Raina clapped her hands together. “I have! And they are. It’s got the most beautiful views and it’s owned and run by this very nice lady called Martha. My lawyer is working out the details of the deposit and other payments.”

“That’s so exciting! You’re one brave lady, Raina. I don’t think I’d have the guts to do something like that. I’d be scared to death,” Kelly said. She paused and looked at her friend, her eyes glistening. “I’m so proud of you.” Spontaneously, she wrapped Raina in her arms.

Raina returned her embrace and laughed. “Thanks, I have to say that I’m nervous as hell.”

“You’ll make it Raina, if anybody can do it, you can.”

“I need that vote of confidence.”

They were silent for a moment and then Kelly asked the question that was the elephant in the room.

“Have you heard from Christopher?” Kelly asked softly.

Raina shook her head and the pain she felt was evident in her eyes.

“Not a word, and I don’t expect to. He’s gone. Well, who gives a crap, right? Planning for the B&B is keeping me busy. I think of him less and less.”

“What a shame. You were so happy and he was a great guy—apart from the clothes,” Kelly said, wrinkling her nose. They both laughed at that.

Kelly slipped into a dress that Raina held out to her. “Well, try this one on for size—see how it looks.” Raina said.

When Kelly looked at her reflection in the mirror, she couldn’t believe the person staring back at her.

“Raina! I look gorgeous. I never knew I could look this good! I even have curves,” she laughed. “I think this dress molded to your shape.”

Raina laughed, “You look beautiful. Pervy Rog will be drooling into his napkin.”

Kelly grimaced, remembering the reason for their mission. “You have to go and ruin a special moment for me, don’t you?”

She looked at her reflection again. The red dress clung to her hips and then flared out at the bottom. She loved the off shoulder design and how her skin glowed against the red fabric. It had a sort of pin-up vibe that Raina’s more playful clothes tended to have.

“Thanks so much Raina, I really needed to vent,” Kelly said.

“Oh you’re welcome, anytime,” Raina said.

They hugged each other once more, squeezing tightly.

Kelly left Raina’s house twenty minutes later, feeling like the most alluring woman in the state. She got into her car and made her way to the town. The Meridian Hotel was certainly not what she had expected from Pervy Roger. It was a mid-priced hotel and there was nothing particularly special about it.

Roger seemed like the type to frequent five star hotels like the Del Mar for everything. She gave her car keys to a valet and made her way in to the dining room. She saw him as soon as she entered and his greedy eyes immediately roamed over her body.

Kelly stifled a giggle. If only Raina could see the look on his face! He looked like he would eat her for dinner. He stood up when she got close.

“You clean up great.” He was purring. “Who knew what a sexy little thing you are behind those drab suits you wear to work,” he said by way of greeting.

Kelly raised an eyebrow. Drab suits? She let it pass; fighting the urge to let him know exactly how much she bought her “drab” suits for.

She smiled instead and let him pull out a chair for her. To her annoyance, he pinched her ass and she swiped his hand away like it was a stubborn fly. His action put her on guard immediately. She was glad they were in public.

“I’ll order for us,” Roger commanded and proceeded to order some kind

of steak for both of them. She wasn’t surprised by his bossiness and the fact that she had zero interest in him, made her sit mutely.

He poured out the wine for her and she noted that he had already downed half the bottle.

Great. Now she would have to fight off a drunken Pervy Roger.

They made small talk but he couldn’t seem to maintain the conversation for long periods without making gross comments about what he would like to do to her.