She was soaked. He could tell the difference between the water's light touch and the heavy slickness from her body. He looked at his palm, saw her fluid had trickled down into the shallow bowl of it. But her chest was expanding and releasing too quickly now, the air sighing out of the tube in a way that easily brought to him the vision of her lying on his bed, writhing against him and moaning her pleasure as he brought her to peak, again and again.

He'd ordered her verbally last time. This time he didn't give her the chance to think or resist. Stroking his thumb back and forth across the distended clit, he found her sweet spot inside with his fingers and laid the finger of his other hand against the opening of her anus, accessible to him from her position, just teasing the rim.

The water rolled as she lunged up against her restraints. Her forehead pressed hard against the strap, tighter than the one on her throat so at this type of moment the pressure on her throat would not be hazardous. The rasping in the tube became a guttural sound, somewhere between a wheezing sob and a breathy scream. He closed his eyes, reveling fiercely in it. In feeling her pussy ripple and contract in a long, hard orgasm that he'd made her helpless to deny this time. Her breasts were tight points even as he worked her through the after-shudders. When he slowly, reluctantly withdrew his fingers, he reached for another way t

o keep her mind focused on only one thing. His Will, and the pleasure it could bring her.

Standing, he trailed his fingers down her belly into the water and cupped the left breast, still rising and falling rapidly from her exertions. Fitting the rubber sides of the clamp around her hard nipple, he followed her movements to tighten the screw. He stopped when he felt her tense, then let it back out one adjustment. He wanted her to wear them for a while and feel their pleasurable discomfort, but not slide into pain. He moved across, did the other one and then let the heavy chain that attached the two float down and rest in a crescent along her upper abdomen.

Marguerite could not keep up with each new sensation. Her body was still throbbing from the second orgasm he'd given her in less than an hour. When those hands drifted up her rib cage, bringing the touch of a foreign item, she had a moment of trepidation. Then reaction shot from the compression of her nipple straight into her lower belly, coiling together with the aftermath to keep her in a state of wanting.

What are you doing to me? She'd been thankful for the strap holding the breathing tube in her mouth, for she couldn't possibly have held on to it during the soaring pinnacle he'd just sent her tumbling over.

Now his hands never left her, one on her at all times. She caught a breath in her throat as he slid something thick and short into her pussy, something that had a clit stimulator. The waterproof vibrator immediately pulsed on her clit at low setting, causing her to squirm as the extra-sensitive tissues were stimulated further. No, she couldn't. . . It didn't feel. . . It was uncomfortable so soon after the orgasm but a pleasurable response clutched in her lower belly. Her restraints only intensified it, because between that and the thigh straps she could only twitch in small movements against it.

The razor was back, working on the left side of her pussy. She gnawed on the mouth tube, trying to breathe, trying to calm herself down, despite the steady pulse of sensation against her clit.

She couldn't control anything. Though she knew that was the point, she hadn't expected this. This disintegration of her mind into a million bubbles of floating torment where all she could think about was his touch, what he would do to her next.

She screamed as he bumped up the setting abruptly to maximum. No, no, no. . . It was too much sensation, too much. It hurt, it didn't hurt, it was just too much, taking her clit up to a paralyzed, pre-orgasmic state where it could not go further, could only do its best to withstand the battering staccato vibrations. Too fast to let her go over, too much stimulus not to. As she hung on that precipice, her body heaved against unrelenting bonds.

Then, unbelievably, another orgasm ripped through her body, too ruthless to be called pleasurable but underscoring a point she understood as clearly as if he'd spoken it. He'd take her up and over whenever he wished, until she was exhausted and could not think beyond the next wave of desire.

When Tyler gradually lowered the small vibrator's setting, he took careful notice of her spasmodic shudders. Her body was reacting to the stimulus but was otherwise nearing lethargy, worn down by the physical and mental stress of their evening together. It was time to put his baby down for a nap.

It was going to be hell to lie next to her, knowing there was no relief in sight for him. He had no intention of breaking her rule about sex, though it was obvious he could do it easily. He'd mowed over her restraint about kissing as if it had never been but he wouldn't do so again. He intended to hear the sweet sound of her begging to break all her rules before the weekend was over.

He'd caught her off guard, taking her where she didn't expect to go. Once she had time to think, she would re-Marshall her defenses and make it that much harder for him.

And he was going to let her do it, because he was going to prove no matter how thick the walls she built, he could shatter them.

* * * * *

It took twenty minutes of meticulous care to shave her completely. When he was done he eased out the vibrator, wet with her post-come honey as well as the arousal the continuing stimulation had coaxed from her. He rubbed her skin down with benzocaine gell and a lotion with the same light apple scent. He liked massaging her soft, smooth skin, looking at her nipples large and aroused in the nipple clamps. Occasionally he tugged on the chain, felt her pussy contract beneath his thumb and nodded, satisfied she had become thoroughly aroused again despite her exhaustion.

At length he pressed the controls, keeping his hand on her as the marble slab began to come up, taking her back to a level spread-eagle position. Removing the strap across her forehead, he took the mouthpiece from her lips, resisting the urge to suck the beads of water from around them. Then he unlaced the head mask, taking it off, smoothing out her hair as her pale eyes focused, sought him.

Marguerite was hungry for the sight of him. She was glad for the restraints that remained so she didn't do something ridiculous. It was odd, but the silence of the water had come above the waterline with her, so all they did for a few minutes was look at each other, his hand caressing her hair, her temple. She felt soothed, quieted by the touch. She didn't feel a need to do anything at the moment but look at him, and it seemed he was indulging in the same activity. Eventually he pressed a control. True to his word all the restraints released at once with the exception of the adjustable straps at her throat and breasts. Those he released himself, his fingers grazing her sensitive skin.

She shuddered as he unbuckled the strap around her throat. His hands stilled momentarily, his eyes studying her. Then he finished removing it without comment and set it aside.

"Stay where you are. " He picked up a towel and began to dry her, starting at her feet and working up, patting her thighs, her smooth, silky cunt. He took her hand, laid it there. "Do you like the way that feels?"

She did, because he had done it and because it obviously gave him pleasure. Her fingers began to inch away but he caught them, held them on herself. "How often do you touch yourself, Marguerite?"

"I don't. "

"A toy, then. "

She shook her head.

"You never pleasure yourself alone? Not with a toy or your fingers?" She could answer the second question truthfully, so she shook her head.

His eyes crinkled with humor but there was something more serious there. "If I had a cunt that beautiful, I'd touch it all the time. "

"Well. " She wasn't sure what to say to that. "I suppose that might drive away my customer base. "

"So it might. But you might get some new customers. " Her gaze flitted down, rested on the very prominent cock pressing against his jeans.