Chapter Twenty-Nine

COLIN STOOD LOOKING OUT HIS bedroom windows as dawn broke over the range. He could barely see the reflection of the bed behind him in the glass. Sabela slept there.

After a very long, demanding night, she had finally collapsed, trembling and exhausted, and fallen asleep.

Thinking about what they had done made his cock twitch. He was already hungry for her again.

It was a shock that his appetite was this voracious, and it unnerved Colin. Also, it turned him on even more.

There was a part of him that said that he shouldn’t overanalyze what had happened between him and Sabela. Sleeping with her had always been part of his plan. What had happened was simply part of that plan.

He could thoroughly enjoy it until it ended. The lusty itch that had been gnawing at him would be scratched, and he would be able to return to his logical self.

He would have his revenge, and it would be all the sweeter because he knew that Sabela had wanted him badly. Less than a week ago, he would have been overjoyed to know that he’d drawn her in like he had.

Now he was getting a nudge or two of regret.

He thought back to emotions visible in her expression when she had reached the peaks of her orgasms. There had been something so naked and raw in it that it touched him. She was so damned honest and pure.

And there was all this trust there. She trusted him.

But it was all wrong.

She shouldn’t trust him and it shouldn’t have touched him at all.

Colin had been with many women, but none of them had brought the intensity and earnestness to their lovemaking that Sabela had. He wanted her to come again and again and again.

He wanted to ruin her for every other man in the world.

He knew that she wasn’t a virgin, but her reactions told him this was the first time that she had come this way. Though he knew it was ridiculous, he was pumped with pride, knowing he was the only man who’d truly satiated her.

Emotional attachment had never been part of the plan, but he argued with himself that great sex didn’t mean emotions had to get involved. He could control himself. He could still do what he needed to do.

The tactics he used would change a bit, that was all. Colin could enjoy his time with Sabela and make her feel good until they had to part ways.

Colin knew he should take her back to her room. Letting her stay here would only make it harder for him. And yet, he couldn’t deny the fact that lying next to Sabela was exquisite. His fingers twitched, wanting to touch her silken skin, and he craved the sweet scent of her, and the taste of her lips.

He felt both calm and energized in a way that he could not remember feeling in a long time, if ever. After four cold and lonely years, he deserved some peace, he decided.

Colin pushed a button to lower the shades and moved back to the bed. He climbed in carefully so as to not disturb her sleep until he was next to her again.

Sabela murmured, and he froze, but then she settled again. This time, she cuddled against him and melded herself against his body.

It filled him with a warm kind of joy.

“What are you doing to me?” he asked softly against the top of her head.

The warm feeling continued as he wrapped his arms loosely around her and drew her closer. He loved the way that she nuzzled her nose against his chest.

She fit perfectly against him.

Colin let the doubts and worries go and closed his eyes. He would deal with whatever came later. For now, he intended to enjoy this moment with Sabela.

He fell asleep with her wrapped in his arms.

Chapter Thirty

SABELA WOKE UP AND, FOR A moment, couldn’t place where she was.

The bed didn’t feel the same, and the heat beneath the sheets …

When the arm draped over her chest tightened, it all came back to her at once. She was sleeping in Colin’s bed after a night that she would never forget. She smiled.

The way he had claimed her was unlike anything she’d felt before. Exhilarating and freeing. And later, he gave her back some control and let her claim him. She flushed at the memory of being astride his hips, wantonly bucking on top of him, taking what she wanted.


Sabela squirmed and pressed her thighs together. A dull ache spread through her lower parts, the result, no doubt, of not being accustomed to such lengthy energetic passion. But it wasn’t anything to be worried about, more of an annoyance than anything else.

The squirming didn’t relieve any of her arousal, but what it did do was wake Colin. He stretched and yawned and cracked an eye open to peek at her. Sabela wiggled around to get a better look.

As she did, it occurred to her that she probably had morning breath. She pulled away from him and yanked the sheet up over her nose.

Colin’s eyes opened in full. She couldn’t get over how blue they were. It was like staring into the depths of the ocean.

He cocked an eyebrow. “Who are you supposed to be? A sexy ghost from my past coming back to haunt me?”

“I have morning breath,” Sabela said, refusing to pull down the sheet.

Colin laughed. “There’s an extra toothbrush in the bathroom, but I don’t mind if you don’t.” His hands snaked under the sheet and brushed up against her hip, and she felt her body immediately respond.

The heat between her legs returned in full force, but so did the ache.

“I think I’m a little bit sore from last night,” she admitted. “It’s been a long time.”

“I know the perfect cure. A bath. That will do all of your body good,” he said to her.

A bath was just what she needed. They’d gone at it hard, and she’d worked up a sweat more than once.

“A bath sounds great.”

Without missing a beat, Colin sat up and climbed out of bed. He pushed a button on a console on the nightstand, and the shades on the windows slowly raised, filling the room with bright light.

Colin’s naked body was fully hers to admire now, and Sabela didn’t shy away from taking it in.

Colin didn’t need the cover of shadows to make him handsome – he was just as stunning by daylight.


??Stay right there. I’ll be back in a moment,” he said.

She watched him as he crossed the room and admired his backside as he went. He was the most handsome man that she had ever seen, she decided.

Sabela almost couldn’t believe he’d chosen her.

After one of the best nights of her life and the great rest that followed it, she was aglow with delight. For as long as it lasted, Sabela planned to enjoy it. And that, hopefully, meant spending more quality time with her handsome billionaire.

She heard water starting to run and realized that Colin hadn’t been kidding. He was running a bath for her. The glow grew, and her smile widened.

The beast was tamed, and the man was back. She hoped he’d stay for good.

Colin returned to the room a moment later and came to her side of the bed. He leaned over and tugged the sheet away, leaving her bare. Sabela looked up at him, surprised but pleased, then let her gaze wander down his firm chest and across the tight expanse of his stomach.

The cock nestled below was starting to harden again.

She was amazed that she had that kind of effect on this powerful, handsome man.

“As much as I’d love to do something else with you right now, let’s get you into the bath,” he said.

Intending to take his hand and climb out of bed on her own, Sabela hadn’t been anticipating him scooping her up into his arms. She squealed as he lifted her, then she wrapped her arms around his neck. He pressed a quick kiss against her temple.

“We wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself any further by having you walk,” he said with a wink.

“And what about your back?” she protested. “You can’t just go lifting girls around without stretching first, Colin. You’re asking to hurt yourself.”

“How many eligible young women do you see walking around Haberlin Chalet?” Colin countered, grin growing. “I’ll be fine. You’re light as a feather.”

He moved so easily with manly grace that she believed him.

They entered the bathroom, and she saw that the tub was already half-full, and there were bubbles everywhere. He gently knelt down beside it and lowered her into the bathwater. The heat was fantastic at relieving some of the ache, and she moaned in delight.