"Yeah. It was fine. It wasn't too tight. I just couldn't get it loose."


"But where did I--"

"Shut up. Keep your hands up by your head." Geoff adjusted so he was kneeling between Chris's spread thighs. He slid his palm over the round shape of Chris's buttock, bent closer and bit.

"Ow . . ." Chris jerked in response, letting out another strangled chuckle. "What the hell . . ."

Geoff gripped the other ass cheek to keep him still and tightened the clamp of his jaws, tasting Chris's flesh with tongue and teeth, digging in harder.

Chris drew in another one of those unsteady breaths. Geoff was flooded with fierce joy as he felt Chris's surprise, his discovery of arousal in pain. He wanted to take him right then and there. Heaven. He'd stumbled onto heaven with these two, because Sam responded like a flower to sunlight to the same thing.

Easy. Chris getting the first glimmer of understanding was nowhere near Sam's full embrace of the same. Geoff made himself relax his jaw and swirled his tongue over the offended flesh.

"Been wanting to take a bite out of your ass for a while," he said, lifting his head.

Chris went quiet for a moment. "I didn't put it in pictures," he responded. "Just like you said. But you have. In those pictures . . . what did you want, Geoff? What did you want from me? From us?"

Everything. I want to demand everything, and have you trust me to take you hell and gone from your comfort zone. But even then, out in that abyss, all I want is whatever you're willing to give me.

Geoff stayed silent, though. Some things could only be expressed with action, learned with time. He lubed up a couple of fingers before he parted Chris's buttocks, pushing the tip of one against him, stroking the rim. That nice little quiver went through Chris once more. Geoff saw him shift, and realized he was digging his fingers into the carpet.

"Your dick still hard, bud?"

"You know it is."

"A simple yes or no is all the jury requires." Geoff reached down between his legs, captured his balls and gave them an idle twist. Chris jerked, but quickly realized how vulnerable a position he was in. "Yes or no?"

A muttered oath came first, but Chris managed the response Geoff demanded. "Yes."

"Good boy."

Geoff suspected Chris's erect cock still had pre-come oozing out of the slit, wetting the carpet. He put his fingers inside Chris along with the tip of the lubricant to help slick up Chris's sphincter, caressing it enough that those muscles let him in, wanting more of that feeling. Chris's breathing went to a harsh rasp again.

"Feels good, doesn't it?"

"Yeah." The edgy quality of his voice made Geoff grin in a feral way.

"You're kneading the carpet like a cat, aren't you?"

"Shut up."

Geoff drew out the anticipation, tracing the curve of Chris's ass and his upper thigh, playing a single fingertip over his balls and perineum as Chris groaned, his hips flexing. Watching the show pushed Geoff's own arousal up another notch.

He lubed his own cock then. It might be overkill, but he was going to make this as comfortable as he could. At least this first time. He savored the stillness that descended upon his mount as Chris figured out what he was doing. Geoff could almost feel his mind assigning action to those slight shifts of his body, Geoff's hand working over himself, up then down, up then down.

"Going to jack off there, or do something with that?"

Satisfaction surged through him at the impatient challenge. "Keep shooting off your mouth, that's just what I'll do. Jerk off on your back and get my spunk in your pretty hair."

This time he anticipated. When Chris tried to buck him off, he shifted back, gripped his hips and yanked him up onto his elbows. The motion put his cock firmly against Chris's ass. His head was down, the pale silhouette of his back like the graceful wing movements of a stingray, expanding and lowering with his breath. Geoff ran a soothing hand over him.

"You're just big all over. Nice big ass, like a left tackle. Tight as a drum."

"Lucky I'm not a girl, else you'd be getting nothing for calling my ass big."

"I'll get what I want, because you want me to have that big, tight ass." Geoff gave him a far more possessive stroke and let him feel the firm command in it, reinforcing what was in his voice. "Stay on your elbows. There isn't anything to this. You just push out and let me ease in."