"It's time to lance this boil," she said out loud. "Let the wound bleed out and start it healing. "

She looked up at Marcus, resolution in every angle of her body, and the expression of her face.

"I couldn't agree more," he said. He swept out his arm toward another elaborate wooden door embedded in the stone wall of the hallway and crowned with a trellis of ivy. "Let me introduce you to the perfect operating room. "

Chapter 15

"They have a fortune in toys in here. "

Lauren ran her hand over the finish of a spanking bench made out of satin smooth cherry wood and gazed around her, amazed at the array of equipment in the large room. Mirrors lined two walls and the ceiling, increasing the sense of size, though the deep woven carpets scattered on the flag stones, as well as the large potted plants and variety of heavy tapestries hung on the stone walls, made the space more intimate psychologically, if not physically. There were two costume rooms, complete with fully stocked makeup tables and wigs, to dress for play.

"Look at this," she paused by a carousel horse, molded with a thin faux fur that felt much like the animal it emulated. The bowed head, lifted forelegs and bunched hindquarters spoke of a stallion's desire to run free. Marcus joined her, slid his hand beneath the horse's chest. There was the soft hum of a mechanical reaction. Lauren's eyes widened as a seven-inch erect phallus emerged just below the pommel of the saddle. As she watched in fascination, Marcus demonstrated with a touch of another button the way the phallus would undulate in circles or thrust forward and back. Lauren reached out to it and jumped back with a startled yelp and a laugh as the horse began to rock back and forth in an easy simulation of a canter. The ribbed cock continued to thrust, so it was obvious every rock forward would pull the phallus out, and the rock back would thrust it home.

"Want to give it a try?" Marcus gave her a wicked grin.

"Wow. " Lauren looked about her. "None of it looks -"

"Cheap? Embarrassing? The rewards of large amounts of money, dearest. You can have sophisticated sex toys that look like works of art, like Chinese netsuke's, instead of tacky little bare tit statues bobbing on a dashboard. Climb on," he urged again.

Lauren flushed, but her gaze crept over the horse. Truth to tell, it was all to easy to imagine how it would feel sliding in and out of her tight passageway. The tissues dampened, just from the thought.

Marcus gave her a courtly bow. "It would be my pleasure to see your reaction, but even more, Josh would be overwhelmed by it. Don't you think?"

Oh, Marcus knew which button to push. She did, too. She ran a hand down the stallion's back haunch, made note of the velvet and rhinestone straps just above the fetlock joints of the horse's legs.

"Maybe you should try it, Marcus," she murmured, sliding around the backside of the horse to him.

"Face down," she trailed her fingers up his bare arm, "cheek pressed against that broad rump, your wrists strapped to the hind quarters, ankles to his forelegs," she directed his attention there. "And then I can plunge that rubber cock into your ass until you scream and buck like one of your young men would. "

Her body was pressed against his thigh now, and she felt his genitals swell and rise to her words.

Marcus lifted a hand to her face, cradling it as she bit his Venus mound lightly, like a cat. "Ah, Lauren, I've forgotten how much fun it is to play with another Dom. Are you offering, my love?"

"No," she grinned. "Just teasing you. You wouldn't enjoy being tied up as much anyhow, and I'd rather make Josh hard as granite. "

"I think you accomplish that just by breathing," he said. "But I agree. Shimmy out of those shorts and let's see if we can't give him a good show. "

Taking her clothes off on the beach had somehow been less difficult than here in this quiet room, with just the two of them. She would say that being inside made things seem more civilized, but she could hardly call her surroundings civilized. Something unknown and primitive lived here, encouraging primal behavior.

As if sensing her difficulty, Marcus turned his attention to making some adjustments on the horse's controls so that she was not directly under his gaze. Courtesy from one Dom to another, a consideration neither would have given to a sub. In fact they would have enjoyed watching that sub squirm, self-conscious under their attention but obeying nevertheless, shedding clothes on command. A rueful smile tugged at her lips. No one in the dungeons of the Club had ever accused her of being democratic.

Lauren dropped the shorts to the floor, but left on the Brazilian bikini bottoms. She accepted Marcus's leg up on the horse, since her still tender ankle could not manage the task alone.

She was already moist and hot, but she closed her eyes, centering herself, shutting Marcus out for a moment to ease the tension out of her body being caused by her own ridiculous self consciousness. Gay or straight, any man or woman would get turned on by watching another pleasure herself. Marcus would be aroused, not just by watching her, but, as he said, by the thought of how Josh would react to her.

The idea fueled her confidence, and she found the phallus by touch, drawing aside the crotch of the bikini bottoms with one fingernail to allow her to lower herself onto the shaft. She drew in a breath at the sensation of the ribbed rubber sliding along the silken walls within. She slowed her descent, drawing her own pleasure out like a tightened bow string.

"Take me up slow," she said in a breathless voice. She gazed vaguely in his direction, but her focus was inward. "Then I leave it to your discretion. I don't want to go over, though. "

Marcus nodded, reached out, and stroked a hand down her thigh. "I can smell you, dearest. It's perfume. "

She smiled absently, dropping her head back and closing her eyes, her inner muscles contracting on the phallus even though it had not begun to move. Marcus picked up the remote to the device and backed away, giving the heat around her the space to expand. He went to one of the high backed carved chairs, obviously left there for the relaxation of the Lord or Mistress of the dungeon as they watched the pleasurable tormenting of their victim.

Lauren purred as the shaft began to slowly rotate inside of her. The horse quivered to life, bringing an easy rocking movement that gave the dildo a slight thrust with each rock back. The sleek, faux fur covering made her feel as if it were a horse's flanks in truth beneath her thighs. There was an increase to the humming, and now she felt a vibration beneath her legs, a rippling like the muscles of the beast, that added to the sensation.

Those ripples were being matched from her womb, and she had to clench her inside muscles to keep from helping it along. Instead, she ran her hands over her damp breasts in the bikini top, cupping them in her hands, squeezing, not touching the erect nipples.

She knew the moment Josh came in, looking for them. She heard his steps on the threshold; his voice, dying away on the question as to why Marcus had brought her in here. She opened her mouth on a ragged breath and could taste him. She felt as if she could even detect his own unique male scent, as if all her senses were tuned to whatever frequency he traveled. It made her hotter. It made her want him with an ache fiercer than any pain or pleasure she had ever experienced. She could have him or keep building her desire to have him, and both ideas appealed to her.