"Feeling this way about you makes things more complicated. Especially with Sam in the mix."

"Yeah." Geoff curled his hand around Chris's wrist. "But I'm not going to let complicated keep me from getting something I want. Look at it this way. Say we have Sam's gorgeous naked body between us. You think we could just shut off any overlap on wanting each other? Forever?"

Chris shook his head. "No, but . . ."

"Are we arguing the point here, or just shooting the shit? What's the real issue?"

Chris grimaced. "The lawyer, wanting to get to the root of it."


"Actually, a lawyer figures out every way in the world to circle around the root of it until the judge is like a frustrated parent who gives in to the kid because he's sick of the nagging."

Chris smiled. Somehow he'd twisted his hand so he was linking fingers with Geoff's, thumb on his wrist. "But you're not that kind of lawyer. I think you should do it, you know. What you said a few days ago about joining the DA's office after you pay off your loans. You'll like that more."

"It will be no travel, a lot less pay and the dregs of humanity will get inside my head in ways the corporate world can't imagine."

"But it will balance. What you do will feel like it matters way more. Money pays bills, but it doesn't feed the soul."

"Deep." Geoff shoved him. "Time to shut up, unless you're trying to tell me you want out of this."

"No." Chris's brown eyes kindled. "No way. I'm just making sure you're not thinking it's open-ended."

"Excuse me?"

All of a sudden Chris looked like he wished he were wearing clothes. "Tyree Fredericks. Alex Worth. And Robert Sanders."

Geoff blinked. Chris had rattled off the three men Geoff had been with sexually in the past few years. The kicker was he'd never told Chris he'd had sex with any of them. They'd been only vague references related to work, since that was how he'd crossed paths with all three of them, but Chris had known. His far-too-neutral yet penetrating expression said so.

"Tyree comes over from the French office a couple of times a year," Chris continued, as if he anticipated Geoff asking how he'd known, though Geoff would have bitten through his tongue first. "He wears a pretty distinct aftershave. Robert and Alex were one-time things, I'm pretty sure. Right?"

The neutral expression slipped, showing a wealth of emotions behind it. Now Geoff shared Chris's discomfort about being naked during this discussion. But Chris was waiting, those earth-toned eyes measuring. That look set Geoff back on course. Yeah, Chris deserved a straight answer, but this moment wasn't about a friend-to-friend communication. Whether Chris realized it or not, the structure and reassurance he was seeking was a challenge to the Dom side of the equation. Which meant Geoff needed to respond accordingly. He backed up a few steps to lean against the wall and give his friend a close scrutiny before answering.

"So now that I'm fucking you, you want to know if I'm going to think it's okay to fuck Tyree when he's in town? Or any other guy that makes my dick sit up and pay attention?"

Chris's lips tightened, but he didn't answer.

"Do you think Sam will ask us that question about other women?" Geoff raised a brow. "Or will she just assume it's a given we'll be faithful to her, unless we'd like our genitals hacked up with a butcher knife?"

"Don't be an asshole," Chris said quietly. "I just need to know."

"Do you think I'd cheat on Sam with other women, now that things are in play with her?"

"No." Chris's answer was immediate, and relieved Geoff immensely. But he pasted on a harder look, just to get his point across, and sauntered--yes, sauntered naked--over to stand right in front of Chris again. When Chris started to get up, Geoff put a hand on his chest and shoved him, pushing him back on the bed and stretching out next to him in one deliberate move, curling his fingers in Chris's hair, the other hand spread out on his chest.

"Then why do you think I'd treat you any differently?"

A muscle ticked in Chris's jaw. "I just wanted to be clear."

"Absolutely. Let's be clear. I should have hit you a lot harder with that belt." Geoff leaned in, met him eye to eye, breath caressing his face. "You're mine, and nobody else is going to stick his dick in you unless he wants me to personally cut it off and feed it to him. I'll make you watch, just so you get the point."

Chris blinked. "I think I'd prefer you just to punch them out and try to punch me out. Less prison time and national news coverage."

"Try to punch you out. Yeah, right." Geoff's fingers tightened in his hair. "I've been clear, so you be clear. Say what you want to say."

Chris reached up and skimmed his fingertips along Geoff's jaw before curling his hand in a loose fist on his breastbone. He tapped Geoff, a light tattoo. "No one but me and Sam. Now and forever."

"You got it. You need it in blood, or should I draw up a formal contract?"