In answer, he curled his fingers around her wrist and drew her hand up to his face, letting her slide her fingertips along it as she wished. Geoff was an awesome lawyer because he knew how to project confidence in court and bullshit when needed to bluff his way into the right decision, but when he made a mistake, he learned from it. It was more important to him to actually be right than to appear to be right, especially when it truly mattered. And she mattered to him.

As much as she loved his stern Dom side, seeing the worry in his eyes now, him wanting to be sure she truly was okay, made her love the man even more. She shifted partly to her back, her shoulder pressing into Chris's chest, her hand resting on Geoff's hip, fingers curling in the pocket of his jeans to give each of them a shy caress.

"I know it's not a good idea for us to be having wild monkey sex every hour we're together, but what I really, really need right now, if you're both willing to do it and think it's okay . . ." She took a breath. "I'd like to feel each of you inside me, on top of me, one at a time. I'd like for you each to come, because I want you both . . . to leave part of yourself inside me, if that makes sense. I won't be upset if you say no, but will you consider it?"

Geoff glanced over her head at Chris. Whatever he saw decided it. He brought her fingers up to his mouth to kiss them, telling her they were going to agree to her request. She sighed in relief and quiet joy. "Thank you," she whispered.

Geoff squeezed her hand and left the bed to strip off the remainder of his clothes. She absorbed the lean strength and grace of his body as he set jeans and underwear aside. He came back under the covers to hold her against his warmth, Chris waiting on him to do that before sliding out of the bed and undressing. She wasn't left without the warmth of one of their bodies for even a second.

As Geoff pushed her onto her back, Chris stretched out next to her on his hip, head propped on his hand as he watched. His bare foot slid against hers under the covers before he made way for Geoff. A hundred emotions and physical sensations rolled through her as Geoff moved on top of her, her thighs adjusting to cradle him between her legs. Reaching down, he teased the wetness, making sure she was ready for him, then he slid an arm around her waist, holding her steady as he guided himself into her. Slow and gentle, to the hilt. Chris leaned in, nuzzling her temple. His hand moved under the covers, sliding along Geoff's back, she thought, establishing connection as Geoff began to move, a slow rhythm that dissolved her into pure pleasure.

"Kiss him, Sam," Geoff murmured. It was natural as breathing to turn her face toward Chris, his hand coming back to capture her jaw, caress her throat. As he sipped from her lips, Geoff bent to nuzzle her breast. He began to suckle, and reaction spiraled down to her womb. She was going to climax from this, from both of them. That hadn't been her primary goal, but still, it fit the moment.

"Yours," she whispered, looking between them. "I'm yours. And I'm still sorry."

"You're forgiven for everything you could ever do to us, now and forever." Chris spoke against her ear. That brought more tears squeezing from her eyes, but Chris caught them with his lips. Geoff began to release in an intense, nearly motionless way, the climax flooding her pussy so that she moaned and arched up into his body. She tried her best to keep things easy, slow, to honor the spirit of her request. As such, her own climax, following right on the heels of his, had a different power to it, one that gripped and rolled her, made her lightheaded and euphoric at once. By the time they'd both given her the gift of their seed inside her, she expected she might be little more than a boneless vessel of gratitude and love.

Geoff bent, kissing her, and she wound her arms around his shoulders, clinging to him and deepening the kiss, trying to express everything she was feeling in the one gesture. When he at last drew back, his eyes were alive with the aftereffects of his release, yet also molten with a contentment she wasn't sure she'd ever remembered seeing there before. It was as if he knew, as she did, they were standing at the doorway of the kind of happiness people always hoped to find but most never did.

As he slid from her, he trailed his lips over her sternum, each breast. He made her squirm and smile as he kissed her navel, tugging on the piercing there. She drew in a shuddering breath as he closed his mouth on her pussy, giving the petals a few soft, swirling licks and a gentle kiss, before he moved away and slid to his hip on the other side of her, his gaze now fixed on Chris.

Chris leaned over her, his broad shoulder the perfect spot to rest her hand as he kissed her deep, long. He didn't move to cover her body with his own until she thought she was floating on a cloud, captured by that kiss, held there spinning and drifting. When he did, her arms slid around him, legs curling up over his hips like she had Geoff's. As always, the enchanting differences of their body types filled her senses to overflowing. Chris slid into her, again slow and measured. He lifted his head and watched her face, his brown eyes serious.

"You tell me to stop if it hurts," he said.

The tissues in that area were remarkably resilient. Even the soreness of the past weekend had passed relatively quickly, the muscle aches the only thing lingering, a welcome reminder of the exertion.

She pressed her face into Chris's neck when he curled his arms around her head and held her even closer. Her hips tilted up to the smooth motion of his body, like the rock of a boat. "It's nice this way," he said. She agreed. It was nice every way, but this, no urgency, every move flavored by love and care, was the most unforgettable experience yet. Since all of their joinings had been pretty amazing, that was saying something.

Geoff's hand slid down Chris's torso, passing over the arms she had clasped around Chris's back and waist. She imagined Geoff stroking Chris's buttocks as the muscles in them tensed and released with his slow thrusts inside her. Chris's eyes were on her and Geoff's were on both of them. He leaned in, gave her a kiss as Chris had done when Geoff had been inside of her, connecting the three of them. His hand overlapped Chris's by her head and for a brief moment the men's hands tangled, tightened, sending a message between them that felt like it included her. She pressed her head against their joined hands and breathed their names.

When Chris started to come, Geoff's biceps flexed. She suspected he'd tightened his grip on Chris's ass, encouraging his release, experiencing it with the two of them. She shuddered in Chris's arms, riding the aftershocks from her last climax spurred back to life by his response. Her soft cries died into a contented purr as Chris slowly came down. She turned her cheek to the men's joined hands again, putting her lips against their intertwined fingers.

"I love you," she said.

Some things didn't need more than those three words to say it all.


"I love you both. I really do. But I swear to God, the way you drag your asses when we're leaving for a trip makes me want to kill you." Sam put her hands on her hips and glared at Geoff.

"Did you know, if you're murdered, there's a fifty-fifty chance the perp will be someone you love, or who thinks they love you? So love is as much a source of violence as hate. Something to ponder." Geoff scrolled through the messages on his phone. Again. Seeing Sam's ominous look, he tucked the device away and held up his hands, backpedaling toward his room with a grin. "Getting my stuff now."

"If either of you did the driving on trips, you'd be a lot more concerned about getting out of town before Friday rush hour," she muttered.

"Driving is your choice," Chris pointed out. He passed Geoff in the hallway, a friendly brush of bodies, and dropped his duffel on the kitchen floor. "Geoff's road rage breaks you out in hives and my lack of attention gives you a nervous breakdown. Want to check and make sure I brought enough underwear and my toothbrush, Mom?"

She crossed her arms. "I'm going out to the car in exactly ten minutes. Whoever is not with me will be left here. I'll go to Bat Cave by myself and have a wonderful weekend wandering through all the antique shops and reading by the creek. I won't miss either of you."

"Liar," Geoff said, coming back up the hall with his rolling tote. She suspected he'd had it ready all along, and had wanted to yank her chain by making her think he hadn't yet started to pack. "But I need something clarified. Was that ten minutes from now, or ten minutes from when you get in the car?" He clucked as she shot him the bird. "That's just rude. Do we have snacks?"

She rolled her eyes. "Jordan almonds for me, trail mix for you and Chris has two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. It's only a ninety-minute drive and we're getting dinner once we're there. I doubt we'll starve."

Geoff's brow creased. "Crap. We're missing something."

"What?" Sam said impatiently. "It's only an overnight. Whatever it is, we can live without it."

"No, I don't think so." Geoff looked around the living room and glan