Geoff closed his eyes then as if turning his focus inward, slowing things down. He settled into an even slower in-and-out motion. It looked as if he was pressing in deep as he could on each thrust, holding a beat before slowly pulling back and then doing the same thing over again. Sam wished they had a mirror on the wall of the kitchen. She'd like to be behind Geoff, watching his ass flex and pump as he thrust into Chris. But she was equally mesmerized by the look on Chris's face. His arousal had gone subterranean, deep inside him, and she understood that soul-level response, a reaction far beyond words.

Role-playing was done. Kissing Chris's hand again, she played her tongue over each of his fingers. She lifted off her heels, intending once again to lean over the table between his spread hands and put her lips against his, swallow those appealing quiet grunts. Several inches from her goal, she stopped and looked up at Geoff, remembering herself.

"May I kiss him?"

Chris's expression suggested he had a mixed reaction to her decision to defer to Geoff, but disagreement wasn't part of that response.

"You may. If you apologize for not asking the first time."

Despite his admonishment, Geoff showed his approval for her taking that initiative. It shot warmth through her core. Perhaps one of the best things about all of this was that they were exploring it together, so many moments new for each of them.

"Yes sir. I'm sorry for not asking before."

"Apology accepted."

She stretched out over the table, her breasts pressing between Chris's elbows, and touched her mouth to his. Lifting one hand from the table edge, Chris gripped the side of her head, fingers overlapping jaw, nape and throat to hold her fast. He might be under Geoff's command, but he left no doubt she was under both of theirs. He parted her lips and invaded her mouth with his lashing tongue, letting her feel the storm Geoff was creating inside him. She became part of their rise-and-fall movement as he held her, the table trembling and squeaking beneath them. She felt Geoff's every thrust in her own womb.

Chris broke the kiss, moving to her throat, her shoulder, and put his teeth there, an erotic claiming as Geoff reached under him to work Chris's cock. "God, you feel so fucking good . . ." Geoff muttered.

When Geoff started to come, Chris's teeth dug into her shoulder, his breath rasping against her as she wound her arms over his taut shoulders. Then harsh groans spilled from him, along with his seed. His climax was so violent it splattered on the linoleum, some of it baptizing her knees. She laid her head on Chris's shoulder, holding on to both of them by holding on to one.

Geoff kept emphasizing she was theirs, which she loved, but in truth, it worked in every direction. They were all hers as well.

Geoff slowed, breathing deep. He put his palm on Chris's back, then moved his touch to Sam's head, a caress for them both. "Let's move into the living room. Someone call nine-one-one to get us there," he added.

"You know, there may be a logical reason that threesomes are not the norm," Chris said, his voice muffled in Sam's shoulder. "Like the limits of physical endurance."

Geoff chuckled and helped him up. Sam reluctantly slid her arms from around Chris's shoulders. Geoff wrapped his own around the broader man, steadying them both. "I'm looking at it as a new exercise regimen," Geoff said. "It takes time to build up to it, but once you do, you'll just want more."

"You're the running addict. Like a rabbit," Chris pointed out. "I'm the manual laborer, the turtle. Slow and steady wins the race."

"Slow and steady has no cardio endurance."

"Only for sprinting. You whine like a girl whenever you pitch in with Esteban's crew for extra money and do half a day's work."

"Like a girl?" Sam protested. Chris tossed her a logy look.

"Give me a break. I don't have the brain cells for a PC analogy." Chris sobered then, his gaze coursing over her. She had her arms crossed on the surface of the table, her chin propped on them as she watched their every move together with fascinated eyes. "Did you like watching that?" he asked roughly.

"Yes. I've fantasized about a whole lot more than just you two kissing."

It was clear he'd worried she'd think him weak, letting Geoff take him like that. The power exchange between them was still a work in process.

She didn't mind having a front-row seat to seeing that happen, but she had some worries about it. That Geoff was a Dom, there was no question. Chris could exercise Dom tendencies, but he wasn't a Master like Geoff was. He also wasn't a submissive like her, eager to surrender to the two men she loved and trusted.

As Geoff let the need to dominate seize him, would he pull Chris into the same submissive mix indiscriminately? If he did, would that cause problems between the two men? When he first put Chris down on the table, she'd sensed that possibility. She wasn't sure if it had fit Chris's desires entirely, but he hadn't resisted Geoff too strenuously, either. He might have, except for her putting her hands on him. So had she helped or hindered Chris's true desires by doing that?

She had no immediate answers, so she had to put her faith in two truths. Geoff cared for them both, enough that he would draw back if needed. And Chris had a far more stubborn will than most people realized, until they ran up against it.

"See? It's her fault, her and her fantasies." Geoff brought her back with the outrageous comment. He squeezed Chris's shoulder. "Her active female imagination is going to kill us. Living room. My knees aren't going to hold me up much longer."

"Want me to carry you?" Chris tipped his head, his expression a little easier now.

"As if you could." Geoff bent, picked up Chris's pants and tossed them at him as he pulled his own jeans back up. He gave Chris the room to do the same, though Sam noticed Geoff stayed close enough so he could steady his friend if needed. Once he was sure Chris had his balance, Geoff came around the table, offered her a hand to help her off her knees. As he ran a light hand down her hair and her back, her Master gave her an assessing Are you okay? look.

She smiled to reassure both him and herself. No matter how sappy it was, she did believe love was strong enough to work its way through anything. Since she was fiercely in love with both of them, she was armed and ready for whatever came their way.

As soon as they all had another nap. And some form of carbs. Preferably those cookies she'd been too worn-out to eat last night. If Chris had left her any.