There was a deep sexuality to their interactions but she was able to keep it locked in a contained space, relieving it in her own way with her own private ritual when she got home at the end of the night. She wanted satisfaction now and all she'd done so far was watch him get undressed, like a peeping Tomasina in a boy's locker room.

Stacey's slender hands were at the band of those gray boxers. Hooking it, she took the underwear down, cupping her hands so she'd be able to feel the curve of his buttocks whisper under her fingertips. Marguerite could hardly blame her. Tyler's head was still. She'd made a calculated error with the blindfold. She wanted to see what was going on in his eyes. But his stillness suggested tension, wary alertness, waiting for the next move.

She told herself this wasn't about payback, though she could feel a beast in her wanting to tear him down, open him up, make him bleed for disturbing her world, for asking more of her than she'd wanted to give. And she knew he had the audacity to want ten times more than even that from her.

When Stacey got the fabric of his underwear past the curve of the buttocks, she had to bring her hands forward to peel the fabric back and free his cock. It was a mouthwatering size. Marguerite was sure the opportunity to see it for the first time was causing a stir on the main floor among those who'd come to see this show. Somehow the word "show" created a tightness in her body, a moment of sick nausea. She pushed it away, breathed. No. She'd never made her interactions with a sub about a performance, but she'd always made them public because she'd seen no need to do otherwise. Had no desire for the intimacy that privacy could bring.

Tyler said he was honoring the Mistress in her. Giving her the chance to what? To even the playing field, to apologize, or to simply manipulate her?

She rose, not wanting to see Stacey rub the warm oill on her hands and begin to stroke it on Tyler's cock as she'd required. She hadn't wanted the rest of him oiled.

Actually she didn't necessarily need that part of him done but she'd wanted him handled by strange hands while restrained to disturb him. Watching his quiet features she realized she was the only one who could accomplish that. He was waiting for her.

For her to prove she could take him down as easily as he had taken her.

She put her hand on the stop button but could not bring herself to press it yet as Stacey's hands rubbed that impressive shaft, back, forth, oiling it as it rose under her touch, as she palmed his balls and got them glistening. She would put him in a cock harness, attach it to nipple clamps, make him feel pain, the type of pain that was in her head now, becoming a pounding headache. She wished she had amputated Tim's genitals. If she had, she would not only have a sense of satisfied completion, she'd be in a safe, quiet cell now where these things didn't matter.

She hit the stop button, removed the tape and dropped it in The Zone secure return box so it would be re-filed in the main office. Gathering her cloak about her, she yanked open the door to come face-to-face with Mistress Violet, leaning against the rich wallpaper of the opposite wall.

Violet did not come to The Zone as often as she had before she married Mac, but Marguerite knew they still came a couple days of the month. Usually in the company of friends like Tyler to take advantage of The Zone's topnotch amenities for play. While Violet was barely tall enough for the top of her head to reach Marguerite's chin, Marguerite did not underestimate her.

"Something I can do for you, Mistress Violet?" It was an effort to put courtesy in her voice but she managed it.

As a result of the exposure created by the bust of the S&M killer, Violet no longer bothered with the long black wig and contacts that used to alter her appearance at The Zone. Her shoulder-length curly auburn hair and Caribbean blue eyes were a tempting match for the body she displayed in a black corset. It pushed her small breasts out and nearly over, the garment a complement to the snug purple satin skirt with black filmy overlay that flirted just above mid-thigh. Marguerite suspected that she had made Mac lace the corset, tightening it until she was satisfied with the view. Despite that intimacy, Violet likely wouldn't have given him permission to touch anything yet, wanting to keep him hard and lusting. Teasing him with what was so erotically displayed in the corset his hands had laced and what was barely concealed above the hem of the short skirt.

It was the type of game a good Mistress excelled at, or one intensely experienced with the desires of her slave. Marguerite wondered what it would be to indulge in such loving play with someone. She'd never sought that with a sub, perhaps because she was driven by a very different compulsion. Her dwelling on it now was just another example of how Tyler had managed to fuck with her head. Something that would end tonight.

She began to move past Violet when the woman did not immediately reply but was not at all surprised when Violet raised her hand. "A moment of your time, Mistress Marguerite. "

"A moment. " She stopped, sighted just over Violet's shoulder and found a photograph of Marilyn Monroe. In a crinoline and bra, smiling her sad, distant smile at the camera. "I have someone waiting. "

"I know that. " Violet stepped squarely in front of her, blocking her way.

Marguerite's eyes narrowed. "I'm asking you to be careful. What you did earlier with Tim, if it wasn't for your relationship with Tyler, you wouldn't be down there tonight. "

"I don't have to court Tyler's favor. The Zone can kick me out at any time. "

"You'll take care of him tonight. "

"The Zone has rules. "

"And as you've demonstrated quite recently, every experienced Domme knows how to hurt someone without breaking the rules, especially if they know the ways to keep the sub from crying uncle. The best ones can cripple without even breaking the skin. "

"That sounded suspiciously like a compliment. "

"My mistake. I meant it as a warning. He's stupid when it comes to you. I'm not. "

"I disagree. You're the one standing

in my way. "

"Mistress Violet. " One of The Zone staff members, Mark, had come up the hallway.

"With your permission, I need to speak to you a moment. " Violet never broke eye contact. Her lashes did not even flicker. She took a step forward, lowered her voice. "I have a tremendous amount of respect for you, Marguerite. I've learned a good deal from watching your technique. But I love that man very much. Whatever nightmares or demons you're exorcising, you make sure you don't sacrifice him to appease them. You hurt him and I'll tear you limb from limb. " She moved around Marguerite, bumping her shoulder none-too-gently to get to the waiting Mark.

Without hesitating, Marguerite moved onward down the hall, pushing the exchange away, pushing it all away. There was only one thing now and that was the sub. Not Tyler. There were no names, no identities, simply the power and energy she needed for their session. It would be no different tonight. She could not afford to let it be different. Not if she was to protect Tyler the way Violet wanted.

* * * * *