"Do you remember the rules?"

She nodded, a quick jerk.

"All right, then." He circled behind her, using the other hand to caress, pinch. When he did it to her buttocks, she felt the imprint of the rope against her tender flesh more keenly. Dipping his fingers beneath her, he sank them into her pussy once more. She undulated in the bonds, like a caterpillar struggling in its cocoon as he thrust, scissored, withdrew. He parted her buttocks, fingers lubricated with her response pressing against her rim and easing into her. The feeling was different from a clitoral massage but just as arousing. He worked his way deeper while still stroking her rim. The two rings of muscles relaxed, letting him in.

"Sweet girl. You trust me. That means everything, Sam."

She closed her eyes as he worked his fingers back out. "You've thought about us being inside you at the same time," he said.

"Yes. A lot."

He chuckled, a tension to it that made her fingers stretch out, recurl. She wanted to touch him. He moved away from her, but only to go to the dresser, where he withdrew something he didn't let her see. When he came back, standing behind her again, she knew at least one of the things he had was lubricant. She heard it being uncapped and the tip of the tube was pressed against her rectum. As Chris put the heated ointment inside her, he spoke in a conversational voice, though the strain threaded through it suggested his reaction to having his hands on her this way.

"Geoff said he was going to make sure you remembered him while he was gone. He left this."

Withdrawing his fingers, Chris moved against her back, his arm pressing against her side as he brought his hand around to her front and showed her a lavender-colored butt plug. It had a slim tip that flared out to a medium-sized base. The flared end was embellished with a purple rhinestone the size of a quarter. Purple was her favorite color, and the gem had a thin silver border. While she'd noted things like that at Madison's shop, she hadn't expected the prettying up of that kind of toy to appeal to her. However, when she imagined it seated in her rectum, Geoff or Chris making her walk around naked so they could see how it looked, the faceted jewel with silver highlights nestled between her buttocks, she found the idea tantalizing.

"Since most days he's a walking dick in a fancy suit, I told him you wouldn't have any problem remembering him once you saw this."

She strangled out a half chuckle. "You're terrible."

"Just the truth." He began to return to his position behind her, but she tried to follow, pressing against him.

"Can you hold me a moment?"

Both arms folded over her, and the plug pressed against her side where he still had it clasped in his hand. Brushing his lips over her temple, he constricted his grip so she was held even more securely by his arms than the rope. She drew in a breath, an erotic sound as he shifted and the head of what she assumed was the plug pressed against her rear opening, all while he was still holding her. "Ever put anything in here, Sam, while fantasizing about us taking you?" he asked.

"Yes. Small things. So I'd know how to make it work."

"Good. Because it's not my usual area. I don't want to hurt you. Tell me how to do it."

"Like you did it with your fingers. Ease it in and I'll push against you and . . . there." The man was a quick study. The plug was bigger than what she'd used on her own, but he'd worked it in so easy and slow, lubed it up so well, the discomfort and burning were minimal. The response from her body was instant, nerve endings between cunt and anus starbursting. He kept his body against hers but his hand between them, playing with the toy. Her hips lifted, a moan breaking from her lips.

"Yeah, you like that. What if I did . . . this . . . too?"

The moan increased in volume and range as he moved his other hand between her legs. Her rectum contracted on the plug, and she could imagine Geoff taking her from behind while Chris thrust into her pussy. Then they'd change places, or eventually both take her mouth. She wished she could put both of them in her mouth at once. Not really possible except in theory, but the very idea of it increased the moisture between her legs as she thought of how their thick lengths would stretch her lips . . .

"Fuck, this makes you hot. Doesn't it, baby?"

She was beyond speech. She liked that they both called her baby in more intense moments.

"He's going to be the first one to take you back here, but he wants me inside you when he does it."

So they had talked about this kind of thing. Like when she'd had the tomato in her mouth and she'd been unable to speak while they conversed so casually about how they wanted to use her body. "When . . . when did he say that?"

"Last thing he said before he left tonight." Chris paused as if there'd been more to it than that, but he adjusted the ropes so one was over the flare of the plug. "That should keep it in place. You can imagine that's Geoff there when I'm inside of you. Understand?"

She nodded, vehemently. "Chris, I need you inside me. Please."

He moved in front of her. As her avid gaze clung to his every movement, he pulled off his shirt, presenting a wall of heated male muscle before her, rippling with his movements. His burning gaze was locked on her face. "Keep telling me that. Tell me how much you need me. I've been on this side of the wall a long time, Sam, wanting to be balls de

ep inside of you, pinning you and never letting you go. Your legs wrapped around me, your breasts rubbing against my chest. Part of walking in on you two in the shower was hurt and a bunch of emotional shit, but there was a part that was just pure rage that he'd had what I'd wanted for so long."

It startled her, but he wasn't done spiking her adrenaline when neither fight nor flight was an option. His hand snaked out and clamped around her throat, making her swallow uncertainly at the look in his brown gaze, a little more animal than man. "So tell me how much you want me," he growled. "Beg."

"Please . . . need you so much. Want you now. Chris . . ." She bit back a wail as he stepped back. Putting his hand to the button of his jeans, he slipped it, pulled open the zipper. She licked her lips, a nervous gesture that curled his mouth in a lazy, dangerous way. She wanted to bite his lips, taste them. She wanted him to bite her, demand everything from her. It was a good thing the hammock was holding her up, because her legs wouldn't have.

He got rid of the jeans and the rest of his clothes, revealing his powerful, large body from head to toe, every small nick and scar, the areas of paler skin her private pleasure to enjoy. His cock was hard and high, the shaft and head flush with blood, his balls drawn up tight against his thighs. He drew closer as her gaze returned to his face.