"God, your nipples are so swollen. "

"Touch them. . . " She wanted it to sound forceful, to compel him, but it came out like a plea even to her own ears.

"Come for me and then I'll touch them. I'll suck on your pretty tits and leave teeth marks on them, branding you as mine. You're mine, angel, you know you are. You want me to fuck your cunt, your ass, stretch your mouth, take you again and again until you can't walk, until you can't remember anything but wanting to please me with your cries when you come. Do you have something to ask me? You come without permission and you will be very, very sorry. Ask. "

The words were so difficult it felt like they were ripping the lining of her throat. But there was something ripping low in her belly that needed out more than her pride.

"May I come?"

He waited a solid ten seconds, his eyes glittering upon her, his mouth set and firm.

"Please. . . " she gasped, feeling the orgasm start to take her.

"Come for me, Marguerite. " And he laid his hand over the top of her furiously working one.

The strength of his touch, the shock of it, exploded through her. Fire surged through her blood, tightening every nerve ending so she bowed up even more. He went down, biting her right breast. Seizing her left arm before it could rise up, he held it down above her head as she bucked and screamed. The climax tore through her, destroying another barrier she thought she'd managed to put up against him. Her fingers slid deep into herself, pushed in with his. The fullness of it made her scream into a guttural groan as she worked her hips hard against the thickness. She wished it was him, wished her body was covered by his, that he'd opened her and taken away every choice. Been cruel and given her bliss, however fleeting it would be before the darkness would claim her. His lips and teeth tugged at her nipple, and long after the climax reached its crest she continued to mewl and writhe against his touch, aftershocks shuddering back and forth between their fingers and her nipple, the heat of his mouth.

He did not withdraw when even that died away, suckling her, massaging her overly sensitive clit.

When she would have shifted, he shook his head. "Be still, Marguerite. " The powerful male desire in his eyes as he lifted his head held her in place as much as the command. "I want to play with your beautiful tits, your wet cunt and have you understand that it's my right to do so as long as I wish, even if you get aroused and come again. "

"A fate worse than death," she said, her voice breathy. He smiled as he bent and pressed his lips against her nipple again.

"I thought you would feel that way. "

Chapter Eleven

He concluded his foreplay fifteen minutes later, strategically when her body was starting to rouse to his touch. He wanted her panting and wanting so her mind couldn't interfere with the pleasure he could give her. It was obvious that rousing to a man's touch was new to her but he knew her to be disciplined enough to relegate it to a mere physical issue. He wanted to keep her emotions involved.

When she started to reach for her clothes, he shook his head. "Carry them. "

"But Sarah. . . Robert. "

"They know my house, my ways. And that's another requirement met, submitting to my demands in front of others, isn't it?"

"Are you trying to humiliate me?"

"Think, Marguerite. Are you trying to humiliate a sub when you strip him and open up the glass screen?"

She clutched the clothes, her brow furrowing, telling him that even when she was defensive she never let her pride keep her from thinking.

"I'm not sure. I. . . go on instinct most of the time. It's more feeling than thought to me, Tyler. I don't analyze it. I'm listening to something beyond voice. "

"Let me take those. " He removed the clothes from her grip, laid them neatly on the bench with her shoes and socks for later retrieval. "You'll just hold them in front of you like a shield. The point is not humiliation, angel, not with me. It's about your pleasure. "

"And you get nothing out of it. "

"It's not a war, Marguerite. Getting a slave to capitulate to her own pleasure, accepting that she desires to be Dominated, welcomes and embraces it, is the goal for both of us. And sometimes, for a very lucky Master, a sub feels that way only about a particular Dom. Now, enough questions. " He took her hand, tucked it securely in his elbow and led her back toward the house. "I believe it's time for you to have your tea.

Which means reluctantly I'm going to let you go put something comfortable on once we're in the house and leave you alone for your two hours. After that, I'll come get you and take you for a picnic lunch. "

It surprised her that he was going to give her space when he'd implied that he would join her for her tea times. But her surprise at that was not as strong as the unexpected feeling of disappointment, indicating that she didn't necessarily want to be without his company.

She kept her tone and expression neutral. "All this and picnic lunches, too," she observed.

"We're a full-service BDSM bed and breakfast. "

As if arranged, they passed Robert in the garden, lean and tan from gardening, his face weathered and handsome with a depth of character that told Marguerite that Sarah's affection for him was well-founded. He did give her body an appreciative look with discreet courtesy as she passed him in profile, so that she felt his eyes linger on her buttocks, the movement of her breasts as they turned on the path. And of course, they found Sarah in the kitchen finishing up the preparations for their midday meal, the predicted aroma of cookies in the air.