Her fingertips grazed the damp head of his cock, the folds along the shaft as it returned to its resting state. She moved onward to the crease between thigh and hip and back up his side. It was easy and natural to touch him. While he'd proven irrefutably he did have some topping qualities, he didn't have t

hat clear Dom vibe Geoff had that would have made her hesitate to touch him without permission.

"You're so different, yet some things are the same," she murmured.

"They always are. No matter what most guys claim."

She smiled at the drawled response that hadn't come from Chris. Lifting her attention to the doorway, she met Geoff's gaze. He was leaning against the frame. Her heart thudded at the look in his eyes. How long had he been standing there? Had he watched the flex of Chris's body as he thrust into her? He hadn't been there when Chris restrained her hands, because she'd been able to see the door at that point. Maybe he'd given Chris quid pro quo by making this first time a private moment, as it had been for her and Geoff.

Yet it wasn't a surprise to see him there now. What held her motionless was how his gaze moved over both of them. Thoroughly and possessively. His attention lighted on her thighs and breasts, her expression, the hand she had on Chris's chest. He moved from there to a perusal of Chris's big body, to the relaxed thighs and genitalia between them. Despite the intensity of the climax she'd just experienced, additional sensation pulsed between her legs when she saw no abatement in desire as Geoff's focus shifted between her and Chris. She'd told Madison, the owner of Naughty Bits, that she thought Geoff wanted to top them both, but she hadn't been sure. Seeing the look in his eyes now, she was.

While Geoff was more sexually experienced, she didn't think he was any more experienced when it came to relationships than Chris was. Neither of them gave their heart lightly. She had a private theory that the reason they'd never had a meaningful romantic relationship outside the bounds of their friendship was because that friendship had always been stronger than the pull of anyone else. Until now.

She wouldn't have pursued this if she hadn't been sure they both felt more than friendship for her, so that revelation wasn't ego driven. If anything, it summoned uneasiness. The direction this could take might be miraculous or catastrophic. But it was too late to turn back now. She thought of what Flo, her friend, coworker and a Mistress, had asked her when she'd gone after Geoff so aggressively.

"Can you live with it staying how it is? The three of you just 'friends' who are fantasizing about one another but not doing anything about it?"

No, she couldn't. She'd decided she couldn't let friendship be the door that kept her heart's desires shut away.

However, if this didn't turn out as she hoped, she vowed she'd do whatever was necessary to make sure Geoff and Chris could still be friends when it was over. Even if she lost them both over this, she couldn't bear the guilt of them losing each other for the same reason.

"Sam, can you call in a personal day?" Geoff asked, pulling her back into the here and now.

Chris was stroking his hand along her back, teasing her snarled hair. It had been damp when he'd brought her in here, so it was likely a mess now. She'd have to wet it back down to get it to behave, but with his fingers combing through the strands, she didn't want to move away from that touch anytime in the next century. When Geoff spoke, Chris didn't stop, telling her he'd been aware of the other man's presence. But when she looked into Chris's face, she did see a slight tension, an anticipatory awareness. Was he thinking about Geoff standing there, staring at them both, at Chris sprawled out naked and replete? Chris was gazing absently at the ceiling, though, as if he wasn't yet ready to acknowledge what a Dom standing in the doorway looking at them like candy might mean.

"Yes, I think I could take a personal day." She brought herself back to the question with effort. "Do you have the day off?" She realized he'd showered and changed into one of her favorite pair of jeans on him, stressed and clinging in the right places. His Nike T-shirt stretched over his shoulders.

"I can shuffle some things. Chris, you're off today, right?"

"Yeah. Esteban said not to worry about showing up until tomorrow morning." Chris wound his fingers around Sam's hair, lifting himself up as he spoke. She closed her eyes as he nudged beneath her chin and put his mouth on her throat to tease her with tongue and lips. Her hand fell to his biceps to grip. She needed the anchor, because when his other hand slid over her hip to curve over her ass, the ground just fell away. Chris was kissing her body, her naked body, while Geoff watched. For all she'd fantasized about being with them like this, the reality was overwhelming.

"She's all I want to do today," Chris said against her flesh. "Come taste her, Geoff. She gets sweeter with every lick."

Geoff circled to the other side of the bed. Sam let out a shuddering sigh as he stretched out behind her, his hand molding over her thigh as he dropped a kiss on her shoulder, her upper arm. The soft material of his shirt brushed her shoulder blades as he straightened, and the firm heat of his chest beneath pressed against her. When he slid his fingers over her thigh and down between her legs, dipping into the mix of fluids she and Chris had left there, she dropped her head back on his shoulder, giving Chris better access to her throat. He moved lower, closing his mouth over one nipple and the flesh around it, pulling on her in a warm, swirling way.

She was in her bed, with Geoff and Chris. With both of them. It was like waking up in Willy Wonka's chocolate factory and getting a private tour, surreal and delicious, every moment too freaking precious to waste.

Geoff lifted his hand from her pussy and curved his long fingers over Chris's shoulder and neck, fingertips burying in his friend's dark hair as Chris suckled her.

Chris's big body tightened, and he drew back slowly. Not jerking away from Geoff's touch exactly, but making it clear that was an intimacy he wasn't prepared to accept. She couldn't read what was in his expression, but it brought the clock to a sudden halt as the two men considered each other over her. She put her hand on Chris's chest, her other on Geoff's thigh behind hers, fingers constricting on them as if the physical act could prevent a mental withdrawal. Chris put his hand over hers and caressed her fingers, while Geoff lifted her other hand off his leg, bringing it to his mouth to kiss. Yet when she glanced up, she saw he was still studying Chris with speculation in his sharp gaze. In this light, the hazel color was muted gold. His eye color seemed to change like his moods.

"I was thinking we could go back to Naughty Bits today," he said abruptly. "It's time to buy some things. Things she'd like. We could get some lunch while we're out. Go to Reedy Creek Park. You know Sam likes watching the dogs in the dog park. As nice as it would be to stay in bed all day"--his lips curved--"we need to work some things out. Right?"

Between work and schedule conflicts, it had been a while since they'd been able to spend most of a day together. Because of that, Sam would have been excited about the prospect, even if everything that had happened in the past couple of days hadn't happened. But knowing it had, knowing she'd had both men inside her and it was more likely than not to happen again, made the idea of a day with the two of them even more wonderful.

"All right." Chris glanced down at her. "That work for you?"

"Okay," she said, but she held on to them an extra moment. She wanted to ask them for promises, promises that if this didn't work, it wouldn't change things between the three of them, but that was a child's wish. "Okay," she said, and scrambled out from between them before they anticipated her. She hopped off the end of the bed and bounced on the balls of her feet, giving them both a radiant smile. "We could pick up sandwiches from Jersey Mike's and have a picnic. I'll bring a ball to the dog park area for Chris to chase."

"I see something I'd rather chase," Chris said, with a lazy look. "Do that bouncy thing again."

She hadn't thought about the intriguing side effect of her exuberance. She almost blushed, then instead decided to embrace the moment. Linking her hands behind her back and assuming an expression of feigned innocence, she rocked left and right, amusing herself by watching both men's eyes follow the movement. "You're like one of those cat or owl clocks," she teased them. "What is it about breasts?"

"It's where we start as babies," Geoff informed her. "And we never get over the attachment. Now quit being a tease. Or we'll each take a turn at spanking you."

Seeing the flicker in Chris's eyes, she remembered how he said he wasn't built that way, at least not using something as extreme as a switch cut from a branch in the yard. But spanking . . . She didn't necessarily see rejection in his eyes, and anticipation spiraled through her.

"Christ. Go get dressed," Geoff ordered.