The warm breeze from land whispered up the column of her spine, lifting her hair off her neck and spilling it forward, over her breast. His eye followed it, and her nipple tightened at his regard, hardening and lifting further at the responsive darkening around the pupil.

Lauren drew in a breath and looked out at the sea, that blissful scenic reminder that she was in a different place, could be whoever or whatever she wanted to be here. She didn't have to be afraid. After all, she was the one holding the cards. They had both said so.

"Okay," she said. "But you better not let me get sunburned. "

Marcus chuckled and lifted her hair, giving her hands the freedom to work off the tie at the neck.

"Believe me, dearest, I'm sure neither one of us wants to slick your bare body down with aloe vera gell at the end of the day. "

"Mm-hmm," she said dryly. "Just keep in mind how much fun it will be, oiling me down while I'm screaming, 'Ouch!', 'stop that', 'No! Don't touch there!'" She felt Josh's hand on her back, unfastening the strap, and shivered as his fingers touched her skin.

She closed her hand on the front of the swimsuit as it came loose, but only to deliberately pull it away from her body and rise.

"If you'll allow me," Josh nodded at her bikini bottoms and shorts from his kneeled position. "I can take those off so you won't have to put so much weight on your other ankle. "

Lauren pivoted partially toward him, to study his face and to give him her profile, her raised chin, the curve of her throat, the sun gleaming on the spherical surface of one bare breast. She nodded her permission.

He stood up on his knees, which brought him just above eye level with her chest, so close that his breath touched that bare breast and rippled across the skin, raising the fine hairs on it. He gazed at her breasts a moment, unmoving, content to look with silent, obvious pleasure at their weight and shape. His attention slid along the outer curve of the right one, from where it began its crescent just at her armpit, down to its fullest point, resting on her rib cage, the dark mauve nipple full and soft as a pussy willow bloom.

"You're beautiful. "

"Mistress. "

Lauren looked over at Marcus, startled by the serious, slightly stern tone. He squatted behind her, and cocked his head. "You should call her Mistress, Josh. As long as she holds the cards, that's what she is to you, until she gives you permission to do otherwise. "

It was another step, and she waited, seeing if Josh would take it. She was fascinated by the myriad of thoughts moving behind his eyes. It was even more intriguing to see that Marcus's words affected him in a manner she could discern. His erection, already noticeably swelling behind his zipper when she had removed the top, was now full and tight, straining against the constriction of the wet jean shorts.

Her eyes lifted back to his face, and the flush on his neck. He swallowed. "You're beautiful, Mistress. "

It was the most natural thing in the world to reach out and fondle his jaw, and push a lock of his hair back behind his ear, which of course made an interesting spectacle of her breasts before his avid gaze.

She could almost see saliva gathering in the corners of his mouth with the desire to taste them.

"My swimsuit, Josh," she reminded him gently. "I'm waiting. "

He tore his gaze away and put his hands to the waistband. He was able to easily slide his fingers over her bare hipbones and slide the clothes over her backside. He could have let them drop to the sand unaided at a certain point, but he took them down, a smart man who took advantage of the opportunity.

He managed a light brush of her clitoris through the crotch of the damp swimsuit, smoothed his palms down her slim thighs and calves, caressed her ankles, even the bottom of her feet as she stepped out of the shorts, aided by Marcus's steadying hold on her waist.

His eyes lifted, taking a leisurely amount of time. His gaze was a warmer caress on her body than the wind at her back. When his face did rise to where she could see his expression, she was jolted by the combination of fierce hunger and pleading submission there. It almost broke her. Almost. It would have if Marcus had not been there, a steady third party influence that helped her get a grip.

She wanted to twist the rubber band a bit tighter. Balanced equally with the lust in her own body was the desire to prolong his, to draw it out to the point of explosion. What would it be like to get him so visually excited that she could whisper softly, "Come for me", and watch his body explode without any stimulation other than her cool command?

God, the idea sent a flood into the channel between her legs and made them tremble beneath his hands.

She needed to lie down, now, before her need trickled down over his fingers and gave her away.

When she bent her knees to do just that, he guided her down to her back, his hands at once caressing and protective.

Despite feminist protestations of self-sufficiency, she could still be melted by a man who obviously considered it a point of honor to protect a woman, keep her from harm. The gesture of respect and care, coming while she was completely stripped, added a level

of eroticism to it that weighted her down. She was unable to do more than just lay still, reclined under their attention and intent. She was content to watch the fire in Josh's eyes flare as Marcus scooped wet sand and ocean water into his palm and let it slide through his knuckles, just over her abdomen.

The impact of the first small crescent of sand was cold, and quivered through her, sweeping down her shoulders and raising goosebumps across her breasts. She remained still, watching Marcus. His brow furrowed in concentration as he increased the flow of sand to build up the dripcastle, covering her navel.

He moved upward, increasing its coverage along her rib cage. Some of it slid down her waist in tiny rivulets of earth and ocean. Most stayed where he placed it, rough turrets of gleaming wet sand, a castle wrought by nothing but the movement of his fingers and the inclination of the sand and water itself as it came in contact with her flesh. There were flecks of glitter in the sand, so the sun made his creation gleam amid the hills and slopes of her body.

"May Josh play, m'lady?" Marcus asked absently, "Or must he just watch?"