"Suck me harder, you bastard," he whispered, pinning Chris with a gaze of molten fire, browns, greens and golds all swirling together.

Chris obliged, and Sam's voice came through the phone, laden with emotions so heavy they infused what was swirling between the two of them with additional tension.

"Yes, Master," Sam managed.

Geoff jerked, and Chris got a weird charge out of it himself, hearing her use that word instead of sir. She hadn't meant it in a mocking manner. Not at all. "You put your hands above you, leave your legs spread wide and listen to us," Geoff said.

Chris raised his head. Geoff's hand slid to his throat, holding him there. "You should see him, Sam. His lips are slick from going down on me, and his cock is so big his shorts can't hide his erection."

"Maybe he needs to take them off, Master. To be more comfortable."

"She's always thinking of our well-being," Geoff said, eyes glittering. "Do it."

He'd already pulled them down over his ass, so Chris finished the job, kicking them away. But as he bent back to his self-appointed task, he had a demand of his own.

"Don't you hold back on me this time," he said in a low tone. "Trust me the way you want me to trust you."

Geoff stilled at that, but Chris wasn't waiting for it to become a debate. He wrapped his fingers around his dick, and put his mouth on him again, heated breath, a teasing swirl of tongue all along the velvet shaft. He wanted that orgasm to spill, and then they'd work out the other shit.

Geoff shuddered, bucked, and Chris moved with him. He knew Geoff had been hurting for it when he left Chris's room, and Chris took full advantage of that, pushing him past the point of no return and who-the-fuck-cares-about-hurt-feelings. Maybe he was learning from Geoff. Learning that when you held the reins, it made it easier for the guy to let it all go and trust that things would work out. Just as he'd said.

Geoff let out a tearing, grunting sound of male lust. Chris heard the soft hum of Sam's encouragement through the cell phone. Geoff's fingers dug into his ass like pincers, telling Chris they'd leave bruises. That was okay.

Sam's moan came through the phone. "Please," she begged.

He didn't consider himself a sadist, but when he'd said "You need the reminder," he'd been thinking of Sam in some hot little dress at a club, with guys ogling her. Even if she hadn't flirted or anything like that, Chris wanted to keep her climax out of reach. Her wanted her focus to be on getting back to them so they could take care of her needs in ways no one else could. In ways that would make it hard for her to walk, if they had anything to say about it.

Christ, where was all that coming from? The surge of testosterone made his dick jump against his stomach again. It caught Geoff's eye like a raptor spotting prey. A blink later, his fingers wrapped around it. But he couldn't do anything with that hold except hang on when Chris sucked in his cheeks and pushed him into release. The vein pumped beneath the clamp of his lips, and Geoff's body tightened up all over. When Geoff started to come, he lost his grip on Chris's cock, fingers sliding along his thigh as his focus was sucked into the orgasm.

The first flood of seed in his mouth, Geoff's come, was a rush. Chris took some of it down, letting the rest of it spill out over his fingers so he could grease Geoff up further, slick it over his balls, work him in his hand while Geoff bucked and thrust. Yeah, it made Chris harder, but Geoff had already taken him over that ledge once. He could always go back to his room and jack off.

He wasn't a sub like Sam. He wasn't going to be looking for permission to give himself release. Yet Chris knew he likely wouldn't jack off on his own, any more than he'd think about why he wouldn't. He was a guy. He had every right to avoid self-analysis. He had the broken chromosome to prove it, to validate that decision. Plus he had better things to contemplate right now.

He lifted his head to look at Geoff, the closed eyes, parted lips, the rise and fall of his beautiful chest. Geoff had been a skinny adolescent who hadn't grown into his limbs and filled out with muscle until his senior year, but it had been worth the wait, because he was all rangy power and grace now. His fingers were still grazing Chris's thigh and buttock, little random caresses. When his gaze slowly lifted, his eyes were mere slits. The inscrutable look he'd used on him a couple of times tonight could scramble Chris's brain, but this expression, where heart, mind and soul were all tangled up in his gaze, made Chris feel like Geoff stood inside him.

"Sam?" Chris said quietly.

"Yes." She sounded so temptingly desperate. Geoff's lips curved.

"I want you to stroke your fingers lightly over your pussy," Chris said. "Like it's a flower I've handed you. Just gentle and slow. Light, so very light. No more than a brush of butterfly wings."

He could imagine her doing it, her moistening her lips with her tongue, the quivering strain of her naked body, her pale long limbs. Geoff pushed himself up on his elbows. He drew one knee up, making a space so Chris sat down, Geoff's calf against his hip. He laid a hand on Geoff's bent knee, his gaze sliding down over the guy's softening cock. The natural repose did nothing to make it less distracting. He'd had that thing in Chris's ass, and God help him, Chris wanted it there again.

He had a feeling Geoff wouldn't be asking him when that moment came. Chris thought of all the ways he could fight him, and how Geoff might prevail anyway . . . because that was what they both wanted.

"Oh . . . oh . . ." Quiet moans came through the phone as Sam . . . obeyed him.

"So light," Chris murmured. "We could keep you doing that for hours, keeping you so close to the edge. Couldn't we?"

"Yes." She sounded close to tears now, a state sure to twist his own heart. But holding the unyielding gaze of the Dom lying on his elbows, his legs casually sprawled, the cock Chris had sucked to climax within touching distance, held him back.

Geoff spoke then, his voice thick.

"I think you pissed off our boy here, Sam. I think we both did tonight. Brought out an interesting side to him. What did you do?"

"I don't know. Please, Chris . . ."

"Keep doing it," Chris said. "And you know what you did."