A trio of witches were in one corner with instruments, playing a haunting melody for those in the central dance area.
I led River into the midst of the dancing couples and placed one hand on her waist while taking her other hand in mine. I swayed her slowly from side to side even as I scoped out our surroundings. I was looking for Jeramiah, and so was River.
I spotted him first.
He was one of the dozens of vampires sitting on the soft cushioned seats. He was talking to a group of three vampires while Lucretia sat on his lap.
I was glad that Jeramiah and his girl were surrounded by people. It would make it easier for River to do her job.
I turned River around so that she was facing Jeramiah.
“You see him?” I breathed into her ear.
She nodded. I felt her gulp against my chest.
“Let’s go,” she whispered.
Still holding hands, the two of us casually made our way toward where Jeramiah and Lucretia were sitting with their companions. He raised his glass of blood to me as he spotted us.
“You came.”
I forced a smile and sat down in one of the cushioned chairs near to him. River took a seat next to me, and her eyes fixed instantly on Lucretia. Once Lucretia met her gaze, River gave her a smile and to my relief, Lucretia smiled back.
That was the first step.
I busied myself with a glass of blood that one of the half-blood slaves handed me as I continued to watch River. She left the seat next to me and moved closer to Lucretia.
As Jeramiah continued his conversation with the male vampires sitting next to him, I realized that I was sitting only a few feet in front of Lloyd. I’d been so fixed on Jeramiah, I hadn’t even noticed him until now.
Lloyd nudged my shoulder and engaged me in small talk. I responded, grateful that I now looked like I was busy, while my attention was focused on the conversation that River had started up with Lucretia.
River was beginning to ask questions about life as a half-blood—questions she had already asked me. Lucretia responded kindly. Another good sign.
After about twenty minutes of chatting, River suggested that they get something to eat from the snack table. Lucretia agreed. She kissed Jeramiah, then took River’s arm, and they both made their way over to the food.
Even now, Lloyd was continuing to talk to me. Fortunately, he seemed to prefer the sound of his own voice to mine. I just nodded and grunted occasionally.
Lucretia was serving up different snacks to River, advising her on what she might like, and then the two of them stood to one side and ate as they watched couples dancing. After they finished their snack, they chatted some more and finally River shivered, rubbing her shoulders.
“I’m freezing,” she said. “Aren’t you?”
Lucretia shrugged. “Not particularly… But I wouldn’t mind some time in the sauna. I’ve been out here for quite a while already and the desert air can be cold at this time of night.”
“Should we go to Joseph’s sauna, or Jeramiah’s?” River asked.
“Jeramiah’s is closer,” Lucretia replied, taking the bait.
The two of them left the area and disappeared from my sight as they headed back down into the atrium.
I waited three minutes, then left Lloyd with the excuse that I needed some time to prepare myself mentally for the hunt later on.
I left the area as fast as I could without appearing to be in a hurry. Descending the stairs toward the atrium, I took the elevator down to the level where Jeramiah’s apartment was. I hurried forward along the veranda and stopped at the sight of the two girls standing outside Jeramiah’s quarters. Lucretia had pulled out a key, and was just in the process of opening the door. Lucretia pushed it open and the girls stepped inside. The door was seconds from closing when River said, “I’ll shut the door.”
I raced to it within seconds. River was keeping the door ajar, waiting for me. As soon as she felt me holding it, her hand disappeared and she continued down the corridor with Lucretia toward the sauna.
I waited until their voices had faded, and for the sound of the sauna door opening and closing.
Although they were in the sauna, I still had to be silent. Half-bloods’ hearing might not be as sharp as a vampire’s, but it was still acute.
Easing the door open only enough for me to squeeze through, I slipped inside and left the door resting on its latch.
Then I looked around the dark apartment.
Where would Jeramiah keep his keys?
?Chapter 18: Ben
I’d been careful to look Jeramiah over when we were upstairs, looking for any bulges in his pockets, but I hadn’t seen any. I hoped that meant his keys were in his apartment.
Moving silently from room to room, I began looking in every cupboard, in every drawer, and on every shelf that I came by. I stopped every now and then, tuning in to the conversation that River and Lucretia were having in the sauna to make sure that they were still occupied. It wasn’t until I reached the room at the very back of the apartment, some kind of storage room, that I found a large cluster of keys hanging from a hook in the wall.
Removing them silently, I placed them into my pocket. Then I continued searching the rest of the apartment for keys, and on finding no more, I had to hope that the ones in my pocket would be all that I needed.
I crept back through the apartment and slipped back out through the door. Again, I was careful not to close it fully, resting it against the latch so that it remained ajar.
Then I headed straight down to the ground floor. I ran across the gardens to the room that held the entrance to the prison. Before entering it, I looked inside to make sure that it was empty. Then I crossed the room and lowered to my knees so that my eyes were level with the lock.