"A little," she admitted breathlessly.

He returned to the task. This time, when he was done, she was still snugly wrapped in it, but breathing was easier. He gave her one more whack with the brush, this one enough to earn a yelp, then gripped her throat, caressing it. Cradling her face in a hand that could easily break her neck, he tipped her head back on his shoulder to look at him. "Remember the first rule, Sam. Got it?"

She stammered her response. "Yes sir."

He kissed her and his eyes softened, more like the Chris she was used to. "Better finish getting ready. Geoff said we're out of here in about ten minutes. Are you wearing the black heels with the silver bottoms?"

At her nod, he smiled. "Good. I love the way you walk in those."

Turning, he left her there. She might have dropped her jaw on the floor if it weren't hinged properly to her face. If this was any indication of what kind of night it was going to be, she might not have any unexploded brain cells by the end of the evening.

When she finished dressing and left the bathroom, she found Geoff already dressed and waiting on them in the kitchen. He wore a fitted black dress shirt in a brushed cotton so soft it made her want to rub against him like a cat. It was open at the throat and tucked into stonewashed gray jeans, a combination that would complement her own colors. The jeans were a pair she hadn't seen before, and they fit snugly over ass and groin, His black belt had a silver buckle shaped like a dragon's head. The black boots under the jeans were sleek and supple with a low heel.

His tanned forearms were visible because he'd rolled up the sleeves of the shirt to his elbows. For some reason, his silver-and-black watch only made the look even sexier. He was mouthwatering, head to toe.

She'd donned a skirt over the thong and the bottom part of the corset, and carried a gray shawl she could wrap over her shoulders. Would Geoff and Chris choose to take the wrap and skirt off her once they hit the doors at the Carnival? She was nervous about that idea, but if they were headed into the kind of environment she hoped it would be tonight, she also welcomed it. She was more than willing for Chris to act just as much like her Master as Geoff did naturally and with

out thought. Geoff's gaze moved over her, displaying the obvious male desire that Chris had, along with a similar possessiveness. That look fostered a sudden titillating suspicion.

Was it her being in a public venue tonight, wearing this kind of outfit, that had compelled Chris to make it clear that she belonged to them, in a way that engaged her senses in that ownership? He was certainly clever enough to figure how much that reaction would excite her, but what bemused her was how genuine it had seemed for him.

He wasn't Dom through and through, but he didn't mind mixing it into his nature when it brought him, her or Geoff satisfaction. She had no objection to that mix, for certain. Her buttocks were still smarting, and she knew the mark of that last swat might still be there if they did remove the skirt once they arrived at their destination.

Chris came into the kitchen then. Geoff glanced at the small tote she was carrying over her arm. "Is the mask in there?"

She nodded.

"Put it on now."

She set the tote on the table. Pulling out a hair band, she fixed her long hair in a flat knot at the crown of her head. The mask allowed room for such an eventuality by including a "crest" for the bird's head. Touching her hair recalled Chris brushing it. As she picked up the mask, the sleek feathers that covered it caressed her own fingers. All her senses were on erotic high volume, but particularly touch, as if every inch of her skin craved sensation and magnified the barest contact.

Under Geoff's silent scrutiny, she slid the mask over her head and drew it down to cover her face. It had discreet zippers and lacing in the back to tighten it. Chris came up behind her, once again handling the lacing part, tightening the mask, making everything fit in its intended place so her face was enclosed by the supple material. The bottom of the mask curved under her jaw and molded to her nape, leaving most of her throat bare. The opening for the mouth framed her lips, making them feel more sensitive and exposed.

She'd folded her nervous hands in front of her as Chris did the task. The eyeholes weren't covered, and Geoff stood in her line of sight, but it shifted her into a different headspace, having her key senses cocooned like that. It was as if looking at him through the mask was like being a bird in a cage, looking out at her Master, waiting for his will to free her.

When Chris was done, he rested his hand on her shoulder. She drew in the heat and strength of his body pressed behind her as Geoff picked up her hand, bringing it to his lips. He took her shawl and Chris moved back so Geoff could wrap it around her shoulders, putting the twisted ends in her hands.

"Our beautiful dove," he said. "Let's go."

Tonight Geoff drove, first because he was the one who could drive like a New York cabbie if they hit traffic snarls, and second, she wasn't in any condition. DWIA, driving while insanely aroused, was definitely no safer than driving drunk. Geoff hadn't even asked if she wanted to drive, directing her firmly over to his car. As he got in the front, Chris put her in the passenger seat, taking the seat behind them.

Geoff turned over the engine but then leaned over, adjusting the tiny rolled flaps that accentuated the shape of the eyeholes like lashes when they weren't in use. When unrolled, they put her in darkness.

"You'll stay blindfolded until we get there. Spread your legs, Sam."

A needy sound came from her throat as his fingers slipped under her skirt, found the crotch of the thong and stroked her wetness, a slow, methodical rhythm that had her body moving restlessly on the seat. He drew his hand away. "Chris and I are going to talk, but you don't speak without permission first unless something's wrong. Understand?"

"Yes sir. Thank you, sir."

She added that without thinking. The silence suggested the two of them were studying her or exchanging a glance. Either way, she hoped they understood. Thank you for all of this. Thank you both for loving me, for being willing to do all of this. For wanting to do this.

Geoff put the car in drive and pulled out of the driveway. They did start talking, and it was incredibly arousing to have them talk about the things they might always talk about, all while she sat silently, blinded, waiting on their direction. Her body was aware of everything: the bump of the car over the asphalt, the feel of the recirculated air against her skin. Chris's hand stayed on her shoulder, and Geoff's occasionally curved over her thigh, both of them maintaining a connection with her.

It was what she'd always imagined being a submissive could be like.

Chris had asked Geoff something about the program, because Geoff was explaining it. "When I talked to Logan, he said they'll do the stage performances first, but there will be vendors and socializing afterward. They'd thought about setting up a dungeon with the local BDSM group, but they decided for this first event they'd keep it more limited. The vendors are going to be offering hands-on demos of everything from whips to sex toys, so we might see some impromptu play under the guise of shopping." Geoff chuckled.

"If we wanted to tie her up in someone's restraint system, we could?"