This is not a perfect situation. We think turning him is the best we can do for our son in these dire circumstances.

Whatever it may end up being, curse or cure, our choice is to give him this. His choice will be what he decides to do with it. But he will always have a choice.

Our job as parents will be to remind and guide. Then we’ll have to watch him do with our advice as he may…

Chapter 26: Sofia

I couldn’t begin to imagine how hard this was for Derek. He’d given me glimpses into his past before I’d met him, but even now I didn’t fully understand the trauma he’d been through in having his own father attack him and turn him into a monster. The very monster Derek used to hunt.

I was relieved that my words had gotten through to Derek. Because we had to turn Ben.

As Derek finished inserting his venom into our son’s bloodstream, Ben’s shaking became more violent. I helped Derek hold him down. I found it hard to look at my son’s face. It was scrunched up in agony, a film of sweat on his forehead. And when the blood started coming, I had to avert my eyes to the floor. I knew exactly what it felt like to turn into a vampire. It was almost as painful as taking the cure.

I believed what I’d told Derek about Ben always having a choice. How could I not? It was only by convincing Derek that he’d had one that I even stood here alive today. But still, I hoped with all my heart that Ben wouldn’t wake up a different person. I hoped he’d wake up the gentleman he’d been growing up to be as a human. I’d put so much effort into my children, trying to treat them the exact opposite way my mother had treated me. I hoped that the love I’d given him would be enough for him to pull through this, even if he did wake in a spell of darkness.

I couldn’t relate to the vampires who struggled with their nature. I’d woken up thirsting for blood, yes. But it hadn’t taken long before I’d felt myself again. Ben, on the other hand, was Derek’s son too, not just mine. And the Novaks were known for their penchant for darkness.

My thoughts were interrupted by a banging at the door of the chamber. I looked up in alarm at Derek. His expression turned from surprise to irritation.

“Not now,” he shouted. “Go away.”

The door swung open and to our shock, Mona appeared in the chamber. Her face was pale and ashen as she looked at us seriously.

“It’s urgent,” she said. She looked down at Ben writhing on the slab, blood beginning to spill from his mouth. “At least one of you needs to come.”

“Mona,” I said, “can’t it wait a few hours? What in the world—”

“Just come with me. You need to see this.”

“You go, Sofia,” Derek said. “I’ll stay here with Ben.”

The last thing I wanted to do was leave Ben like this, before he’d resurfaced. Before the transformation was complete and I could see for myself what state he was in. But Mona wouldn’t disturb us at a time like this if she didn’t have a damn good reason. So I left the chamber with her. As we entered the corridor outside, she touched my hand and we vanished.

I didn’t know where I was expecting to reappear with Mona. But it certainly wasn’t the Black Heights. We stood at the foot of one of the mountain cabins the witches had built. Mona caught my hand and pulled me up the steps. She stopped before she opened the door.

“Mona, what—”

“Witches from The Sanctuary, Sofia,” she said. “They called my attention outside the boundaries. I went to talk with them. They claim they have a way to help us that will be just as beneficial to us as them. They want to speak with you and Derek. I allowed them in on the basis that I would keep them here in this house until you’d come to a decision. Truth be told, I’m not sure we should ever allow them to walk freely on this island.”

Before I could even process her words, she gripped my arm and opened the door, pulling me inside. My heart pounded as I entered after her.

We crossed the living room and walked toward a bedroom. I gasped as Mona pushed the door open. Sitting on a bed were two beautiful women. They looked like Scandinavian angels. Their hair was light as blonde hair got. They had crystal-blue eyes and wore long chiffon gowns, accentuating curves that would lure in any man. Heck, I even found myself ogling them. Their hands rested on their laps, bound together by what appeared to be steel bracelets. Their feet were also bound.

The older of the two women smiled. “Thank you for granting us reception, your highness,” she said, bowing her head.

“What is going on?” I breathed. “Who are you?”

“My name is Brisalia Adrius. I am a witch of The Sanctuary, and I’ve come to talk with you, and hopefully your husband.” She pointed to the younger girl. “This is my daughter, Csilla. I am the sister of the late Odelia Adrius.”

Odelia… the name rang a bell. Mona’s face seemed to be growing paler by the moment. “Who’s Odelia?” I asked.

“She was once the ruler of The Sanctuary,” Brisalia said. “Also known as the Ageless. She passed away tragically, only recently.”

I couldn’t suppress a gasp. I looked again at Mona. Her eyes were still fixed to the floorboards.

“I hope you will hear us out,” Brisalia said.

“Go on.”

“As you are aware, the black witches are gaining power. We believe that they plan to start causing more trouble in this human realm, as well as in our own, in the very near future… We would like to form an alliance with The Shade. Members of our realm are already living here among you, including Ibrahim, who was once Odelia’s right-hand man. We believe that forming an official bond will make all of us stronger in dealing with these beasts. If you will give me some time with both you and your husband, I will explain how we might go about this.”