When he'd been with Sam, a well of feeling had cracked open inside him. The woman was a vessel that could take all that feeling, absorb it into her, keep a man balanced. But with Chris doing the taking in this instance, the emotions surged up from heart to throat, wrapping around his spine, shooting down through his pelvis, into his loins, taking him over in a lot of ways and forcing a loss of control he hadn't expected.

"Chris . . ."

Chris's arm banded around his chest, body linked close. "I'm here, man. It's all right. Ride the wave with me. You feel so good."

Simple words. Poetry. Chris chose that moment to be more demanding, the best tactic possible. Geoff's fingers dug into the mattress as Chris thrust, pelvis smacking against Geoff's ass. His balls drew up, his cock leaking pre-come. Chris moved them back with his easy strength, putting Geoff's feet on the floor, body bent over the bed so Chris could have more leverage without driving him face-first into the mattress. A courtesy Geoff would remember next time he was belting his ass, which would be soon. This was so much, he wanted to take and control, demand. He wanted to jack off over Chris's ass, use his seed to lubricate his tight hole and drive into him, again and again. Take him, hold him, keep him, never let him go . . .

Chris's arm circled Geoff's chest again. With his rough cheek pressed between Geoff's shoulder blades, against the damp skin on his back, Geoff let go, grunting as the orgasm came up hard and fast, making him spill himself on the bedding, against his chest, his abdomen. Chris pounded even deeper then, giving Geoff some pain with the pleasure, but he embraced all of it.

"Come for me," he demanded hoarsely. "You big bastard. Come for me."

Come for your Master. It was on the tip of his tongue. In every cell he felt Chris was as much his as Sam. But he wouldn't say it. Not until Chris did, and he might not ever. But that was okay, because even if he never felt comfortable acknowledging it, Geoff knew Chris was his.

Chris released then with a deep groan, followed by a series of grunts as he thrust, thrust, and one more time, harder and deeper. He held there, deep in Geoff's ass. He was breathing hard, holding on to Geoff, trying to keep his feet. Geoff could feel the quiver against his own less-than-steady ones.

They made it back on to the bed together, Chris still mostly inside of him because he wasn't ready to come unlinked. Geoff wasn't, either. Chris curled up behind him, back to shoulder blades, hips cradling Geoff's ass, their legs tangled and pressed together. His breath was on Geoff's neck. When his hand slid over Geoff's hip to caress his cock and cradle his balls, Geoff adjusted his legs to let him do it, staring down at Chris's hand touching him, stroking him. Having just come, things were sensitive, so he quivered under his hold, but he didn't ask him to stop. Instead, when Chris finally let go and slid his hand up Geoff's abdomen, Geoff captured his fingers, so their hands were a tight knot on his chest. A tether of sorts, but he couldn't say which of them held which end. The point was they were both holding it.

"You okay?" Chris muttered.

Geoff nodded. Even in the hottest part of the past few moments, Chris would have felt that emotional struggle inside him, would understand it without Geoff having to talk about it. But Geoff would say it anyway. For Chris. And maybe for himself, too.

"I just realized what it means to have a home," he said quietly. "I knew you and Sam were my family, in all the ways that counted, but I hadn't thought about you also being my home."

Chris's fingers tightened on him. "Dumb lawyer," he murmured. "I've always known you're home when you're with me and Sam. It's the only place you really relax."

Geoff turned his head, Chris's lips sliding over his neck. Chris sighed, his even breath telling Geoff he was dozing. It sounded like a good idea, falling asleep with a friend. With family. With almost everything that meant home.

All they were missing was Sam, but somehow she was here, because she belonged with them. That was a tether, too, one that was felt even when she wasn't physically present. Geoff shut his eyes, imagining what might happen when she was, and how it would feel to be with Chris, with her, with both of them. For real at last. God bless a pushy sub. He'd have to tell Sam that sometime. While they were punishing her for it, of course.

His lips had a light smile on them as he drifted off.


Sam closed the passenger door and came around to Flo's side of the car. "Here's some money for gas," she said, passing it through the open window. Her fingers were shaking, just a little bit, but Flo noticed. Her hand closed over Sam's briefly, a firm caress. Jena and Carly, their other two coworkers, were still in the backseat, so Flo wouldn't say anything, but her eyes gleamed. "See you Monday. If you can walk."

Sam made a face at her, but as she turned toward the house, she confirmed that Chris's truck and Geoff's car were there. Normally, if they were both home when she came back from a trip, all it meant was they'd fill each other in on everything that had happened during the absence. Then they'd go about their normal day. Chris maybe reading a plant book, or Geoff inviting her to watch a movie with him or go for a run. Or the three of them deciding what they'd be having for dinner.

It was just past dark, which increased her anticipation. Trying to rein it in, she reminded herself their phone sex talk of the other night could have been just that. Even so, she'd done as Geoff had commanded. There were no panties under her dress, a silky tunic with a leafy print pattern in multiple greens and grays. The midthigh-length hem had given her some heart palpitations when they'd stopped for a restroom break and the wind had flirted precariously with the hem. Usually she'd be wearing leggings under the thin cloth, but not today.

The deep neckline showed the pretty lace edges of her push-up bra, so her breasts were round and full over it, ready to be noticed. She thought of Chris's lips on her nipple, Geoff's hands sliding over her bare ass, and her pace toward the door quickened. Easy, girl. They could be watching TV, sleeping, taking a shower. They hadn't known exactly when she'd be home. She'd been tempted to text them updates every quarter hour, but she'd felt a little shy about it. She didn't want to presume too much.

The kitchen door was unlocked, and she slid into semidarkness. A lamp was on in the living room, though no one was on the couch. Could they both be in their rooms?

"Chris? Geoff?"

A hand closed over hers as she reached for the light, and she yelped, but panic was fleeting, because she'd know that touch anywhere. "Chris," she breathed.

His hands were sliding up under the hem of the dress, and then one was between her legs, his other arm banding across her shoulders in front, holding her back against him as he explored and stroked, made her gasp. "She's wet, all right," he growled.

"She's been thinking about what we'll do to her."

Before her glazed eyes, Geoff came out of the shadows, his gaze filled with such fire, his face so taut, the reflection of the living room light made him seem deliciously demonic. He took in the tunic dress at a glance.

"Hope you paid attention to what we told you," he said, a second before he laid his hands on the vee neck and ripped the dress down the front with a decisive strength that stole all of it from her legs and made her heart hammer up into her throat. He reached around her to unhook the bra and strip it away. He yanked the dress off her, leaving her naked except for her sandals. As Chris lifte

d her off her feet, Geoff got rid of those. Now she was all naked, while they remained clothed. Her Master surveyed her with a leisurely lust that made her want to moan, especially as he cupped her breasts, thumbed an erect nipple.

"I think we should invest in some tint film for the windows. We'll get her a pretty collar so she'll know when she wears it in the house, she's not supposed to wear anything else. What do you think of that, Sam? Are you ready for how demanding we can be? Is that the kind of thing you'd want?"