Lauren stepped back so she got a good view of her subject again. "Marcus is going to put a cock harness on you, Josh," she said. "I want to see your cock on display, and I want you to stay hard for me. "

"I suspect," his voice was thick, "I could oblige you in that, regardless, Mistress. "

She laughed, a light caressing sound that floated close then drifted away. "But it's like a favored piece of artwork, Josh. I want it framed, mounted for my pleasure. "

Marcus dropped to one knee and coated his hands with the oill from the bottles he had used to slick Josh down earlier. His hand closed, with gentle admiration, over Josh's erection. Josh jumped, though he was unable to move his hips more than an inch because of the straps holding his thighs apart and his waist immobile. Marcus oiled the shaft as Josh's breath clogged in his throat, his color rising to his exposed jaw line.

"It feels different, having a man handle you, doesn't it?" Lauren asked. She circled to his right, distracting him from Marcus by making him search for her with his hearing and his nose. "A strong touch. His hand is sure of what will pleasure you, in a way a woman can learn but will never truly feel, or understand. She just enjoys when she gets it right and sees your body quiver under her palm, or feels your cock jump under the moist flick of her tongue, inside the deep recesses of her mouth, as she takes you in, sucking, drawing out your response. "

Marcus chuckled as Josh groaned and attempted to thrust against his hand, then jerked in shame. Red color rose along his exposed neck.

"My dear," Marcus said, "you are supposed to soothe the beast until you get the cage on him, not tease him into a rage while he's still unfettered. "

She laughed, a delighted sound. "My apologies, Marcus. " But her grin was unrepentant.

"Laur - Mistress - " Josh's distress was palpable and she shifted gears, made her voice softer. She came closer to him.

"Women are so much luckier than men. We grow up used to touching each other, in affection, and friendship. It's easy to explore one another, enjoy a woman's knowledge of what feels good. Society doesn't give you guys as much of a break on that. We're free to learn from the beginning that just because we can enjoy what a woman can give to us, it doesn't make us a lesbian. Any more than," her finger reached out, stroked the side of his corded neck, "You responding to Marcus's touch makes you gay. "

Marcus slid the tunnel of straps over the engorged and slick cock, and Lauren moistened her lips, her fingers curling into a scrape of nails on Josh's neck. Marcus was aroused as well, visible to her eyes in the loose pants. He fitted the straps evenly over the velvet flesh, a noticeable quiver to his hands as he tested the snugness, ensuring the tightness around the scrotum. He rose and moved behind Josh to buckle the harness just below the restraining strap on Josh's waist. The belted waist served the dual purpose of keeping the harness from slipping, and keeping Josh's penis in an erect, perfect angle for sliding into a woman's heat. Marcus's fingertips caressed the small of Josh's back, the dimples on either side of his spine. Josh's breath was rasping, his cock leaking more semen, and Lauren had to stifle her own raging desire at watching them. She wanted to tease him past bearing, and she was heading there rapidly.

Maybe too rapidly.

There was a chain attached to the base of the cock harness, with the links dividing into two separate strands that went to the floor. Marcus came back around to Josh's front and fastened the ends of the chain to each link in the cuffs at Josh's ankles. The chain's weight pulled down on the harness and its contents, keeping it at that desirable angle, which made Josh's now half-mast erection even more impressive. Some distraction might be necessary or she suspected he might explode, regardless of the constriction of the harness. Lord knew, she was close enough herself.

"Josh, would you like Marcus to describe what I'm wearing?"

"Yes. "


He yelped in surprise, not pain, as the popper snapped at his upper thigh, just below his bound testicles.

Marcus's head jerked up, having been just below the whip's path. She gave him a playful grin and reined the whip back in.

"Yes, Mistress," Josh corrected himself.

"Good. " She drew close again, shifted the whip out of her left hand and kept the riding crop she had been holding with the whip in her palm. She dropped the tip of the crop; let it play a bit beneath his balls.

He tried to strain at her touch, and could not. "Marcus?" she asked.

The art dealer bowed, settlin

g in on the step of the dais that held the St. Andrew's Cross. He leaned back indolently; reaching for a glass of wine he had somehow procured, putting the final touch on the look of an indolent, sensuous Prince of Egypt. He took a sip and considered Lauren, who raised her brow, giving him a slight curve of her lips and a coquettish pose.

Marcus smiled. "Were you not so delightfully restrained, my friend, your body would explode at the sight of her. "

Lauren strolled onward, her spike heels punctuating his words. She rested the crop on her shoulder and loosely flicked the bullwhip along the stone floor with her other hand, as he continued to speak.

"Your beautiful Mistress is wearing a tight gold dress, some sort of Lycra - cire cross. It has long sleeves and a just barely ass-covering skirt. The cloth of the dress is sheer, woven with sparkles of gold dust. At different angles you can see a momentary shadow of her pubis, the dark press of her nipples, the cleft of her buttocks, but they are tantalizing impressions only, sure to drive a handsome slave mad, trying to look without being caught looking. "

Lauren chuckled.

"The neckline of the dress, always the most important thing to a man," Marcus grinned over his glass, "is a straight line from armpit to armpit, just barely above her nipples, and when she takes a deep breath, you see just that faint crescent of mauve over the nipple. I believe she's rouged them to make it more noticeable.

Lauren gave him a nod of pleased acknowledgment.

"She's made her lips wet as an aroused clit, with a burgundy shade. Her beautiful blue eyes are outlined in black and shadowed in gold. The sleeves of her dress hook with a gold chain between the thumb and forefinger like a medieval gown. "