Drink your coffee, Sam. Let him decide.

"I'm sorry about yesterday, Sam," he said quietly. "You know none of that had anything to do with you, right?"

"I started all this."

"So it's your fault?" His brown eyes clouded. "That's bullshit."

"It's not Geoff's fault, either," she responded. "It's just . . . It's growing pains. Our growing pains."

"Smart woman."

Geoff was in the doorway, wearing his running shorts and T-shirt. He looked toward the other man. "Did you get a lemon-filled one?" His personal favorite.

Chris pulled one out of the bag, again in the wax wrap, and passed it over with a cup of coffee. Geoff took a bite of the donut, studying her in the mirror's reflection. The steam in the bathroom had left a mist on the clear shower door and the mirror, but having the door open was evaporating it. Putting down the donut, Geoff stepped closer to her. She had her hair up in a twist until she could dry it, and her skin tingled as he slid his finger over her shoulder blades. "That permanent marker's holding pretty well."

She hadn't scrubbed it. Hadn't wanted it to go away just yet, in case she'd ruined it for all of them and yesterday was the closest she'd get to what she wanted for the foreseeable future.

She was cognizant of how close Chris was to her, his foot within a few inches of her toes. They were both close to her in this small space, and she didn't know where to take it. Or if it was even her job to take it anywhere now. Geoff answered the question for her.

Removing the donut from her hand, he held it to her mouth. His other hand on her lower back kept her facing the mirror. "Take a bite."

She did. Geoff watched her chew and swallow, then turned the donut toward him so he could run his finger along the bite area, collecting some of the raspberry filling on his fingers. He spread that over her lips. "Lick it off."

She obeyed, her body starting to throb. She couldn't gauge Chris's response to what they were doing, but she hoped he wasn't about to surge up from the tub and leave the room. Geoff stepped back and took a seat on the tub edge. He straddled it and leaned against the bathroom wall, a mirror position to how Chris was leaning against the shower wall.

"Take off the towel," Geoff said, low.

Had they talked to one another? Arranged for this? Chris's jaw was tight, studiously avoiding looking at Geoff, but she noticed his eyes were trained on her as if he couldn't look away, no matter what conflicting thoughts he might be harboring.

Yesterday she'd broken the mood between her and him by bringing the shadow of Geoff between them, a poorly-timed attempt to resolve the conflict between the two men. She didn't have to do that now, because Geoff was here. She was going to try and trust the truth: that he'd been Chris's friend longer than he'd known her, and so he might have a better idea of how to make this work. She'd also ignore every TV show or movie that said lifelong male friendships were sure to be destroyed by a conflict over a woman. What did they know? They didn't know these two men, or herself.

She let the towel fall. Mindful of the lesson Geoff had taught her, she stood up straight and proud, no matter the frisson of nerves that went through her stomach. Geoff hadn't told her to turn away from the mirror, so she watched their eyes course over her in the glass's reflection. All the pale flesh of her limbs and abdomen, her breasts and sex. Her neck, where the pulse was jumping like a small bird beneath her jaw.

"I'll be right back. Don't move." Risin

g, Geoff left the bathroom and moved across the hallway into her room. Her brow creased as she heard him open a drawer, maybe to her nightstand. What was he doing? Chris's gaze stayed on her, and a blink later Geoff was back, holding her vibrator. How had he known exactly where to find it? His gaze met hers in the mirror, his lips curving as he enjoyed the erotic humiliation staining her cheeks.

"Looks like her clit is already swollen," Geoff said conversationally, glancing toward Chris. Taking a seat on the tub wall again, he extended the vibrator to the other man. "You're better with power tools than I am. Want to see if you can make her scream? I know we've both imagined doing it, controlling it so she has to depend on us to make her come, rather than making the choice herself."

Chris gave Geoff an unfathomable look, but he took the vibrator from him, turning it over in his hands. Sam swallowed. It was a standard rabbit design, the clitoral stimulator shaped like a rabbit's head, the long ears and pointed nose both capable of transmitting a variety of arousing patterns against her sensitive flesh. The dildo part was shaped realistically like a man's cock, the rubber sheath like human flesh.

Geoff's gaze lifted to meet hers in the mirror again. "Spread your legs to shoulder width and hold on to the edge of the sink with both hands. Don't let go unless one of us tells you to do it."

That beat in her throat became even more frenetic, matched by a throbbing between her legs. But she obeyed. In this position, she was slightly bent forward. With her legs spread, she'd be showing them the folds of her sex. Their eyes both swiveled in that direction, with such heat and deliberation it felt like they'd touched her there. Her fingers tightened on the sink.

Geoff retrieved his donut and took a bite. "It's Chris's fault I know about your vibrator," he said. "He told me if I'd shut off the TV instead of falling asleep to it, I'd hear you when you use it. It's very faint, but once you know the sound, you listen for it."

"I mostly do it when you're not home," she said weakly. Though lately she'd been having to do an encore at night, because of the direction of her thoughts and the two of them being so close.

"Not anymore." Geoff's gaze met hers, held. "Not unless you ask."

She wasn't sure if she could comply with that as long as the two of them were capable of sexually frustrating her to the point of insanity. His gaze gleamed, registering her recalcitrance.

"Do you just use this part"--Chris tapped the rabbit's head--"or do you put it inside you?"

"Both," she managed. The whole conversation was surreal. "It depends. If it's a quick stress release, I'll just use the stimulator. If I'm . . . fantasizing more, I'll use the rest." Actually she had a pretty rich fantasy life no matter which part of it she used, but she was feeling self-conscious and overwhelmed by the abundance of testosterone in the room, so she was sticking to short answers.

"Do you need lube for it?"