“What do you think?” he asked, reaching to reclaim the upper hand. He paused and gave her his best, most charming smile. “I want what any man would want from a beautiful woman who owed him …” He let his voice trail away.

She frowned, her plump, kissable lips turning downward at the corners. “So you do want me to sleep with you.”

Was that what she thought of men? Colin hitched an eyebrow as he looked her over. A woman who looked like her probably would think like that. And wasn’t she right? His cock was hard as steel, and he could only hope his jacket was covering the evidence of how her presence affected him.

“That answer might say more about you than it does about me, don’t you think?” he asked.

“I don’t know what to think,” Sabela replied, voice flat. “All I know is that you took me from my home without warning and brought me across the world for reasons I don’t understand. So tell me, why am I here?”

“I expect you to stay with me here for a while. I have some business to attend to, and I need you to play hostess. You’ll chat and laugh and hang off of my arm and dote on me in front of my associates. Whatever activities I ask you to involve yourself with, you’ll involve yourself with.”

Colin looked Sabela over to see how she was taking it. So far she hadn’t interrupted.

“In short,” he said, “you’ll be my lovely arm candy. And when all is said and done, I’ll send you home and your life will go back to normal. That’s why you’re here.”

And should she fall in love along the way, all the better, Colin thought. He didn’t tell her that he would be sending her back home broken, that the pieces of her heart would be too small to dream of putting them back together.

“Activities you ask me to involve myself with?” Sabela asked, wide-set eyes narrowing. “I’m not sleeping with you, and I’m not going to do anything … perverted.”

Colin laughed. “We’ll talk details a little later. For now, you can go to your room and settle in, get some rest. I’m sure you’re exhausted.”

He let his gaze sweep over her one last time, not caring if she saw him linger over certain parts of her lovely person. If she knew he found her attractive it was all the better.

“I could use some rest,” she snapped. “It was a long trip.”

“Take a nap, but be aware that you’re expected to attend dinner. We’ll talk through all of the potential activities then.”

Colin paged Marie from the wall intercom while Sabela took her first sips of the hot chocolate. She made a small moaning sound of appreciation, and Colin wondered what else might cause her to make that sexy sound. He had a few ideas he’d like to try.

Marie arrived within moments.

“Please show Ms. Vaughn to her room,” he said. “If she needs anything, make sure that she gets it.”

“Of course, Mr. Morgan.” Marie ducked her head. “Ms. Vaughn, if you’ll follow me, please. Just leave your cup. I’ve got another pot waiting in your room, all piping hot.”

Sabela set her cup on the carved stand. She gave Colin a critical once-over, as though she were trying to figure him out. Let her try, he thought. She’d never get the advantage. He’d taken on far tougher opponents than a poor waitress from a small town nobody ever heard of.

He’d always be one step ahead.

Sabela nodded at him, then followed Marie out of the room.

Colin stepped into the wake of Sabela’s departure, letting the scent of her sweet and spicy perfume waft around him. His entire body was on alert.

Having sex with this lovely pawn had always been an optional part of his plan. It was no longer an option.

He would bed Sabela Vaughn before she left the chalet.

He would make sure of it.

Chapter Ten

HABERLIN CHALET WAS A CONFUSING series of endless corridors and corners. Sabela followed the housekeeper, Marie, noting the traditional style of her dress. Fashion was always in Sabela’s thoughts, and part of her wondered if she could give the housekeeper’s outfit a modern twist and take the idea back across the ocean.

But not even fashion, no matter how hard she tried, could keep her mind off of what had just happened. Sabela couldn’t shake it.

Mr. Morgan – no, Colin – wasn’t what she’d been expecting. Tall, well built, sophisticated and masculine, blond-haired perfection, tanned and gorgeous. Stunning. Handsome and sexy as hell.

But dark. She felt it, couldn’t miss it. For all his outer appeal, there was something twisted inside, lurking behind that perfect exterior.

There was no denying that there was something wrong about him, though she wasn’t sure exactly what it was.

Like the chalet, he was confusing, hard to follow. He’d pushed her a few times, and she knew it. Once he was done testing her and the introductions were over, would he show his true face?

Undoubtedly, it would be the face that had scared those who worked for him, those afraid to defy his orders and answer Sabela’s questions.

Not Marie, though. She didn’t seem afraid. Sabela thought that the woman was far too cheery to be intimidated by an enigmatic, possibly sinister Greek God.

Or maybe, Sabela thought with comforting cheek, Marie was just too old to put up with Colin’s crap.

But as terrified and cautious as Sabela knew she should have been, she couldn’t shake the thought of him. His broad shoulders tapered to a trim waist, and it was clear that he was athletic by the sure and manly way he moved.

The first glance she’d gotten of him nearly took her breath away. Parts of her sensuality that had long lay dormant immediately sprung to life.

When she stood close enough to catch the rich, woodsy and musky scent of his cologne, she wanted to dissolve into a puddle of desire at his feet.

But she didn’t. She was stronger than that. No matter what, she had to remember that she was here for a purpose — her debt, and the sooner it got repaid, the sooner she could get back home to her responsibilities.

So he wanted her to act as his escort during his business meetings as a form of payment towards her bill. How much would it repay? All of it? Unlikely. That would be too good to be true, and she wouldn’t make the mistake of forgetting that again.

“It’s quite impressive, isn’t it?”

Sabela started. Marie glanced over her shoulder and smiled, as sweet as any old lady could be.

“Uh, yeah,” Sabela answered. “I’ve never been in a house like this. It’s more like a fancy hotel.”

“Yes, we’re all very proud of it, especially Mr. Morgan. I believe he loves the place even more than I do, and that’s saying something.”

“I can’t imagine anyone not loving this place,” Sabela said.

“Yes. It’s only fifty years old, you know, but built to last hundreds. Long after we’re gone, Haberlin Chalet will still be here.”

Sabela nodded and took in the paneled walls and expensive-looking, thick runners that reached down the halls seemingly endlessly. Of course, everything was expensive in the place. It was a mansion, basically.

Marie shifted the topic abruptly. “Mr. Morgan’s a good man beneath his cold exterior. But I don’t need to tell you that, do I? It’s so nice to see he’s finally met a young lady who can see who he really is. We’re so excited to have you here, dear.”

Sabela flushed and wrapped her arms around herself. What had Marie been told about why Sabela was there? Apparently, not the truth. “It’s um, well, it’s –”

“It’s okay, dear. Mr. Morgan has been shy about it, as well. Don’t worry. We won’t pry.”

Sabela wasn’t sure what to think. If Colin had his way, it would appear that she was his girlfriend. A big, fat lie.

But if she didn’t want to play along nicely, he had all kinds of leverage over her to force her into doing as he pleased. Sabela was caught up in his web and she wasn’t sure if there was a way to break out of it.

Marie finally paused in front of a door and pushed it open. “Here’s your rooms, Ms. V

aughn. Mr. Morgan’s suite is right next door at the end of the hall.”

Marie pointed to the set of heavy double doors at the end of the hallway. Their rooms were so close that they might as well have been connected. Heat rose on Sabela’s face.

“You can page me on the intercom in your suite,” Marie said. “Or, if you prefer, you can text me. I left my number on the lady’s desk. It’s Venetian, you know. The desk, I mean. Absolutely exquisite from the 18th century. Let me know if you need anything. I’ll be there to take care of whatever you need before you know it.”

“Thank you.”

“Have you ever been in the mountains before?”