Through the kitchen doors, Julio’s Aunt Sophia lumbered out. She was tall, like Senora Torres, but twice her girth. Senora Torres said something in Spanish to her sister-in-law and then they both laughed.

A moment later, she gave Lissa a meaningful link, then ran one index finger over the other, cackling gaily as she made the universal gesture, of naughty, naughty.

Lissa felt her face go flush with embarrassment.

“They go for naughty, naughty time?” she asked in her broken English than cackled at her own joke.

“Come on, Lissa,” Julio said, chuckling darkly. She started to follow him, wordlessly. He wouldn’t seriously be taking her somewhere to have his way with her, would he? Not while people were downstairs thinking that’s what he had in mind. Her nipples hardened at the thought.

“Where are we going?”

“To my room.”

# # #

When he unlocked his door, and motioned Lissa inside, she didn’t have time to admire the view of the city from his window, or the warm masculine touches of his interior space, because his hands were all over her, expertly pulling off her clothes.

“What are you doing?” Lissa said, trying to stop him.

“What I’ve been thinking about non-stop, getting you naked, so I can ravish you.”

She gasped as his choice of words, but a part of her held back.

“No, no,” she said.

He reared back, confusion on his face.

“What do you mean?”

“You can’t, we can’t do—this. I mean, not until you tell me what the hell has been going on?”

He shook his head, a smirk twitching at his mouth, and moved close to her, close enough that she could feel his heat, his desire for her.

She started to say something, but he pressed his index finger against his lips.

“We’ll talk after you’ve come, not before.”

Lissa gasped at his words, her body responding to him.

They kissed and while she tried to resist him at first, soon she was as eager as he was for contact.

“The door?”

“It’s locked, don’t worry.”

He moved her backwards towards the bed, bending her knees as she plopped onto the bed. She lifted her arms and he pulled off her blouse, then pushed her gently backwards so he could remove her pants.

“I haven’t stopped thinking about your tight, sweet, pussy,” he said as he pulled down her underwear and tossed it onto the floor.

She lay on the bed, panting, the bra still holding her breasts, the lace being strained by her expanding pebbling nipples. She threw her head back and groaned as he spread her legs, going down on her, the way she liked.

It didn’t take long, for his tongue and fingers to send her over the edge. She had to bite the lips hard to stop from crying out in pleasure as her back arched and she pushed her pelvis up, into him.

He climbed on top of her, his belt buckle digging into her skin. He kissed her hard and as he ground his erection against her through his pants. She squeezed her hands between them, groping for the clasp of his pants, trying to free his cock of its bounds. “I need you inside me, please…” she begged.

Julio pushed off her, trailing fire down her neck, to her collar bone, before sucking on one breast through the lace of her bra. She reached for his pants again, but he pulled away, getting off the bed.

Lissa lifted her head as her heart raced and she watched him pull off his tshirt and step out of his pants. He stood there before her, naked, incredibly perfect, all muscles and angles, and dark thick hair on his chest trailing down to his incredible cock, erect and proud in his stroking hand.

“Is this what you want?” he asked, his voice like gravel.

“Yes, please.”

“What do you want me to do with it, say it. Tell me.”

“I want you to fuck me. Fuck me. Please. Julio, Fuck me, now.”

Lissa’s eyes burned with need for him and he climbed back on to the bed. She spread her legs and he crawled on his knees between them. She thought he’d fall forward and enter her in the missionary way, but instead, he lifted her legs, until they rested against his chest. He reached down and pulled her up by the hips and entered her in a way he’d never entered her before. Then he leaned forward, almost pressing her knees into her chest and he began to fuck her. The angle was incredible, and he was able to go in deep then come out and go in deeper the next time. A new part of her inner sanctum was activated and she felt the spiral of pleasure begin to unwind deep inside her. As he came, her body exploded in time with his release.

“Fuck,” he said, when it was over. He plopped down beside her, panting.

Twenty minutes later, they’d taken a shower together, speaking only in kisses and touches.

Back in the room, after Lissa and Julio had fully dressed, Julio’s cell phone rang, and his face showed a moment of alarm when he spotted the caller I.D. He grabbed it and answered. “Can I call you right back?”

“Who’s that? Something about the job?”

“Lissa, why don’t you see yourself out, I’ll see you at dinner. I need to take this.”

Feeling dismissed, Lissa walked back to her room. She fixed her makeup and hair, and went back downstairs, returning to baby duty.

As she walked, she made up her mind.

This had gone far enough.

To her relief Joan had arrived, and had already relieved the two cooks of their baby watching tasks. Her three sons weren’t much trouble. They were fast asleep in their cribs.

“You look like you got some,” Joan said as she sat next to her on the couch.

“Joan, I want to go back home, as soon as possible. Can you go book us our flights? I’ll stay here.”

“Home? Why? I thought you had work to do here, for a month or something?”

“We’ve been here long enough. I don’t need to be here to help with the job, I have to get back home. Please, just do it. As soon as possible, tomorrow if you can swing it. I’ll gladly pay first class.”

“Okay, whatever, you say…”

Joan seemed crushed at the news, but also seemed to grasp Lissa’s pain. Joan was a good sister.

Dinner that night was a boisterous affair. Twenty Torres family members, the three babies and Julio’s friend Fernando all spoke loudly and happily as first one course and then another was served by Sophia and Senora Torres.

Joan was quiet and so was Lissa as they ate.

“Are you two okay?” Senora Torres asked.

“We’re fine.”

Lissa noticed that Joan was avoiding the eye-contact of Fernando. Lissa wondered if they’d had a falling out, or if she just couldn’t tell him that they would be leaving first thing the next day.

She’d not spoken to Julio in any meaningful way since the phone call, and to her mind, he’d been distant, avoiding her.

After the desert was served, Julio stood up and praised the cooks for the best meal ever.

“Unfortunately, I need to go, I have an appointment in Milan at ten. Fernando’s taking me to the airport.”

“I’ll see you soon,” he said to Lissa, then he gave each of his babies a kiss and left the room.

Lissa couldn’t decide if she was relieved or upset that he’d left so quickly. She was worried that if he came to her room in the night, she wouldn’t be able to take his family away in the morning. But, now it would be easier to go.

She decided not to say anything to anyone until the last minute.

Joan was in a sad mood as she helped Lissa secretly pack.

“Does Julio know you’re going?”


“Don’t you think he deserves to know?”

“He doesn’t tell me what he’s doing and I thought we were partners.”

“Yeah, I see what you mean.”

“Besides, I’m the parent with full rights, he’s just the biological father, I’m just his booty call. And I’m tired of being here. I want to go home.”

“I understand.”

“So, you had the room last night, so it’s your turn to sleep on the cot again,” Lissa reminded her sister.

“Actually, I was wondering if you could cover me one more time. I kind of have a date tonight.”


“Yeah, since we’re leaving, I was hoping…”

“Go, ahead, but promise me you won’t say anything. I don’t want Julio to know that we’re leaving until we’re already gone.”

“I promise.”

That night, Lissa slept fitfully, and so did the babies. It was if they knew that life as they’d begun to know it would change very soon.


Joan roused Lissa out of a deep dream.

“You better get up. The taxi will be here in thirty minutes.”

Lissa hurried upstairs to shower and dress in her travel clothes, and noted that everything except the babies was packed and ready to go. And once again, there was no sign that the guest bed had been slept in. Lissa assumed that Joan had spent the night with Fernando again.

When she came downstairs, the babies were starting to fuss.