tyler pulled his attention away from them to see Lisbeth, another Zone Domme, take a seat next to him. Lisbeth was in her fifties, beautifully maintained and wealthy and a very good Mistress to her subs.

"Her acolytes are trained and prepared under the tutelage of the other ordained priests and priestesses, like Tiberius, while she watches from afar. " Lisbeth considered the tableau beneath them, her expression absorbed by it. "Then, when they've earned it, when they're ready mentally and physically for the punishment she'll put them through, she takes them to enlightenment. " She took a sip of her vodka and tonic.

"You sound reverent. "

"And a bit intimidated by her. When she turns those pale eyes on a sub, he wants to give her everything and yet he's petrified, wondering if she'll ask for more than he can give. And then she plunges a hand into areas he doesn't know he has and wrests it out anyway. "

He turned his attention back to Marguerite thoughtfully. It was another piece of the puzzle. Perhaps Marguerite provided her subs a transcendental experience because her goal was not her own sexual pleasure but to see them reach spiritual bliss through physical release. And that's what she did, every time.

"We judge one another all the time, don't we?" That sensual voice came through the speakers. Marguerite was pacing around Brendan. "But when we do that, we're just projecting our perspective on someone and not really seeing them. " She crouched, so close to Brendan their noses almost touched. He looked dazed by his lust, mesmerized by her. "When I look into your eyes now, I see beneath the surface, everything you've built or constructed. Minds don't know each other. Only souls. That's where I'm going, Brendan. Straight to your soul. I see who you are and you see me. We know each other. "