Accepting the length and breadth of him, his wide cock stretched her to the limit each time. His fingers continued to play the drum beats on her clit. As he thrust, harder and harder, his thrusts spread her legs wider, until she thought she would die from the pleasure.

Her pussy stretched tightly around his thrusting penis, the slick wetness guiding him, accepting him, as he pounded her. He thrust into her pussy, his hips undulating wildly, his tight, toned ass rising above her outstretched thighs, slamming home, as he withdrew and buried himself to the hilt with each downward thrust.

Each thrust drew a gasp of startled delight from Paris’s plump, full lips. Alex kissed her; he kissed her long and hard, his tongue thrusting at hers in the same way his hips thrust at her pussy. They were joined together in that ancient mating dance, and not for the first time.

His hands grasped her thighs. He drew her closer as though somehow he could bury himself even more deeply into her tight, warm wetness. His movements were growing more wild, more frantic, and Paris knew he was close.

Her breath was coming in gasps and she was almost there herself. She sensed he was holding himself back until she came.

She let herself fall over the edge, feeling the way his cock invaded every part of her senses. She wanted him deeper, and deeper, and she felt her legs wrapped around his thrusting ass, drawing him closer, holding him in, not letting him leave.

Her hands went to his hand on her pussy, and she held him there. She held him in just the right spot as he made her come. She came long, and hard, the waves of her pulsing pussy wrapping around his hard shaft, milking it.

He moaned in surprise, his own come arriving suddenly as he lost himself in her.

She felt him jerk against her body, the movements of his hips and the way his cock had grown even harder—almost impossibly hard inside her—and she knew he was coming.

The hard head of his shaft was as deep inside her as it could possibly go. They could not have been more joined together as he held her limp sweaty body close to his. He slumped against her, his lips nuzzling her neck, his cock still between her outstretched thighs.

He lay on her and she let her hands linger on his back tracing the ridges and contours there, the curve of his tight ass. They lay against each other, their breathing heavy and shallow, his skin glistening in the firelight.

In that moment they were one.


“Prince Alexander, Miss Paris, please fasten your seat belts. We are about to begin our descent into Kara's Vale.”

Paris grinned up at Genevieve as she sleepily opened her eyes. She'd fallen asleep on Alex's shoulder as soon as they'd left New York City, thoroughly exhausted from everything that had happened over the last few weeks. Genevieve handed Paris a bottle of water, and winked at her, pointing at Alex, whose head was tilted back with his mouth wide open, a light snore escaping every few seconds. Paris giggled as she placed the cold bottle of water against Alex's face, and both women descended into hysterics when he jumped up, startled from sleep and looking all around the cabin to see who had awoken him. When he saw it was Paris, he gave her a sly half smile and started tickling her.

“You think you're so clever, do you? Well, just wait. I have a whole lifetime to return the favor.”

Paris leaned over and gave him a slow, soft kiss, which he returned with enthusiasm.

Genevieve clucked her tongue at them.

“Buckle up, kids. There will be plenty of time for that later.”

The clouds outside the plane window began to clear, and the beaches and mountains of Dalvana began to come into view. Paris couldn't explain it, but she felt a weight lift off of her shoulders. Alex put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close.

“We're home.”

* * *

When Dennis pulled up in front of the house, he rushed out to let Alex and Paris out of the car. But before Paris could get out, Dennis whispered into her ear, “I'm glad you came back, Miss. I'm glad everything worked out.”

Paris took Dennis' hand as he helped her out of the car and gave it a squeeze.

“Me too, Dennis. Me too.”

Catriona, The King, Joseph, and Matthias were waiting on the front steps when Alex and Paris arrived at the castle. Paris felt her heart swell with happiness at the sight of her new family. Cat rushed down the stairs and gathered Paris in her arms, her eyes filling with tears.

“So I hear we have a wedding to plan, hmmm? I'm glad we didn't put the shoes back into the vault!”

Paris pulled back, shocked.

“What? But... the guard! The... diamonds!”

Cat laughed at her future daughter-in-law.

“Pish-tosh, darling. For a chance to dress the future Queen of Dalvana? That’s what they’re for. They’ll soon be yours my dear, in any case.”

Paris was completely taken aback. It was going to take a while to get used to this.

Matthias gave Paris a small kiss on the cheek.

“Glad to have you back, future sister.”

“I'm so sorry I drew attention away from you on your birthday. That was thoughtless and selfish of me,” Paris said. She smiled apologetically.

Joseph laughed heartily.

“Are you kidding me? I got to make a fool out of Whitney in front of all of the most important people in the country. Couldn't have done it without you, Paris.”

Paris blushed. She didn't like Whitney, but she still wasn't thrilled about her being humiliated in public. But if Whitney learned something about how to treat people because of it, maybe it was worth it. But would she change her ways now that her behavior had been exposed?

Paris thought back to the cruel things Whitney had said to her and rolled her eyes at the thought. Doubtful, Paris thought with a chuckle to herself.

As she looked up into Alex’s eyes though, all of the events of the past few weeks, and the heartbreak she’d faced—all of it evaporated. Paris recognized the glint in his eye as he took her hand in his and squeezed.

“Excuse me, mother. Paris and I have another engagement to attend to.”

Cat turned and looked at her son in surprise. “I didn’t see any royal engagements on the calendar.”

“Er—This is something that has just come up. And must be attended to immediately.” Alex gave her a charming smile as he practically carried Paris back to his room.

Cat watched them go, and King Alexander came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. He nuzzled her ear. “Do you remember when we were like that?”

She leaned back into him. “Hmmm… Yes… Wasn

’t it just last Tuesday?” Cat tossed him a wicked smile.

Alexander grabbed her hand and pulled her away. “Boys—Your mother and I just recalled our own engagement we must get to.”

Joseph and Mattias watched both couples disappear, giggling and laughing the entire way. The brothers had matching expressions of annoyance on their faces.

“Gross, right?”


Joseph put Mattias in a headlock. “Come on. Let’s pretend we never witnessed that.”


Up in the highest towers of the castle, sounds of laughter could be heard dancing over the lake and echoing through the mountains.


It had taken over 17 months for Alex to extricate himself and Dalvana from the legal entanglements the broken betrothal had caused. Scores of diplomats had hammered out a deal, which had involved serious financial and legal concessions from Dalvana for their breach of the treaty. A new agreement was finally solidified, and as soon as it was, Paris and Alex set a date for their own nuptials. In the end though, even Leonard and Penelope had to agree that the archaic practice of solidifying treaties with marriages was best relegated to the past. (It also helped that they personally profited by over twelve million dollars from the sanctions imposed upon Dalvana, though Whitney’s disposition had only gotten worse once she learned she would never be Queen.)

The Chapel in Kara's Vale was covered top to bottom in twinkling candles and gardenias, flown in just for Alex and Paris' wedding. Paris was standing in the dressing room of the chapel with Catriona, who was helping her prepare to walk down the aisle. They had just buttoned Paris into her dress, and she couldn't believe how beautiful it was, or that she was being allowed to wear this to a royal wedding. She remembered pictures from her childhood of famous royal women, getting married in massive dresses full of tulle and trains that were longer than the aisle itself. But this dress... it was undeniably Paris.