When he had to attend to other business, Sabela spent her time designing and sewing. He found a shop in Andermatt that had sewing supplies and fabric. Taking her shopping and giving her such simple pleasure had been a priceless joy.

And, of course, Colin was delighted to play the part of fashion critic when she modeled a new design for him. Most of the time, she wasn’t wearing anything underneath them, which made him look forward to the impromptu fashion shows even more.

Colin couldn’t believe how happy he was every time Sabela smiled. There were times when he still thought about Blanca, but they were becoming fewer every day. He had Marie pack away the picture he had kept of her in his bedroom out of respect for Sabela, and because he was ready to let Blanca go.

It made him feel sad in a way, but it was a long-delayed part of the grieving process. He was moving on.

That evening, he sat with Sabela in the hot tub on the rear balcony overlooking the valley. She had been completely enthralled with the idea of lounging in hot water while the air around them was icy cold.

Colin liked how the temperature had her pressing against his side, her fingertips trailing across his bare chest.

From the way her fingers toyed with his nipple, he guessed they would be back in his bed soon enough.

“I guess this is all going to end soon,” she said to him as she looked up at the stars overhead.

“What do you mean?”

Sabela huffed a sigh and let her head rest against his shoulder. He held her close, arm around her.

“Reality will rear its ugly head some time, right? After this weekend with your associates, it’ll be time for me to go back to work. That is, if I still have a job.”

The worry in her voice bothered him, and he pulled her a little closer to soothe her. “I’ve known the owner of Pinkie’s for years. I’m sure that you’ll be welcomed back with open arms.”

An odd emotion shot through him. Disgruntled. That’s what it was. He didn’t like the idea of her returning to her old job and her old life. He couldn’t say it, though. He had to tread lightly, considering what had gone on between them.

“I hope my job is there,” she said. “I want to start saving the money, now that I don’t have debts to worry about. I’m thinking of applying for some grants, too, so I can attend design school next semester.”

He wanted to say that Colin Morgan Enterprises would be happy to offer her a full-ride scholarship, but he wasn’t sure how she would react. For now, he’d leave it be. “That’s great,” is all he said.

It looked like Sabela was getting her life back on track, but what did that mean for him? Colin wanted to keep her close, but he didn’t want to quash her dreams like Trevor had done to her.

He wouldn’t ever burden her if he could help it. He wasn’t quite ready to ask her to commit any further time to seeing him after the weekend. There would be plenty of time to talk about what came next when they were on the plane on the way home. And he definitely planned for there to be something next for the two of them.

“We have three days before we have to think about going back to the real world,” he said. “Why think about that now, especially when there are so many other things we can be thinking about?”

He slid his free hand up her inner thigh to give her an idea of exactly what he was thinking about. Not that she would misunderstand. It was pretty much all the two of them had been thinking about for days. He couldn’t get enough of enchanting, tantalizing Sabela Vaughn.

He felt her respond to him immediately and saw the pebbles of her hardened nipples just below the surface of the water. He moved his hand between her legs then and found the edge of her swimsuit.

“Colin, someone might see,” she protested in a harsh whisper. But even as she protested, her eyes fluttered closed.

“You know I love to see your face when you come for me,” he whispered against her ear. “We won’t do anything else until we get inside. But show me. Show me how badly you want me.”

Distracting Sabela was proving to be all too easy, especially when she reacted to him the way that she did. He moved his fingertips so that they dipped inside her warm folds and watched as her head fell back against his arm.

He pulled her between his legs so her back rested against his chest, allowing him to use both hands as he stroked her.

Beautiful scenery, a beautiful night, and a beautiful woman to spend his time with. If this wasn’t the proper groundwork for a new future, Colin didn’t know what was.

Chapter Forty-One

THE WEEKEND WITH COLIN’S ASSOCIATES went off without a hitch. Sabela loved playing the part of the hostess of the Haberlin Chalet. Seeing the adoration and approval in Colin’s eyes was the cherry on top of her happy cake.

Given the chance, she’d do it all over again. Maybe, just maybe, there would be other business meetings after this one, and Colin would need a hostess for those, too.

While Colin talked business, Sabela watched Marie prepare the different meals so she was able to tell the guests about the different ingredients and what wine to pair with each course.

Her skiing skills had improved enough that she was able to navigate the smaller slopes without making a fool of herself, or embarrassing Colin. Not that she really had to worry about that anymore. Every time Colin looked at her, she could see how much pride he took in her.

To be admired so lavishly was a feeling like no other. Sabela was hooked.

The admiration went both ways. Watching Colin talk business, all confidence and charisma, made her swell with pride for all that he’d accomplished. She could see why he was successful.

With each passing day, her giddiness grew. She was so happy.

But she’d be happier to know that what they had would continue after the weekend was over and reality set in again.

Finally, their last night at the chalet arrived. The business associates were gone, and Sabela sat down with Colin for what felt like their first dinner alone in a long time.

“You were fantastic this weekend,” he said as he leaned in close and gave her a kiss.

“You were pretty fantastic yourself.” Sabela grinned, but inside she wasn’t feeling all that confident.

She wanted him to tell her he would continue to see her. She knew that they were flying back to the States the next day. All she wanted to know was that this wasn’t the end of the magic between them.

No matter how perfect things were now, and no matter how much she thought Colin was devoted to her, she wanted to hear the words spoken.

Bringing the topic up in conversation proved more difficult than she anticipated. It wasn’t the first time Sabela had tried to broach the subject.

Ever since the hot tub, she’d been dropping hints, but each time Colin had deftly moved the topic to something else. The silver tongue that served him so well in business was excellent at deflecting her, and Sabela came away from their encounters charmed, but without the answer she was seeking.

It was time to give it another shot. Opening the doors to what would happen after the flight home might make him talk. Sabela hoped he’d take the wheel and let her know what he was thinking.

“You’ll have to let me know if there are any of the clothes that you would like me to take back,” she said.

“Take whatever you’d like. It was all for you.” Colin sliced at his steak. “Whatever you don’t take right away, Marie will pack and ship to you.”

Sabela looked down at her food and started to pick at it. It wasn’t the answer she was hoping for. “You know, I’ve been spending a lot of time with Marie doing the menu planning. I was thinking about learning how to cook better, move past my whole burned water episode and all. You’re such a great cook that you could probably give me some pointers.”

Hopeful, Sabela looked up from her food, then continued. “I was thinking I could try to recreate that duck we had last night, since you really enjoyed it.”

“We’ll make sure that Marie sends you home with the recipe

,” he said.

Damn the man. It was as if he knew what she wanted and he delighted in not answering her.

His reluctance to talk about the future was driving her nuts.

“I guess what I’m trying to ask is what nights I might see you next week so I can ask them off from work,” she said, deciding that she needed to be bold. “You are flying back with me tomorrow, right?”

There, she had gone ahead and addressed the elephant in the room.

Colin looked up at her then and gave her a lewd wink. He opened his mouth to reply when the doors opened on the other side of the room. They both looked up as Bruno entered and made his way to Colin’s side.

“I’m sorry to interrupt, Mr. Morgan, but there is a guest,” he said.

“Who is it?” Colin asked.

Bruno’s gaze flickered in Sabela’s direction, and she felt a prickling of anxiety. Something was wrong.

“The visitor is for Ms. Vaughn,” Bruno said. “He says that he’s her brother.”

Chapter Forty-Two


Cold rage, like the course of an icy river, rushed down Colin’s spine. How that man could dare to presume to come to Haberlin Chalet was beyond comprehension.