“I said I would already. Unlike you two, I’ve got nothing going on. It’s the same old, same old for me. Day in and day out. Same old.”

Amara studied her friend with a frown. She looked gorgeous in her own emerald green gown, the style slightly different from Jaslene’s and accenting her womanly curves and full bust. Her hair was pinned up, with loose ringlets framing her face, brushing the tops of her delicate collarbones.

As gorgeous as she was, though, Kari had been down lately, especially the last few days, and it showed in her expression. Amara knew her best friend was happy for Amara’s marriage, but she could well imagine that Kari might be feeling lonely now that Amara had a family and didn’t have as much time to spend with her friend. And that was unlikely to change in the future.

“You need to have a fling,” Jaslene said, some sauce in her tone. “A little somethin’-somethin’ will perk you right up.”

“Hmm,” Kari mused, eyeing one of Quint’s groomsmen, the wealthy and handsome Pierce Slater. “I admit I’ve been thinking in that direction myself. Mr. Pierce Slater may get lucky tonight. Maybe. That’s all I’m saying.” She tossed back the remainder of her champagne and signaled a waiter to bring another glass.

Amara and Jaslene laughed.

“Best slow down on that,” Jaslene said. “You want to be sober enough to actually enjoy the spoils of your conquest.”

“Mmm, and it would be a conquest, wouldn’t it? Look at him, all tan and fine in that tux. I bet he’s got some killer abs under that jacket. And … oh hell. He’s looking this way. Quick, look away. I don’t want him to catch us staring.”

Amara chuckled as she quickly turned her head. “I feel like I’m back in high school.”

“Excellent idea,” Kari said. “I’m going to kind of dance-walk by him, bump into him maybe and see if he’ll ask me to dance.”

Jaslene shook her head. “I’ve seen him eying you right back. I doubt you’ll be needing any of your fancy high school maneuvers to get his attention.”

Kari looked sober briefly. “Good. I don’t know if I’m up for rejection tonight.” Her demeanor swiftly changed back to upbeat. “I’m off to get my man. Jaslene, have a wonderful trip to Detroit. Talk to you later, Amara.”

Kari breezed away, her gown rippling around her as she went.

Amara’s smile fell into a small frown of concern. “What do you think about her, Jaslene? Does she seem okay to you?”

“Sure. Maybe she’s a little down with you leaving and all, but she’ll be fine.”

“I don’t know. She needs a distraction, something going on of her own.”

“Mr. Pierce Slater may be exactly what she needs, then.”

“Oh, I doubt Pierce is the one for her,” Amara said. “He’s a great guy, but he’s distant, kind of standoffish, a little cold. He’s nothing like Kari. She wears her heart on her sleeve.”

“They say opposites attract.”

“Maybe. I’m thinking, though, about something other than romance. She needs to get away, devote some time to her art,” Amara said.

“She’s going to be Raneesha-sitting until you get back from your honeymoon,” Jaslene reminded her.

“That’s right. But after that. She could get a grant or something, to go abroad.”

“Right, let me guess. A Mrs. Quint Forbes Foundation Grant for Best Friend Arts?”

Amara laughed. “Maybe.”

“What about her job at the university?”

“She could take a sabbatical. Think of how much inspiration she could get somewhere like Europe or Asia.”

“Then she should do it,” Jaslene said.

“I agree.”

Jaslene smiled. “You always go on about how Kari takes care of you, but you take care of her, too.”

“That’s your nice way of saying I’m butting into Kari’s business, isn’t it?”