Raina had not testified and Kelly had completely understood. There were the children to think of. Had Raina testified, the tabloids would have a field day bringing up their parents’ accident and the horrid details. One of the downfalls to becoming engaged to a billionaire that the tabloids loved to speculate about, was that Raina had become tabloid fodder herself.

It had been a good decision for Raina not to testify, and besides, Kelly’s testimony, along with that of twenty-three other current and former Del Mar employees, had been enough.

Between the sexual harassment, and the evidence uncovered over his fraud, Roger was going to be behind doors for a very long time. By the time he left prison, he would probably be carried out in a casket. But what gave Kelly the most satisfaction was the knowledge that he would never harass another helpless woman ever again.

Christian had been marvelous.

He had promoted her to regional director and she was loving her new job. With Raina’s encouragement, Kelly had applied for a master’s degree at Paramount University and she was due to start in a few months. Who would have thought that little Kelly, the former head housekeeper at the Del Mar Hotel Palm Beach would end up being a regional director?

She enjoyed the travel that her new job afforded her and the fact that she got to meet so many interesting people.

Raina teased her often about her new fast paced life and they often laughed together. Kelly knew that Raina was proud of her as well. She shook her head and reveled in all the good things that had happened to her and Raina.

Raina was super busy planning her wedding and setting up Christian’s seven different homes to be ready for the children to invade. She had laughed when he’d taken her to his penthouse full of glass breakables and priceless art. “No way,” she had said when he’d asked when she and the kids could move in.

She had wanted to decorate the homes and make them kid-friendly herself, and now she was almost done.

Raina walked around the massive living room—one of three in the home they had recently purchased together near Palm Beach, noting that everything was in its rightful place. It was a huge room with just as large bay windows looking out into a garden, and further out to the ocean, that would have been the envy of her former self.

She couldn’t believe that she and the children now called a palace like this home.

Satisfied, she walked out to what was meant to be a backyard when in reality was acres of perfectly manicured green grass stretching for miles. Christian had insisted on having a miniature soccer field made for Jeremiah where they often played matches together. She walked down the steps and when Christian saw her, he whispered to Jeremiah and he jogged over to her.

“So is it ready, can we officially move in?” he said, gathering her into his arms and planting a kiss on her lips.

“I think we can. The girls are upstairs inspecting their rooms. Christian, I think you were too much with the kids’ rooms. The gold and diamond chandeliers were a bit much. And ponies? They did not need ponies. And a stable. And a private riding master. And servants to help take care of the ponies.” Her tone was scolding.

“They deserve it,” he said, throwing his head back and laughing. “They’re good kids and they’ve had a great moral foundation. I’m not worried it will change them. I want to spoil the four of you.”

“You’ve done more than enough,” Raina said her mind on the weekend trip to Disneyland—a weekend where sections of the park had been shut down just for them—and many other excursions around the world using Christian’s private jet.

Still, she had to admit that it did make life easier using the jet.

As much as she had never admired people just for their money, she now understood that wealth could open many doors, especially for the children. They would be exposed to different experiences which would only be good for them. But the one thing that Raina was determined to do was to keep the kids well grounded.

She had no intention of raising spoiled kids. The girls came running out, exclaiming wildly.

“I love my room!” Crystal yelled.

“I love mine too,” Chantal called. She looked animated and Raina was happy to see her niece dropping the solemn expression she usually wore, as though she carried the weight of the world on her shoulders.

She squeezed Christian’s hand and he squeezed hers back.

“So, are we all set for Saturday?” Christian said. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close and planting a kiss on her forehead.

“I think we are,” Raina said, her heart beating at the thought of their wedding in a couple of days. She looked up at him and smiled.

She couldn’t wait to exchange vows with Christian. She knew without a shadow of a doubt that he was the man for her.

The only person she would ever want in all of her life.

He was kind, and fair, and just wonderful company. They spoke for ages and never seemed to tire of each other. She looked at him now and linked her arm with his.

The next two days were crazy for Raina. She had to see to the flowers, try on her dress again as well as double check the maid of honor’s dress and clothes for Jeremiah and girls. At the same time, they were also moving into the new house, and Raina was still overseeing the running of the B&B, much to Christian’s amusement.

Raina had finally taken Kelly’s advice and hired more staff. Christian had convinced her that she could afford it.… Raina laughed at that conversation, when he had explained to her just how wealthy he actually was. It was hard to fathom.

She still worked at the B&B, though sh