Despite the seriousness of the moment, Lauren felt her cheek muscles quiver at the utter shock that crossed Marcus's

normally self-possessed features. Josh might have appreciated it as well, except the admission had flustered him, and he had lowered his gaze, a light flush rising in his cheeks.

The shyness, and deference, stoked the fire in both of his admirers. Marcus's hand came up, cupped Josh's jaw, his thumb making a firm stroke over the other man's cheek, and when Josh's eyes lifted, Marcus pressed a brief kiss on the other man's lips, his brilliant green eyes locked with storm gray. No tongue, no physical outburst that might send Josh into a panicked retreat. She had to admire Marcus's restraint. After such an admission, she would have wanted to gobble him up whole.

Marcus lowered his hand, caught hers, and drew it forward. He curled her fingers around Josh's cock and the man groaned at the squeezing pressure of her heated skin.

"I'd like to see you stroke him while I prepare myself for our beautiful boy, if it suits you, my lady. " he said. Not a command, not from one Dom to another, but a request she was more than willing to grant.

She nodded. "I'll be right back," she whispered, touching Josh's jaw, and turned her back to him, bending over the close chair. She coiled the whip on the seat. When she straightened and turned, Josh's eyes lifted.

"I could almost see your pussy," he murmured. "I'm glad you came to the island. "

She smiled at the disjointed thoughts and touched his face, his neck.

"Me, too. " She ran her hand along his arm, over the three straps that held it there above his head. "Are you comfortable?"

He chuckled, glanced down. "Not entirely. "

She wrapped her other hand around him, and slipped back into a Mistress's role with the ease and joy as if she had been born in a dungeon with whip in hand.

"Good," she murmured, rubbing her breasts against his bare chest, drawing his eyes to the gather and stretch of the fabric as the full curves lifted to accommodate the pressure. "Do you like being uncomfortable for me, Josh? Do you like being so hard so long for me?"

"If it makes my Mistress wet to see me so," he made a futile attempt to catch her ear in his teeth when she rubbed her cheek against his.

"Bad boy," she chuckled, giving his cock a hard squeeze that brought something close to a whimper from him. "But I think you know your Mistress too well. We'll have to punish you for that, won't we, Marcus?"

Marcus had emerged from the dressing room with a green glass bottle. His lithe movements toward them shifted the open white silk robe, emphasizing and framing his chest, hard stomach and even harder cock, clearly molded by the soft material of the gathered pants.

Lauren heard Josh swallow. Her hand rested on his collar bone, so she felt the pulse jump.

"Butterflies, Josh?" she asked.

His eyes tore from Marcus and came back to her. "No," he managed.

"Good. You tell me, you tell us, if you get them, at any point. " She flattened herself against him and captured his mouth in an open, hot kiss. She fisted her hand roughly in his hair and moved in, straddling his erection, sliding his aroused member along the slick channel of her clit and labia, rubbing. He rocked forward, just the small amount his restraints permitted, and groaned again as she moved over his sensitive head.

She felt like groaning herself. His brief contact on her clit was unbelievably powerful, her response as close to an orgasm from just a brief touch as anything she'd ever had. The friction of pulling off of him, going over that thick ridge of the glans, was worse. She had to tighten her grip, steady her breathing.

Fortunately, her captive was distracted from pressing his advantage. Marcus had moved around them during the kiss. Lauren smelled the exotic scents from the bottle of oill as he uncorked it. Josh went rigid, and there was a shift in his eyes, apprehension.

"Sshhh," Marcus made a gesture only Lauren could see, and she nodded, sliding her arms around Josh's waist. She turned her hand over, accepting the small pool of oill into it, the texture slippery like her own fluids.

"Just some lubricant, dear one," Marcus murmured and laid Lauren's hand, palm down, in the indentation right above Josh's buttocks.

Lauren let the liquid drain onto his skin. At Marcus's guiding touch, she slid her oiled fingers down along the inside of the curve of Josh's ass, then deeper, letting the oill follow the impression of her fingers. It flowed over and into the tight opening that fairly radiated Josh's tension. She ran her fingers around and over it, and transformed the tension of fear into the strain toward release, his breath beginning to grow rapid. She was pressed full against him, her head lifted to watch what she was doing, and she gasped as he sank his teeth into her jugular. It was a non-puncturing grip, but strong all the same. He sucked harshly on her skin. The lack of finesse tightened her own nerves, a spiral from breast to groin. She turned her head to dislodge his mouth but recaptured his lips in a damp kiss.

Her hand slid up the small of the back, and Marcus's touch smoothly replaced hers. His long fingers fondled Josh's buttocks, squeezing, a stronger, more masculine touch that she was not sure Josh noticed immediately, due to the seamless transition dance of their hands and her efforts toward keeping his attention on plundering her hot mouth, fused on his.

Marcus had changed the music when he went to get the lubricant, and the beat was building again, a deep drum rhythm at once complex and primal. It vibrated through the floor, through the soles of Lauren's feet, tingling in the contact between her palm and Josh's shoulder and neck. She pressed herself even more tightly against him, now holding his head still with her touch so she could nibble on his neck.

"I want to touch you," he muttered against her cheek.

She smiled, which did nothing to dispel the raging, aching need in her own eyes, a need as much emotional as physical. "Tough," she whispered, with a slight catch in her tone. "You'll wait for me to take you. "

"God," his breath exhaled in a rush as she worked the dress up with her movements and rubbed herself along the top of his engorged head again. "Please. . . I'm going to explode. "

Marcus had loosened the drawstring of the silken pants and they pooled around his ankles, revealing an impressive erection rising out of a curling thatch of black hair.