“Ok,” Raina finally said. “Let’s do it. And Kelly, I warn you, the surprise had better be worth driving all that way for.”

“It is,” Kelly said, feeling shaky now that her plan was underway.

Kelly helped with cleaning up dinner and even stacking the dishes into the dish washer. At eleven, she and Raina said goodnight to the other staff members and made their way up the elevator. They were just in time to see that the kids had been sneaking out of their beds.

“Hi! Aunt Raina, Aunt Kelly,” Jeremiah said, feigning a yawn. “Are you just getting home? I just woke up.…” he said.

“Stinker,” Susan said with a mock frown. “Back to bed!” She pointed a finger and Raina echoed her statement.

The three of them laughed and Susan left for her own home. Raina went with Jeremiah to his room, while Kelly collapsed on the couch next to the girls.

God she was exhausted! How did Raina do it day after day? Still, it had been worth it just to convince Raina to go with her to Paramount.

“Do you mind sleeping on the couch?”

“I don’t care, I just want to lie down,” Kelly said. “I feel as if I haven’t slept for a week.”

Raina laughed. “I felt the same way the first two days. After a while you get used to all the running around and it becomes second nature.”

Kelly took her toiletries with her to the bathroom and brushed her teeth before jumping into the shower. No matter how tired she was, the shower was a must. She was used to showering every night before bed.

When she poked her head into Raina’s bedroom to say goodnight, Raina was fast asleep.

Kelly laughed softly to herself. So much for it becoming second nature. The way she saw it, Raina needed an extra person downstairs. It was too much work for her to be waitressing while being a hostess and then cleaning up afterwards and being a maid and receptionist at the same time.

The road trip would give them a lot of time to talk.

The more time she spent watching Raina that evening, the more she had seen just how much of a toll the B&B took on Raina. She had lost a lot of weight and her face was a little gaunt. She knew the exhaustion was probably coupled with worry about the kids … and thoughts of Christopher.

Kelly just hoped that everything would go as she had planned. She bit her lip, uncertain if she was doing the right thing.

It would be a shame for two such wonderful people to lose each other forever over a misunderstanding.


“Be good for Susan, I’ll be back by evening. And Jeremiah make sure you eat up your lunch!” Raina said, her feet stuck to the floor.

Her earlier excitement about the road trip with Kelly had faded to the ball of anxiety in her body.

“We’ll be fine Raina, go on, Kelly is waiting downstairs,” Susan urged, giving Raina a gentle push.

“Alright, one last hug, come on girls.”

It took three more minutes for Raina to finally leave. Downstairs, Kelly waited in her car and when she saw Raina, she gave her a wide grin.

“This will be a life changing trip!” she said.

“Yeah, why?” Raina said, sliding into the passenger seat.

Raina threw her bag in the bag seat and belted up. She was a little nervous at Kelly driving. She was known for her enthusiasm for stepping on the gas.

“I hope we can beat the weekend rush,” Kelly said, guiding the car towards the road.

“Oh we will, eight is early enough,” Raina replied, feeling remarkably relaxed now that she was out of the house.

“You look well rested,” Kelly said.

“Thanks. I slept better last night. I guess I needed this trip more than I thought. If only you’d give me a hint of the surprise!”