"Figured you'd ram yourself in like a jackhammer, like you said."

"That how you imagined it, without pictures?"

Chris nodded, a quick jerk Geoff felt through his body since he couldn't see it. "It's a nice fantasy, but it would hurt like a son of a bitch, especially to a virgin ass. There'll be time for that as you get more used to it. Easy now, man. Just let me in." Working the head of his cock against the tight opening, he felt the lube opening things up. He had his thumb in there too, rubbing, teasing, and he added some vocal stimulation to it.

"I want it all, Chris. You asked me what I thought about, and that's what I imagined. Everything you and Sam are, everything you want to be, I want it all to be part of me, belonging to me. But right now, I want only one thing. To have your ass. I want to be balls deep inside of you. I want to feel you give it all up to me."

Chris groaned as Geoff passed through the first ring of muscles, a glorious constriction that made him want to groan. He dug his fingers into Chris's hips. "Fuck, you're tight. I love it." He bent, pressing his mouth against Chris's spine and teasing the ridges with his tongue. Chris lifted up into him in reaction, which impaled him even deeper. The feeling was indescribable. He wanted his balls resting against Chris's, wanted to feel that friction and impact when he thrust into him with a smooth rhythm, made possible by Chris's surrender and the slickness of their joining.

Yeah, they might have unresolved issues, but the beauty of fucking a man was that conversation at a certain point was no longer a priority, even if the fate of the universe depended on it. The only thing Geoff could imagine stopping them right now was Samantha herself. She was the one who'd made this happen. The thought inspired him to say one more thing before they reached that point of no return.

"So that you never question it," he rasped, "understand that she's ours, Chris. This proves it, you get me? It's not a competition between us. Not over her."

Chris shook his head, an agreement, and Geoff slid home. Blessed fucking heaven. He pushed against Chris, a deeper angle.

"Say it, Chris. Tell me you've always wanted me to fuck you. In the dark, in the light, even when we were fucking other girls."

Chris's big body convulsed, rocked, and Geoff reached below him, grasping the base of his cock in a hard clamp. "You don't come until you say it. Say it."

"I can't . . . can't do that. Yet."

It twisted like a knife in Geoff's chest, but he got it. He understood. But, fuck, it changed where they could go tonight. It shouldn't. He should just ignore it, just let it go. He drew back and slid in home again, a long, sizzling line of friction that had Chris's body gathering again. He worked Chris the way he needed. In, out. The feeling was incredible. With the few brain cells he had left, he thought to grab a corner of Chris's bedding and work it underneath him. Chris, understanding, shifted his hands to pull it under his palms, but he was panting. "Close . . . fucking close."

"Come, then, you stubborn bastard."

Chris let out a strangled cry, his hips jacking back and forth. Geoff moved with him, making sure he hit right where he needed to hit on each impact. Being squeezed by all those incredible muscles was sexual bliss. He might have killed someone for the privileg

e of releasing into Chris's fine ass, but for some reason he pushed it aside, instead reveling in taking Chris all the way home, knowing that when he climaxed it was because Geoff was inside him, because he was responding to what Geoff could give him.

Once that gateway was open, it never took a guy long to make it to the finish line. Geoff remembered Sam picking up a Cosmopolitan when they were at the grocery store and solemnly informing him that a woman's climax was usually three times longer than a man's. What they lost in time, they could recoup in intensity, though, if it was done right. Geoff was determined to do it right.

When Chris came to a shuddering halt, head down, his wide chest moving in and out like a bellows, he thought he'd hit his mark. But Chris started moving against him, realizing Geoff hadn't yet come. Chris had a generous heart. Why that made Geoff hurt a little bit more, he didn't want to think about right now. He needed to wrap this up before he screwed things up entirely.

Gripping Chris's hips, Geoff eased back until he freed his rigid dick. Just that friction alone was almost enough to send him over. He tried thinking of fungus, his grandmother or random Sesame Street episodes. Anything to calm it down.

"What . . ." Chris tried to twist around. Geoff nipped out of range, barely, snagging his brief shorts and pulling them back on in a blink so he could be back beside Chris and not leave him feeling abandoned. He grabbed his arm where he was flailing in the dark, ran a hand over his face, his hair, those thick locks, settling him. "Easy. Come back to the bed. Stretch out."

Chris complied after a hesitation, probably thinking Geoff was going to go about it another way. Once he was settled, Geoff knelt over him and put a palm on his chest, holding him there. He'd stepped on the TV remote while finding his shorts, so he picked it up and clicked the TV back on. A dim light filled the room, along with the low murmur of the late night newscast. Chris was sprawled on the mattress, cock lying against his thigh, legs spread, his eyes confused but mouth slack from his climax. The view alone made Geoff bite back a shudder. His cock was well and truly pissed at him, and he couldn't say he blamed it a bit.

"Geoff." Chris pushed up on his elbows, brown eyes meeting his. "What's going on?"

Geoff shook his head. "We're not in the dark anymore, Chris. Look at me."

"I am looking at you."

Are you? The words beat on the inside of Geoff's chest, harder blows than he'd expected. But he managed a tight smile and brushed his knuckles over Chris's chest, tugging on the hair. "All right, then. I want to leave it there for tonight."

He straightened, all too aware he stopped looking at Chris as he pulled on his slacks and shrugged back into his shirt. He couldn't handle looking at Chris, his naked, muscular body, his puzzled expression.

Fuck, had he truly just denied himself the chance to come in Chris's ass because he got caught up in some dysfunctional bullshit about family rejection? He'd fucked plenty of people in defiance of that crap. People who weren't anything more than a one-night stand. That was the problem. He couldn't do it here.

"Is this some kind of Dom/sub bullshit?" Chris asked. He didn't sound angry, but he was getting close.

Geoff bit back the nasty reply that sprang to his lips. He could say yes, because maybe a small part of it was. But lying would probably be worse than the truth. Probably.

"This is enough for now," Geoff said. He wasn't punishing anyone, wasn't trying to be a dick, though he was probably accomplishing both. "We'll figure the rest out tomorrow. Maybe we'll get started on that project we were going to build for Sam."

"Geoff." Chris got up off the bed, but Geoff stepped back, raising a hand. He met Chris's eyes, and whatever Chris saw stilled him. Anger gave way to compassion in Chris's face as he obviously put two and two together. Damn it, there were times Chris's intuition was a pain in the ass. Chagrin would really piss Geoff off and make him lash out. Which would be the entirely wrong tactic, since the one he despised the most at the moment wasn't Chris. Not even close.