He had also made the decision to keep him on even after discovering that the hotels under his management were not doing as well as the rest. He had given him chance after chance.

He had made his decisions based on emotions. Roger was his only living relative and they were tied by blood. But right now, Christian could care less about blood ties. Roger would pay for what he did to Raina and Kelly.

He would be behind bars, Christian thought grimly.

He thought of the load that Raina carried, caring for Jeremiah and the girls. He wondered how she had fared, and he hung his head in shame. He knew how worried she had been about making ends meet, and after Roger’s treachery she must have been so frightened and alone.

And he hadn’t been there for her.

But, He thought with determination, I will be. If she’ll let me, I will be for the rest of her life.

In forty-five minutes, he was at the airfield outside the town on the card Kelly had given him. He stood up before the plane came to a complete halt. Once outside, a cab was waiting and he shoved the card in the driver’s hand.

Twenty minutes and they pulled into the parking lot of a B&B. He looked down at the card and saw that it was indeed Raina’s address. He paid the cab fare, leaving a generous tip and hopped out. He strode to the door and pushed it open. At the reception desk was a young girl with crazy colored hair.

“Hi, where can I find Raina McMillan?” Christian said, flashing her a charming smile.

“Oh, Raina’s away for the day,” she said.

His face fell. Had he miscalculated? Had he come all this way only to find she hadn’t returned home?

His mind began racing. What if she had gotten lost? Or worse, what if she was hurt, or in danger?

Just then a door further on was pushed open and Jeremiah and the girls spilled out followed by a brown haired woman.

“Uncle Chris!” Jeremiah yelled and sprinted to him and threw his little body against him. “I knew you’d come back. I told Aunt Raina. She said not to get my hopes up, but I knew you wouldn’t just leave us!”

Christian’s face reddened with shame. How could he ever have left these children who had welcomed him so freely into their lives? How had he let his anger cloud his judgment so completely? I’ll make things right, he vowed to himself.

“Uncle Chris, we missed you!” Crystal said hugging him from the side.

Chantal smiled serenely and allowed him to hug her.

“Where were you? Why didn’t you say goodbye?” Crystal demanded, her hands on her waist.

“I had to go on a trip but I won’t be going away anytime soon,” Christian promised, hoping against hope that it was true.

“Hi, my name is Susan, I’m looking after the kids today,” the smiling brown haired woman said. “I take it they know you?”

“I’m Chris—Chris, a friend of the family.” He thought it better not to explain the name issues just yet.

“He lived with us, Susan, for ages and ages,” Jeremiah offered.

“Oh, I see,” Susan said with a knowing smile. “I see no harm then in inviting you upstairs.”

“Thank you,” Christian said and hoisted Jeremiah to his shoulders.

He followed Susan and the girls to the stairs behind the reception area. They tromped up to the third floor and he followed everyone into the living room. As soon as he saw Raina’s furniture, he felt at home. He could smell her scent everywhere and memories washed over him. He longed for her with a painful, growing ache. He had to see her. She just had to let him explain.

The kids gave him a tour and he even got a peek into Raina’s bedroom. The bed brought back sweet painful memories, memories he had kept locked away but which now came flooding back. He remembered her soft dark skin, her wild curly hair, and her deep brown eyes that could bring him to his knees in an instant.

He thought of her gentle smile and her loud laughter when something was particularly funny. He had missed her! If she agreed to have him back, he would ensure that she never left his side.

“We have more stuff to bring from downstairs, come on guys, you promised to help,” Susan said walking from the window that overlooked the parking lot. “Besides, I can see your Aunt Raina is back! I imagine she and Chris here have a lot to catch up on,” she said and winked at Christian.

He flashed her a grateful smile. The kids grumbled as they left and he was left alone with his nerves. Ten minutes passed by and then the door to the apartment swung open. Christian stood up as Raina walked in.

The world shrank and all that was left was Raina and himself facing each other.