He bent to her thigh, running his tongue over the taut muscle and making her squirm before he took the hem in his teeth and tugged. His chin and jaw scraped her sensitive skin, as he went back and forth, to the outside of each side of her hips. The wet heat of his mouth fastened on her skin here and there until he had the skirt worked over their flare and tapering down along her thighs. She rolled to one hip to help him, giving him an unimpeded view of her bare ass, and enjoyed his huffed, frustrated breath.

When he rose, his cock was fully recovered, and it was all she could do not to touch herself to relieve some of the aching pressure. He looked at her with such yearning, she almost broke again, but she managed to make an imperious gesture, an order to go back toward the cross. He nodded, acknowledging the command, but with a deferential dip of his head, he bent, slid his arms under her, and lifted her to her feet, straightening the dress with respectful hands, smoothing the fabric from waist to thigh. As she looked up at him, unable to tear her eyes away from his face, he focused on her hair, tucking it back up into the pins she had used when she slicked it back from her face. Taking care of her.

He held her face in his hands a moment, his thumbs along the jumping pulse and fragile bones of her neck. He did not say anything, but Lauren was not aware of silence. A hundred words and emotions were expressed in that look. She thought it might be the first expression on Man's face when he was first created and the whole world was a new place, with so many mysteries and wonders, places of dark and light.

He released her, turned and walked back across the room, his body moving gracefully. He stopped before the cross and hesitated only a moment before he allowed himself to be once again stretched out and strapped in. It made her eyes sting, his trust.

However, sentiment was swallowed by even stronger emotions as she watched the process of restraining him. The adjustment of hip, the tightening of his stomach, the flexing of muscles as his arms were extended. Marcus buckling the straps over his spread, muscular thighs, framing his arousal. She had him stop before he restrained the neck and forehead. She wanted Josh to be able to move his head this time.

"Cock harness, my lady?" her Egyptian assistant queried, his dark hair whispering along the white silk of his robe as he turned his head toward her.

"No, not this time. I intend to make use of it. "

She came back across the floor to stand before Josh, strutting, slow, her hips swaying with her steps.

His eyes drank in the sway of her body, the quiver of her breasts, the hard points of her nipples. Last time he had been blindfolded. Now he did not have to imagine.

"Ten lashes, I think," she tapped her foot. "And if you handle that well, then you'll get a reward. Do you think that's fair?"

His hands closed into fists again. The shadows still lurked in his eyes, the residue of opening a festering wound to bleed, and she intended to wash it clean once and for all with pure, healthy lust.

"Ask me for them, Josh," she murmured. "Tell me you want my punishment. "

Josh nodded. "Anything to please you, Mistress. " And his lips curved up in a way that speared straight to her vitals. "Anything. "

"Insolent creature. Perhaps I'll make it fifteen. "

He was hard as a rock when she landed the first blow, licking the area just above his hipbone. The shuddering reaction of his skin was almost the same as if she had caressed him.

He kept his eyes locked on her, and she didn't make him cast his eyes down. She liked to see the fire build, passion destroying pain. The shadows were being chased away by an excruciating combination of pleasure and pain, a tug-of-war that was bringing a flush to his face and chest with every strike. It was as alluring as the red glow she was bringing to the skin on his thighs and ass as she switched from one side of the cross to the other. The whip snapped, pulling blood to the surface of sensitized skin.

Strike fourteen, and he was panting, his eyes filled with the light of the wild animal again, only violence wasn't what he had in mind this time, she was sure. She caught the rattail end of the whip around his shaft on the last stroke, tugged before she loosed it. Even as he jumped, a male, defensive reaction, fluid leaked from the tip. He was ready to detonate, every muscle quivering and possessed by the savagery brought by mindless desire, and she had brought it to him.

The thought of that was almost as stimulating to her as the thought of what she wanted to do with that cock.

"What do you think of our beautiful man, Marcus?" she asked, coming closer. Josh strained against his bonds toward her.

Marcus was watching Josh, almost as fascinated as the bound man was with her.

"He's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. "

"Mmmm. Would you like to fuck him, Marcus?"

That snapped both men's attention to her. Lauren stepped up to Josh, aware of the charged tension that filled the air between him and Marcus. She laid her hand along Josh's cheek, made him look into her eyes. "What do you say, Josh? I've always wanted to ride a man with another man inside him. " she leaned in, licked his jawline and let him strain to nibble at her temple. "I think it would feel absolutely incredible. "

Marcus drew close to Josh's shoulder, meeting her gaze over the tanned curve of skin and muscle. His hand touched Josh's nape, a whisper brush down his spine. A shiver ran through Josh, but it did not appear to be one of revulsion. He brushed his lips against her face and she let herself be nuzzled as Marcus bent, and gently kissed the line of Josh's shoulders where neck and collar bone met.

"You must answer your Mistress, Josh," Marcus commanded quietly, and Lauren felt her already warm blood stir as she heard some of the Master enter Marcus's voice. "Tell her what you desire. "

Josh turned his head. Lauren's hand lay on his bare chest, playing there, her hips rubbing inside his thighs, brushing his excited groin.

Josh met Marcus's gaze and something deep, lingering, was considered. "If it will bring my Mistress pleasure," his attention came back to Lauren, "then I want Marcus to fuck me. "

There was still too much shuttered behind those gray eyes. She curled her hand on his neck, tightened her grip.

"It will bring me pleasure, Josh, only if it brings you pleasure," she responded. "Do you want Marcus inside of you?"

Josh gave a half-deprecating laugh. In a slight motion that took both his captors by surprise, he laid his forehead briefly against Marcus's close temple. "I believe he always has been, in one fashion or another. "